A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
How these Canadian cows are burping less methane (Mar. 21, BBC)
Canadian dairy farmer Ben Loewith is among the first farmers to start genetically breeding cows to produce less methane, a potent greenhouse gas produced when cows burp.
GIS technology refines management of agricultural impact in Lake Erie basin (Mar. 19, U of G research program Food from Thought)
An ag-tech case study that explores the innovative research of Alliance-funded researcher Dr. Wanhong Yang.
U of G professors receive renewed Canada Research Chair funding (Mar. 13, U of G News)
Alliance-funded researchers receive Canada Research Chairs.
Meet GIGAS, the U of G robot using AI to pick tomatoes (Mar. 12, U of G News)
The U of G-developed technology uses deep learning and an image database to identify the tomato amidst environmental obstacles and to figure out how to grab it from the vine. The robot's development was funded in part by the Alliance and could help address agricultural labour shortages.
RoboCrop: Ontario's farming future? (Mar. 12, TVO Today)
Alliance-funded researcher Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald discusses new technology being utilized on Ontario farms.
New $3.5M gift to elevate Canada’s poultry and egg industry globally (Mar. 11, U of G News)
Improving innovation and sustainability in the Canadian poultry and egg sector is the goal of a new $3.5 million gift from the William and Lynne Gray Foundation and L.H. Gray & Son Limited to the University of Guelph.
Let your cover crop do the tilling? (Mar. 11, Top Crop Manager)
Alliance-funded researchers Drs. Laura Van Eerd and Joshua Nasielski discuss bio-strip tillage and other approaches for preparing a seedbed for corn.
Research suggests canola flower midge are native species (Mar. 7, Farmtario)
Dr. Rebecca Hallett discussed her Alliance-funded research that involves determining whether canola flower midge (CFM) migrated from the Prairies, or whether it is a native species that adapted to using canola as a host, and how the two midges interact.
Clubroot pathotypes overcoming resistance, research finds (Mar. 5, Farmtario)
Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald discusses how the number of resistant pathotypes is expanding.
What impact does a mild winter have on local agriculture? (Feb. 28, Elora Fergus Today)
U of G crop scientist Dr. Joshua Nasielski speaks about what effects this mild winter is likely to have on Wellington County agriculture.