Ravalli County 4-H
February 2023 Newsletter
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February 3 Beef Producers Livestock Judging Contest
February 4 Carbon County Archery Shoot
February 6 Goat Quality Assurance Opportunity
February 7 Horse Committee Meeting
February 9 Cowboy Poetry
February 11 Cowboy Ball
February 14 Foundation Scholarship Deadline
Ravalli County 4-H Poultry Project Meeting
February 17-19 Volunteer Institute
February 20 4-H Livestock Committee Meeting
March 17-19 Rec Lab
March 20 4-H Advisory Council Meeting
March 1 4-H Enrollment and Dues Deadline
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2023 4-H Advisory Council Meetings | |
Mondays at 6:00PM
January 23, 2023
March 20, 2023
May 15, 2023
July 17, 2023
Sept. 18, 2023
Victor Fire Hall, 2383 Meridian Rd, Victor, MT 59875
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2023 4-H Livestock Committee Meetings | |
Mondays at 6:00PM
Feb. 20, 2023
April 17, 2023
June 19, 2023
August 14, 2023
Sept. 25, 2023
Oct. TBD
Victor Fire Hall, 2383 Meridian Rd, Victor, MT 59875
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2021-2022 Year End Financials | |
Thank you to those clubs who have completed and submitter their end of the year paperwork. If you have yet to do this please complete your end of year financials and submit them to the extension office. If you have questions regarding year end financials for 4-H clubs click the dollar sign for more information.
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Outdoor Adventure 1
Next meeting TBD
Contact: Gabby, gabby.burns.coffee@gmail.com
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Junk Drawer Robotics 1
Meetings every 4th Tuesday
Date: TBD
Time: 6 PM - 7 PM
Location: Meeting Room across from Extension Office
Contact: Gabby, gabby.burns.coffee@gmail.com
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Poultry Project Meeting
2nd Tuesday of the Month
Date: Beginning 12-13-2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: 1st Floor Meeting Room or Commissioners Meeting Room and WebEx
Contact: Virginia Chaffin, 406-381-8458 or chaffinv17@gmail.com
Cowboy Poetry Project Meeting
Good morning, all! Cowboy Poetry starts this Thursday, January 12th! We will meet at 7:00 pm in The Gallery (Back Room) at Coffee Cup. We will meet 4 times this year: January 12, February 9th, March 9th and April 13th. Please let me know if you would like to participate so I can get a binder ready for everyone. Cowboy Poetry is a fun way to spark your imagination, tell a story, and hone your writing skills! My phone number is 406-369-1588. Call or text to sign up or request further information.
PS I’ll treat everyone to pie at the meetings!
Contact: Dominic, 406-369-1588
Rabbit Project Meeting
3rd Thursday of the Month
Date: TBD
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: TBD
Contact: Katie Freeman, 406-210-0814 or junkbunny3@aol.com
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Ranch Horse Project Meeting
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Contact: Kim Jones, 530-701-9497
Dog Project Meeting
Date: Every Thursday
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: Dog Arena at the Fairgrounds
Project and WebEx
Contact: Nicki Arndt, 406-369-0707, positivechangesllc@yahoo.com
Cake Decorating Project Meeting
4th Sunday of the month
Date: TBD
Location: TBD and Team Reach
Time: TBD
Contact: Crystal, 406-239-4034 or crj.mt14@yahoo.com
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Teen Leader Coordinator
Camp Coordinator/Director
Dairy Superintendent
Corner Cafe Director
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4-H Poultry Project Meeting | |
February 14, 2023
6:30pm - 8:00pm
1st Floor Conference Room and WebEx
In person attendance highly encouraged.
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Welcome to Ravalli County 4H Horse for 2023!
I'm Kim Jones, the Vice Chair of the Ravalli County Horse Program and the County Leader for Working Ranch Horse. I felt it important to reach out to all currently signed up members to welcome you and to invite you to our upcoming Horse Events.
*February 7th at 6:00pm at the Hamilton House in Victor: Our Monthly 4-H Horse Meeting for Ravalli County. This is where we plan activities and discuss all upcoming memberships, events, learning opportunities, fair, etc. for your kiddos. Our main focus this meeting will be for Our Annual Fundraiser at the Cowboy Ball.
