Housing Connection
June 2020
Building communities together.

TSAHC believes in the power of education and building capacity for our nonprofit housing partners. Through Housing Connection, we help affordable housing and counseling organizations access trainings, promote themselves, build capacity, as well as provide a network where best practices can be shared. 
Monthly Spotlight:

Free Upcoming Webinar:

Mortgage Math Made Simple for Homeownership Professionals - (NeighborWorks America: HO206el)
Registration Deadline:  Friday July 3rd, 2020

Register today for NeighborWorks'  Mortgage Math Made Simple for Homeownership Professionals webinar to gain confidence with the basic calculations used in residential mortgage lending. 

Webinar registration is limited!  Please visit the link below to register:
Mark Your Calendars:

Webinar date: June 17th,  11:00am-12:00pm CST

Thursday, June 18th  11:00am - 1:00pm CST

Register  by: June 23rd , 5:30pm CST
Webinar date: June 24th, 11:00am-12:00pm CST

Tuesday, July 7th 8:00am - 4:30pm CST

Housing Connection  has been rescheduled to 
December 7th-11th, 2020. The course offerings and
scholarship application may be found via the link below:
Recent News:

Source: Down Payment Resource

Homebuyers are wondering what COVID-19 will mean for their home financing plans. Will down payment assistance be available? Are low down payment loans still available? What about credit score and employment verification changes?

The good news is that down payment assistance programs and low down payment loans are still widely available. However, the market is very fluid and some programs modified eligibility requirements and made process changes.

Source: GreenPath Financial Wellness-

Credit card hardship programs are designed to help consumers through a tough financial time, with protections for anyone who might otherwise default.  To figure out what steps to take, it is useful to understand how credit card hardship programs work, how to qualify and what other options are available.

For those facing income loss as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, impacted by a natural disaster, or facing other financial changes, a credit card hardship program might offer some relief in making payments.

Source: Down Payment Resource- Business Insider

Down payment help sounds great, but how does it actually work? What process should you follow?

While down payment programs vary greatly by state and community, there are some universal steps that will help you stay on track if a homeownership program is part of your home financing plan. Let's look at how it worked for one Florida buyer highlighted in  Business Insider.

Thanks to Our Supporters:

Jael Zelada, TSAHC Approved Lender
Southwest Funding

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