November 29, 2021


We were having a family dinner a few Sundays ago and my grandkids were all on their screens and Nick, Molly’s boyfriend commented to the kids, that if would be more fun if they got off their screens….and a flippant reply was made that “there is nothing else to do”…. And the trigger was activated... The “apple juice” pong game was introduced and the fun began and the laughter lingered in my heart as I picked up the solo cups, paddles and balls and leftover snacks. 

But it got me thinking that Thanksgiving was right around the corner, and this time I was going to be prepared. The games began on Wednesday, and were played by all, with spectators on the sidelines. Our family traditionally, dresses up, eats lunch, kids change clothes and the games begin.  We had the paddles and I ordered a net, and Mel carefully designed/constructed a pickleball court out of duck tape on the back driveway. We had a BB shooting contest with easily replaced air filled balloons (clothespins tied to twine) hanging from the trees. And we had a washer throwing game as backup, but we didn’t need it.   They stayed busy and screens were temporarily out of commission by ‘their’ choice.  But the best part was watching as everyone interacted.  There was a lot of conversation, and fun in the midst of slight competitive impulses. The leftover feeling of love, acceptance, support and fun…lingered, and I hope it will for a long time…at least till we meet again.  

But as fun as the games were after, the Thanksgiving lunch before was the dearest blessing of all.  There were 17 seated, ages 7 to 74, (my oldest brother) joined us, and a bowl was passed to pick out a name of one of the persons at the table. Each adult/child  were players. No bowing out!  The game was: Say why you are thankful for the person you drew, and what you ‘personally’ were thankful for. It makes for not an “eat and run” meal, and everyone gets to have time allotted to them alone. The sweet, dear and loving comments were ones to cherish. For each one who spoke, even the little ones in their own way, shared uplifting words of thanksgiving, encouragement and recognition of a special characteristic of the person they chose and then added an appreciation for a blessing that God had given.  

The whole point of this story is what do you leave behind when you have visited someone? Are joy or comfort or gladness components that lingered by something you said or did ....or...? There is a quote out there somewhere that says something like; “People may not remember what you said but they will often times remember how you made them feel.”   No matter who it is we meet with or where, be it a clerk, an employee, a friend or a stranger...a family member etc...we have the chance to leave kindness behind and share something worthy; a lingering thought of love or appreciation. You know what I am talking about...there are times when you have been around someone who has blessed your life just by interacting with you in a special way. They have shown an interest, they have cared, they have helped in some way or another...and sometimes it is just having them around that adds a touch of joy to your day. We recognize that quality in others but the question lies in are we striving to have that impact on others as well.  

We have the potential each day to make a joyful difference in the life of each person we meet. Nothing big...just a simple word of recognition, or appreciation..a hug, a gentle response, a comforting thought. It doesn't take but a minute to let God use our words or our hands for his encouragement and his help. 

Things are pretty busy about now....and we tend to get consumed in our own chores and errands but it doesn't take much to slow down just a bit and consider others....in what we say, how we act, what we do. And leave behind a remnant of joy...especially during this season of Christmas. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. And gratitude can sometimes be just the little spark that is a blessing back to God or one that lifts the heart of someone who is in need.       

There are leftovers in the fridge that often have little appeal...but leftover remnants of joy and the blessing of just caring for or about someone else touches hearts and warms souls......and that is a lingering touch of God himself. Make an effort to be conscious of what you leave behind in conversation...let something that you say be a lingering reminder that life is not just about errands and chores and responsibilities but it is about relationships and people...that is why Christ has put us here. Leave behind a reminder of who Christ is and why we celebrate this special season...leave behind a remnant that can spark a curiosity about a relationship with Christ himself. We are here to love others and to serve them....if someone sees that in us, they too may want to do the same to others.  

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

I can't help but reflect on the precious remnant of love, forgiveness and grace that Christ has left behind for us! 

Dear Lord, I thank you for the leftovers....for precious visits with  friends, for reminders that you leave constantly in my path showing me that you are forever present no matter where my steps lead. Help me to leave behind reminders and remnants that reflect my relationship with you! Amen  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

All past emails can be found at: Cathyjodeit.com (Contents Page)