*February 11th at 3:00pm at the First Interstate Building at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds: 4H Horse Annual Fundraiser. Please sign up to bring desserts and participate, as this is how we earn money to pay for extra expenses for horse. The patrons at the Cowboy Ball always love to see our youth at this event, serving and visiting, so make sure you sign your kiddo up for a shift! You can click on the following link to sign up: Cowboy Ball 2023
Tuesday January 10, 2023 at the Hamilton House in Victor @ 6:00 pm.
Tuesday February 7, 2023 at the Hamilton House in Victor @ 6:00 pm
Tuesday March 14, 2023 at the Hamilton House in Victor @ 6:00 pm.
4-H horse members highly encouraged to attend. Members need to attend to help with planning of the Cowboy Ball dessert fundraiser.
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Livestock Judging Opportunity |
Judge livestock with Ravalli County 4-H. Livestock judging contests are available throughout the year and across the state.
Join the Ravalli County 4-H Livestock Judging Team. All 4-H ages are welcome..
Upcoming contests include Montana Ag Expo in Bozeman in November, KMON in Great Falls in January, Missoula County Invitational in Missoula in April, and possibly State 4-H Congress in Bozeman in July. Contact project leader Ben Meyer at 239-1213 or meyer.ben.a@gmail.com.
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Sheep Named Bob Needs a New Home | |
Bob needs a new home. Contact the Extension for further details. 406.375.6611 | |
Steers and Heifers for 4-H Projects | |
Steers for sale that have been worked with. Many have been led and tied and are gentle for all stages of 4Hers and showmen. Isabelle Lowry would enjoy the opportunity to work with 4-H'ers to help them with a successful project this season. Some select heifers that would be great to show and then breed are also available for sale.
Kimberly Lowry / Broker Associate, Licensed in MT
klowry@fayranches.com / 406.490.4323
Fay Ranches, Inc.
800.238.8616 / fax 406.586.4020
Helena, MT 59722
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Sheep and Goat Quality Assurance Training | |
February 6, 2023
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Where: 2383 Meridian Rd, Victor, MT 59875
All market animal project participants encouraged to attend.
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Quality Assurance Save the Dates:
There will be 4 quality assurance meetings offered. Livestock members must attend Quality Assurance to be able to sell at the fair. All species are welcome to attend any of the quality assurance meetings. A few will be more species specific as indicated below.
Monday, February 6, 2023, 6:00 p.m., Victor Fire Hall - Goat & Sheep
Sunday, February 19, 2023, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: TBD. Hosted by Bitterroot Stockgrowers. Animal Selection and Basic Care will be covered. All species are welcome.
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: TBD. Hosted by Bitterroot Stockgrowers. There will be a guest speaker, either a vet or nutritionist. All species welcome.
Sunday, April 16, 2023, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: TBD. Hosted by Bitterroot Stockgrowers. There will be a guest speaker, either a vet or nutritionist. All species welcome.
Please feel free to contact your organizational leader, barn superintendent, 4-H Extension Office or myself if you have any questions.
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Ravalli County Livestock Committee is now accepting superintendent applications for 2023:
Dairy Superintendent
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MT 4-H Leadership Academy | |
Join the Montana 4-H Leadership Academy workshop on Sunday afternoons in 2022 and 2023. The Leadership Academy is a network of Montana 4-H members interested in exploring and developing their own leadership skills while serving their local 4-H program in new ways.
Local leadership groups will have an opportunity to join with members from around the state as well as the Montana 4-H Ambassador Officer team, virtually, to work on skill building, planning and mentorship.
Each month the officer team will be presenting a different workshop topic that they found to be important as they have grown their own leadership abilities. This workshop can be paired with a local county leadership meeting to work on county projects that serve the local 4-H program and community.
County Leadership groups should plan to meet face to face whenever possible and engage in the virtual statewide workshop together. However, participants are welcome to join the online workshop as individuals.
This time can be viewed as a leadership club meeting. County ambassadors can aid in planning and facilitating these local workshop meetings. All workshops are Sunday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.
