Sometimes they really do need to hear it.

"Great job!"
"That's amazing!"
"I'm so proud of you."

Think for a moment about how many times you have heard those words in your life.

We hope your answer is "a lot".

When we work hard and achieve a goal or realize a dream, sometimes the next best feeling is hearing someone acknowledge all it took for us to get there.

Sadly, for some kids, hearing these words of affirmation doesn't happen often and over time this can cause so many to simply stop celebrating their achievements, or maybe even stop trying all together.

This week we are sharing wishes from kids and young adults that represent a job well done, a milestone reached, or a goal met. We hope you'll join us in granting the wishes they have chosen to further these dreams or celebrate these wins so we can tell all of them...

"Great job!"
"That's amazing!"
"I'm so proud of you."

Here they are:


We're proud of you too,
Danielle and The OSW Team
There are currently 265 wishes waiting to be granted,
totaling over $52,000.
You can also donate any amount towards wishes by donating here.
Please keep sharing our mission with everyone you know!
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