April 18th, 2022
In this message...
  • Submit your abstract AND volunteer to become a reviewer by April 30th!
Abstract submissions due by April 30th!

This year's theme is 150 Years of Creating the Healthiest Nation: Leading the Path Toward Equity

Be sure to submit your abstract to the

Submission deadline:
April 30th, 2022 by 11:59PM PST

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your friendly Program Planners:
Rachel Berkowitz (
Angela Young-Brinn (

CBPHC Call for Abstracts:

CBPHC APHA 2022 Topics:
  1. CBPR and Place-Based Community Transformation for Health Equity
  2. Community Voices: Community Member Perspectives on Community-Academic Partnerships and CBPR (presenting author must be a community member)
  3. Community-Driven Work to Transform Policy
  4. Lessons Learned from CBPR Projects
  5. Measures, Methods, and Evaluation in CBPR
  6. Participatory Approaches to Address Social and Structural Determinants of Health
  7. Partnership in the Time of Pandemics: CBPR and COVID-19
  8. The Scholarship of CBPR: Innovative Strategies to Communicate Findings for Change
  9. Youth Roundtable: Youth Leading the Way to Healthier Communities (presenting author must be a student/youth)
  10. Moving toward Health Equity through CBPR
  11. The Power of CBPR to Achieve Health Equity
  12. Ensuring Health Equity through Participatory Approaches

Volunteer to be an abstract reviewer for the CBPH Caucus' APHA 2022 program

Help us make this year's CBPHC program the best yet!

The portal to sign up to become an abstract reviewer is now open through April 30th, 2022!

1) Select your programs: You can sign up to review for up to 3 APHA Programs in the form. Add the Community-Based Public Health Caucus as one of the Programs.

2) Select your topics to review: Once you add the Caucus, you will see the titles of our abstract submission topics. Select 1-3 that you would like to be a reviewer for.

  • Note: If you are submitting your own abstract(s) to one of our Caucus topics (and we hope you are!), please select a different topic to review.

3) Add your details and submit: Add your name, email, and affiliation when prompted, and indicate if you have any conflicts of interest. You will be asked to share in up to 75 words why you are qualified to serve as an abstract reviewer for these topics (share your experience engaging with community-based and participatory research and practice!). Submit your application by April 30th, 2022!

4) Review your assigned abstracts: On May 4th, you will receive a link to follow to review your abstracts as well as additional instructions from the Program Planners regarding approaches to reviewing for our Caucus' abstracts (since we have 2 abstract structures). You will have until May 25th, 2022 to complete your reviews.

  • Note: You will be assigned you abstracts to review based on your preferences and how our submissions line up. While we will prioritize your preferences, you may be asked to review abstracts from a different topic based on need. If you are at all uncomfortable with what you are asked to review, please let us know.

Deadline to sign up: April 30th, 2022
Abstract reviewing: May 4th-May 25th, 2022

If you have any questions, please contact your friendly neighborhood Program Planners:

Rachel Berkowitz (
Angela Young-Brinn (

Thank you for supporting the Caucus!
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website