November 20: Connection with Cloverbuds
December 11: What Makes a Leader
January 8: Power of Positivity
February 5: Tools for Facilitation
March 5: The Butterfly Effect on Leadership
Visit the webpage for complete descriptions: https://www.montana4h.org/programs/youth_leadership/academy.html
To receive the zoom meeting link and info for this workshop series please complete the short registration by clicking the "Register Now" on this montana4h.org page
Once the form is complete an email containing the zoom meeting link for all 5 workshops will be sent automatically.
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MT 4-H Volunteer Institute | |
Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute
Billings, MT February 17-19, 2023
The Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute is open to all 4-H volunteers in Montana. Registration cost is $75 and we will be at the Double Tree Hotel downtown. The institute will be a great opportunity to learn from other volunteers and Extension Agents, network, and celebrate the accomplishment of volunteers across Montana.
Here is the link to register for the Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute. The Institute will be in Billings February 17-19, 2023. The link for the hotel room block can be found in the registration description. The Montana 4-H Center will invoice counties after registration has closed for registration cost.
Link is for volunteers and can access on their dashboard.
System Registration Link (must be logged into ZSuite to go to the registration page):
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4-H Shooting Sports Trainings
- Billings: Spring 2023
- Logan: Spring 2023
Forms can be found soon on the Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Page, will be updated soon!
Montana 4-H State Shoot: March 3-5, 2023
National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships: June 25-30, 2023
- The Shiloh Rifle Raffle Tickets are available. Counties will receive half of the money turned in from tickets sold. The other half will go to the Midway Foundation to support the Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Program. Please see the attached poster. If your county would like to get tickets, please let me know and I will mail them to you.
- Due to scheduling conflicts and low numbers, the Circle training will not be rescheduled. We will look to have a training in Eastern Montana next fall.
- There are two more Shooting Sports Leader Trainings scheduled for the spring. Please see the attached information.
- Billings – March 31 – April 1, 2023. Disciplines offered are Archery, Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, and Coordinator.
- Manhattan Wildlife Association – Logan – April 21 – 22, 2023. Disciplines offered are Western Heritage, Muzzle-loading, and Shotgun.
- For all of the County Invitationals, please see the Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Events page. All information is included.
- The State Shoot is scheduled for March 3-5, 2023 in Bozeman. The registration is now open. Please go the Shooting Sports Events Page to access the registration process and information. I am attaching the General Rules and the Match Program.
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International and Exchange Opportunities | |
International Hosting & Exchange Opportunities for 2023-2024
Family Hosting Opportunities short-term and long term
- 13 Japanese Youth Delegates & Chaperone (~4 weeks in July/Aug)
- 2 Norwegian Youth Delegates (~4 weeks in end of June-end of July)
- 2 Japanese Youth Delegates for Academic Year Program (~Aug-June)
Outbound 2023 Summer Programs are 4 weeks (or 8 weeks - Japan only)
· Argentina
· Costa Rica
· Finland
· Norway
· Romania
· Taiwan
· Korea
· Japan
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Thank you to those that participated in Legislative Breakfast 2023. Also thank you to Wayne Rusk for sharing breakfast with Ravalli County 4-H'ers and 4-H volunteers. | |
4-H Education Scholarship | |
Greetings High School Seniors!
Montana 4-H Foundation is happy to inform you that we are now accepting applications for higher education scholarships. Please note the due date has been changed this year to February 14, 2023. This deadline will provide more time to review and score applications, inform county agents, and notify all applicants of results prior to school graduation dates.
To begin the process, please review all scholarship eligibility and criteria on the Montana 4-H Foundation website. https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/scholarships.html
To apply you will need an electronic copy of your transcripts and letters of recommendation. Be sure to gather those in advance.
