Feb. 25, 2022
Ray-Pec Community,

Over the past 10 years, the Ray-Pec School District has welcomed over 4,000 kindergartners into our schools. It is always an exciting time to see our youngest learners begin their educational journey in the school district. We are also blessed to have an exceptional Pre-K early childhood program in our district located in the Shull Early Learning Center. Together, these opportunities provide our students with an outstanding start to their formal education.

As we prepare for our new learners, online registration for Fall 2022 opens today for incoming kindergarten students. Parents interested in our Pre-K early childhood program may RSVP beginning today as well. For more information about the registration or RSVP process, please refer to this website page. Additionally, if you know someone who has children ready for a Pre-K early childhood or kindergarten experience in Ray-Pec, please let them know that the window is now open.

We are looking forward to welcoming our next generation of learners!

Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.

Mike Slagle