April 2024

Alliance Innovations

A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph

Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world. 

In this issue:

  • Talking dirt(y): Alliance-supported soil knowledge mobilization in action
  • People of the Alliance: Dr. Laura Van Eerd
  • 2024 KTT Symposium details
  • 2024 Rural Symposium presentations now available
  • Upcoming events
  • Alliance people, places and programs in the media

Talking dirt(y)

The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance leverages the University of Guelph’s Soils at Guelph initiative to reach Ontario producers with the soil health knowledge and tools they need to make on-farm decisions.

Soil science knowledge generated by U of G researchers is moving beyond the field. 

Read how five Alliance-funded Soils at Guelph initiatives from the past five years are generating impact and training future soil health leaders.

  1. "Talk Dirty to Me" podcast
  2. “Cooking with Covers” video series
  3. Case studies blending farmer experience with scientific principles
  4. Interactive tools helping growers understand tile drainage
  5. Expanded online Cover Crop Decision Tool and cover crop "recipe cards"
Read the full article

People of the Alliance

Dr. Laura Van Eerd

School of Environmental Sciences, Ridgetown Campus, University of Guelph,

Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance research program director

As a professor of sustainable soil management at the University of Guelph, Dr. Laura Van Eerd focuses on helping farmers find solutions that enhance soil health, crop productivity and profit margins. 

Van Eerd’s internationally recognized research program helps advance knowledge about the role of cover crops and other management techniques on soil health and productivity. 

As recognized by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) reviewer, much of the current research on cover crops in North America is “attempting to build on the initial knowledge that Van Eerd has created.”

Van Eerd’s cover crop and soil health work have helped to shape several policies and programs, such as Ontario’s Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy and the Ontario Cover Crops Strategy. 


15 projects funded by the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance

Co-director and founding member of Soils At Guelph

Recognized as one of six Influential Women in Canada

Follow Laura Van Eerd on X @LauraVanEerd

Read Dr. Van Eerd's feature

KTT Symposium

Tuesday, April 30 | 9 a.m. 1 p.m.

Hybrid Event | U of G Arboretum and Zoom

The annual Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Symposium, led by the University of Guelph and OMAFRA, is back in spring 2024 with a focus on building skills for the future of KTT in agri-food.

This symposium brings together participants from government, academia, industry and local communities to support networking and capacity development in the agri-food KTT community, and to learn more about KTT projects funded by the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

Join us on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in person at the U of G Arboretum Centre or online to:

  • Learn about the power and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for KTT in the agri-food space and how AI can elevate our work
  • Build practical skills for using AI in your own KTT work
  • Hear from Alliance-funded researchers about effective and innovative KTT for the future
  • Network with colleagues from across government, academia and industry who are working to enhance outcomes in the agri-food sector through innovative KTT strategies
KTT Symposium registration details

2024 Rural Symposium presentations available

The 2024 Rural Symposium took place on March 5, co-hosted by the U of G School of Environmental Design and Rural Development and the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.

This annual event provides an opportunity for U of G graduate students to showcase their rural research to policymakers, policy analysts and OMAFRA program staff. The event also facilitates valuable knowledge mobilization and network building.

Explore Volume 8 of the journal Rural Review, which contains oral and poster presentations from the event.

Please reach out to presenters if you have questions or would like further information.

Volume 8 Rural Review

Upcoming events

The Future of Cybersecurity in Agriculture: Networking Event

April 24, 2024, Cutten Fields, Guelph

2 5 p.m.

Join the Research Innovation Office at U of G for an immersive exploration into the future of cybersecurity in agriculture and a networking opportunity.

Event registration

Ontario Agri-Tech Pitch Competition

June 20, 2024, 120-150 Research Lane, Guelph and online

10 11:30 a.m.

The Research Innovation Office at U of G is excited to announce the Ontario Agri-Tech Pitch Competition in collaboration with the Government of Ontario.

Event details


A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.

How these Canadian cows are burping less methane (Mar. 21, BBC)

Canadian dairy farmer Ben Loewith is among the first farmers to start genetically breeding cows to produce less methane, a potent greenhouse gas produced when cows burp.

GIS technology refines management of agricultural impact in Lake Erie basin (Mar. 19, U of G research program Food from Thought)

An ag-tech case study that explores the innovative research of Alliance-funded researcher Dr. Wanhong Yang.

U of G professors receive renewed Canada Research Chair funding (Mar. 13, U of G News)

Alliance-funded researchers receive Canada Research Chairs.

Meet GIGAS, the U of G robot using AI to pick tomatoes (Mar. 12, U of G News)

The U of G-developed technology uses deep learning and an image database to identify the tomato amidst environmental obstacles and to figure out how to grab it from the vine. The robot's development was funded in part by the Alliance and could help address agricultural labour shortages.

RoboCrop: Ontario's farming future? (Mar. 12, TVO Today)

Alliance-funded researcher Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald discusses new technology being utilized on Ontario farms.

New $3.5M gift to elevate Canada’s poultry and egg industry globally (Mar. 11, U of G News)

Improving innovation and sustainability in the Canadian poultry and egg sector is the goal of a new $3.5 million gift from the William and Lynne Gray Foundation and L.H. Gray & Son Limited to the University of Guelph.

Let your cover crop do the tilling? (Mar. 11, Top Crop Manager)

Alliance-funded researchers Drs. Laura Van Eerd and Joshua Nasielski discuss bio-strip tillage and other approaches for preparing a seedbed for corn.

Research suggests canola flower midge are native species (Mar. 7, Farmtario)

Dr. Rebecca Hallett discussed her Alliance-funded research that involves determining whether canola flower midge (CFM) migrated from the Prairies, or whether it is a native species that adapted to using canola as a host, and how the two midges interact.

Clubroot pathotypes overcoming resistance, research finds (Mar. 5, Farmtario)

Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald discusses how the number of resistant pathotypes is expanding.

What impact does a mild winter have on local agriculture? (Feb. 28, Elora Fergus Today)

U of G crop scientist Dr. Joshua Nasielski speaks about what effects this mild winter is likely to have on Wellington County agriculture.

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This newsletter is produced by the University's Office of Research. The views expressed are the views of the University and do not necessarily reflect those of OMAFRA. Questions regarding the OMAFRA-University of Guelph Agreement can be addressed to