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Small Pork Producer Conference | |
There will also be the first annual Montana Small Pork Producer Conference on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at the Montana ExpoPark’s Family and Living Center. The conference is a collaboration between MSU Extension and MPPC to bring education on raising hogs, marketing, genetics, veterinarian care, pork protein, pork nutrition, etc. and is possible through the MSU Extension Innovation Grant. The conference is geared toward Montanans who have a small hog production, 4-H hog breeding project, FFA SAE hog project, Extension agents, FFA advisors, and anyone interested in small pork production. All agents are welcome to attend! Invited speakers and topics are:
- Randy Shipley; Shipley Swine Genetics
- TS Laurens; Redneck Meats
- Anna Forseth, DVM; National Pork Producers
- Jared Long; Long’s Livestock
- Central Avenue Meats
- Discounts Meats
- Pork appetizer stations by local Montana chefs
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From the State 4-H Office Connection | |
Dates: March 9 - 12, 2023 & February 7 - 10, 2024
Location: Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC
2023 Registration Rates: $950 per person (youth or adult)
Registration Includes:
- High-impact programming featuring national experts and leaders along with opportunities for career exploration, local action planning and building connections with teens from across the country.
- Room and board (based on double occupancy for both youth and adults)
- All meals and breaks (excluding state-organized meals and events)
- Support from trained collegiate facilitators and Program Assistants
- DC area site visits and all program materials
End of Year Financial Information
Assessment Sheet have been emailed out, if you have not receive it, please contact elisa.henry@montana.edu or 406-994-3501. Assessment sheets are due March 1, along with the 1% fee, if you are under the 4-H Foundation umbrella.
E-post card filing is due February 15, 2023 to the IRS. Currently the IRS site is down for maintenance, I will send out a notification when it is back up.
Summer 2023 National Citizenship Washington Focus
A one week summer program in Washington D.c. where teens experience the capital as their classroom and connects young leaders from across the country to gain skills to be effective change agents: Washington Focus Website
Cost:~$1,495/youth or adult for double occupancy (this cost includes the bus excursions however does NOT include flight)
- CWF Session #1: June 11-16, 2023
- CWF Session #2: July 2-7, 2023
Application form on MT 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus page: https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/cit-wa-focus.html
State Contact: Christine Sommers-Austin at c.sommersaustin@montana.edu or (406) 994-3504
Horse Project News
2023 Montana 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show
- September 9-10, 2023, 406 Arena, Vaughn, MT
2023 Montana 4-H State Horse Show
- September 22-24, 2023, Cottonwood Arena, Joliet, MT
2023 National 4-H Study
Measuring the Impact of High Quality Positive Youth Development
- Data collection timeframe is January 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023
- Email invitation distributed to parent/guardian of all enrolled youth ages 13-18
- Electronic Survey Link (to be included in e-mail invitation)
- Inquiring about IRB approval requirements
On Air Radio Interviews
KDBM-KBEV Dillon, Montana
- Has interviewed 4-H youth every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. for 25 years.
- Both live and recorded for later – 5-10 minutes.
- Individual or up to four youth.
- Talk about 4-H projects or upcoming events.
- Could use the format for communication contest category.
- Radio station finds a sponsor who gets recognized on air.
We look forward to hosting the 2023 – 28th Annual Montana State 4-H Shooting & Archery Sports Competition on March 3 to March 5, 2023 in Bozeman.
Range Fees: All competitors will each be charged a $15 range fee to help with the increased cost of the facility. The range fee will increase to $20.00 on February 8, 2023.
The cost of each event entry is $14.00. Time slots will be first come first serve. Firing points will be automatically assigned for all disciplines. Be sure to allow plenty of time to go from venue to venue.
Registration is organized by selected from the following disciplines, events and classes:
- Target Archery
- 3D Archery- max 1 event
- Air Pistol: Supported 9-12 or Unsupported 9-15+
- Air Rifle: 3P: Precision or Sporter
- Air Rifle: Prone: Sporter
- Air Rifle: Standing: Precision or Sporter
- Silhouette:Air Rifle or Air Pistol
- Smallbore: Rifle or Pistol: Competitor MUST be 10 as of October 1, 2022
For more information and registration: https://fairentry.com/Fair/SignIn/17932
Montana 4-H Foundation News
Reminds & Deadlines
Montana 4-H Rec Lab Registration
Registration is completed using Zsuite. Enrolled members and volunteers can access the registration by clicking on events on the left sidebar. The event will only be visible to eligible members (4-H age 13+).
