Order Free At-Home COVID Tests
Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 2 sets of 4 free at-home tests. If you already ordered your first set, order a second today.
The tests can be taken anywhere and give results within 30 minutes (no lab drop-off required).
Women's History Month
Women's History Month, celebrated every March, strives to recognize the accomplishments of all women and the contributions women made to events in history.
This month, and every month, Eden I&R celebrates the dedicated work of its staff and board of directors, the majority of whom are women. These individuals are deeply committed to assisting 211 callers, approximately 2/3 of whom are women, and connecting them to the resources they need to improve their lives.
Free Tax Preparation
Free Tax Help Bay Area provides free tax preparation for anyone who needs it, as well as helping people receive their full tax refunds and credits. This year, low-income taxpayers may qualify for more than $8,000 in refunds from the California and Federal Earned Income Tax Credits.
The deadline to file 2021 taxes is April 18, 2022, for both federal and California tax returns.
To learn more about the Earned Income Tax Credit and find a free tax preparation location near you, visit Free Tax Help or call 211.
Join Our Team!
Associate Director, 211 Contact Center: Manage our largest program while creating a culture of excellence. Click here for details.
Community Resource Specialist: Answer the phone when someone calls 211. Click here for details or here if you're bilingual in Spanish and English.
Development & Outreach Associate: Raise awareness of our programs in the community and among donors and manage the development database. Click here for details.
Meet Our New Care Coordinator
We’re excited to have Nicole Blunt as our new care coordinator. Her job is to connect members of the access and functional needs community with resources to prepare for Public Safety Power Shutoff events.
Nicole currently serves in the United States Air Force Reserves and has more than 8 years of proven experience in public health, administration and logistics.
Recent achievements include being selected for a specialized Air Force seasonal training program and recognition for successful completion with a letter of appreciation and coin from the base commander.
An Oakland veteran experiencing homelessness called seeking substance use help. He was having trouble finding a shelter accepting new intakes because of a recent COVID-19 outbreak. Referrals provided include Veteran Support Services, CalVet, Swords to Plowshares Supportive Services, and Alameda County Social Services Agency Department of Adult and Aging Services’ Veterans Services Office.
Click here to read more 211 call examples from February.
211 By the Numbers - February 2022
211 Alameda County
5,745* conversations handled
7,458 referrals provided
*Includes 21 calls for Covid-19 testing and vaccine appointment scheduling.
70% female
26% single mothers with minor children
51% living with disabilities
Conversations handled reflects both calls and two-way texts to 211.
Average Call Length
6:55 minutes
Average Wait Time
5:59 minutes
Services Database
118 agency record updates
263 program record updates
Housing Database
787 units added
1,819 records updated
"211 staff was compassionate, and she was able to help me and answer all my questions. Thank you."
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project)
AHIP (AIDS Housing Information Project) offers housing and human services resource referrals to People Living with HIV/AIDS via a designated phone line and through one-on-one, in-person assistance at clinics and AIDS Service Organizations.
Last month, AHIP completed 252 calls and 6 face-to-face meetings with clients, provided 939 housing referrals and 216 referrals to services. AHIP completed 1 permanent housing placement, 4 site visits and assisted 2 clients with Coordinated Entry System navigation and document readiness. Year to date, AHIP has provided assistance to 267 unduplicated clients.
25 community web-based meetings & calls attended
33,056 website page views
9,640 website sessions/visitors
Thank You to Our Partners
Partner Spotlight - Courageous Women
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are spotlighting one of the agencies in our 211 database with a focus on serving women.
Courageous Women is an inspiring Oakland-based organization that provides support services, economic resources and empowerment to women and child victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, prostitution and human trafficking, homelessness, addiction and incarceration.
Their mission is to transform lives through career development, permanent housing, economic resources, and unlimited access to services that aid in healing and recovery.