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Dear Prayer Partner,

Welcome to the December Extra Insight!

We pray that these stories will be an encouragement to you this month.

In our December Extra Insight we have an update on our Bible-a-Month project in Macedonia, an update from Guatemala and our Bibles for Babies project in Northern Ireland.

Thank you for joining us as we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.
Northern Ireland

In November we were thrilled to launch our Bibles for Babies project for Northern Ireland. Through this project we want to give every baby born in 2021 in Northern Ireland a free toddler Bible on their 1st birthday, and then a children’s Bible on their 5th birthday.
We want to bless families from every background in Northern Ireland; this project is available to everyone, the only criteria is that the baby was born in 2021 and is living in Northern Ireland.

We launched this project on 16th November and were blown away by the response. Our initial target was smashed within the first 24 hours of this project being live, with over 1,000 babies being registered for a Bible! We are so excited to start sending the first Bibles out in January 2022.

Please join us to pray for the babies and families that these toddler Bibles will reach. We want to promote Bible engagement in Northern Ireland and hope that this project will encourage Bible reading from a young age.
If you have recently had a new little one come into your life in 2021, you can sign them up to receive a free toddler Bible.
Prayer Requests from Bible Society NI:

  • Pray for the babies who receive these toddler Bibles, that they would learn Bible stories from a young age.

  • Pray that this project would encourage families to read God's Word together.

  • Pray for the toddler Bibles which go to the homes of non-Christian families. Ask that God would use these Bibles to reach people with His Word.
Join us through December with Thrill of Hope - our Advent Devotional

Starting on the 1st December we will journey through our Advent Devotional towards the 25th December.

Join in with your own copy, follow our Social Media posts @biblesocietyni and prepare for Christmas with us.

Youth Who Cannot Afford a Bible - Macedonia
During the summer holidays, many young people in Macedonia attend summer schools and camps at churches. These young people are eager to learn about the Bible, but often do not have enough money to buy their own copy.

The Bible Society of Macedonia is working to provide these young people with Scripture and to help them encounter the Word of God.

Although lockdowns and restrictions have hindered some of this project, many Bibles were still able to be distributed throughout 2021. The Bible Society of Macedonia works closely with the local church to provide those in need of Scripture with their own copy.

Recently, the Bible Society visited a centre for young people struggling with addiction. Addiction is relatively common in Macedonia and the Bible Society stresses the importance of spiritual health alongside the physical recovery of these young people. They were able to meet and chat with these vulnerable young people, and left Bibles for them.
Pray for this Project:

  • Pray for the young people who receive a Bible through their local summer school. Ask that God would grow them in their faith through His Word.

  • Pray for those young people who are suffering from addiction in Macedonia. Pray that the Bible would be a comfort to them and that they would come to faith in Christ.

  • Pray for the staff and volunteers who carry out this project, pray that God would protect them as they distribute Scripture to young people around Macedonia.
This project is our Bible-a-Month project for December. By becoming a Bible-a-Month partner you will help to provide Scripture to people all over the world every month. You will receive a free calendar with information about this and 11 other Bible Society projects. Commit to giving just £5 each month and you will ensure that the Word of God is shared across the world. Sign up here.
The Free to Live programme in Guatemala helps young women and girls who have been victims of trafficking and sexual abuse.

Recently, they have had an outbreak of COVID-19 in 2 of their homes for young people. They were able to quarantine the infected children and they have since recovered, but the Bible Society has asked for prayers that they children and young people in these homes remain well.

The Bible Society are also excited that they have had 8 women join the team as volunteers to help look after these young people. They have been fully trained and have been given all the tools needed. These women will be a great help in the recovery of these young girls and will also share the Word of God with them.

Please join us in praying for the young people and girls who have been victims of trafficking and abuse.
Pray for this project:

  • Pray that God will speak into these young people’s hearts. That they will know the love and grace of our Heavenly Father.

  • Pray for those who are still caught in people trafficking or abuse. Pray that God would reach out and rescue them.

  • Pray for the staff and volunteers involved with this project. Pray for mental strength as they help these girls to process their trauma.
More from Bible Society NI:
27 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6NB
028 9032 6577 Charity Reg. No. NIC102557

Header image shows a girl who has received a Bible through the Bible a Month programme in Macedonia.
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