There is A Zsuite help sheet that describes the steps to view and approve for participants in Zsuite. Also describes payment process for statewide events. https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/rec_lab/EventRegistrationApprovalandPaymentProcess.pdf
Montana 4-H Congress
- Registration will open May 1
- Registration Deadline is June 15
- Event MSU Bozeman Tuesday July 11- Friday July 14
- Pre-Congress and Officer Selection Sunday July 9 - Tuesday 11
- State Contests Wednesday July 12
Youth State Award
Deadline is May 1, 2023. Members apply in a project area they have mastered and "gone above and beyond" regular project expectations. Communication, Goals/Learning, Leadership and Service are the 4 categories. PLEASE reach out to youth in your county that may fit this criteria. Share with Organizational and Project leaders that may know of youth that fit this criteria. https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/awards/state-awards.html
Leadership Plan of Action
Due June 1
County Ambassadors interested in applying to be State Officers Applications due June15. https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/youth_leadership/officer_team.html
Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute
Billings, MT February 17-19, 2023
The Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute is open to all 4-H volunteers in Montana. Registration cost is $75 and we will be at the Double Tree Hotel downtown. The institute will be a great opportunity to learn from other volunteers and Extension Agents, network, and celebrate the accomplishment of volunteers across Montana.
Agents, please take the time to think of 5 people to personally invite to this event that you believe would benefit.
Thank you for those who submitted a workshop proposals!
International Hosting & Exchange Opportunities for 2023-2024
Delegates live with host families and experience aspects of daily life that allow them to more deeply understand both their host culture and their own culture.
- Costa Rica: June 21-July 20, 2023
- South Korea: July 17-August 15, 2023
- Japan 4 week: July 12-August 10, 2023
- Japan 8 week: June 14-August 10, 2023
For more information regarding these programs and for application access, please contact Christine Sommers-Austin at c.sommersaustin@montana.edu or (406)994-3504. Montana's application deadline for 2023 summer outbound exchanges is December 31, 2022.
Leadership Academy: Online series
Members 12+, 4-H Age
Join the Montana 4-H Leadership Academy workshop on Sunday afternoons in 2022/2023. The leadership academy is a network of Montana 4-H members interested in exploring and developing their own leadership skills while serving their county 4-H program in new ways.
County Leadership groups should plan to meet face to face whenever possible and engage in the virtual state wide workshop together.
This time can be viewed as a leadership club meeting. County ambassadors can aid in planning and facilitating these local workshop meetings. The following agenda is currently being planned. All workshops are Sunday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00. Zoom links for each workshop session will be emailed to county extension offices and can be shared locally.
Visit the webpage for complete for descriptions: https://www.montana4h.org/programs/youth_leadership/academy.html
To receive the zoom meeting link and info for this workshop series please complete the short registration by clicking the "Register Now" on this montana4h.org page. Once the form is complete an email containing the zoom meeting link for all 5 workshops will be sent automatically.
- December 11, 2022
- January 8, 2023
- February 5, 2023
- March 5, 2023
4-H Shooting Sports Trainings
- Billings: April 2023
- Manhattan Wildlife Association: Location TBD/May 2023
More information can be found at: Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Page,
Montana 4-H State Shoot: March 3-5, 2023
National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships: June 25-30, 2023
Montana 4-H Foundation:
Staff Development of Innovative Programing Grant:
We have received grant applications from Judith Basin, Glacier County, and Liberty County and it is looking like funds will still be available so if you would like to apply for a Staff Development of Innovative Programming Grant, the next deadline is April 1, 2023. Applications here: https://www.mt4hfoundation.org/grants.html
Scholarships for 4-H youth attending higher education will go live soon (early December). A couple changes this year are that youth submitting applications will attach their own letters of recommendation and transcripts at time of application so that emails are not lost in spam and incomplete applications are never finished. Please be on the lookout for more information from the 4-H Foundation soon.
More News:
Celebration: 4-H Alumni & Collegiate 4-H President Cade Duran was selected as the lead collegiate facilitator for National 4-H Conference.
National 4-H Annual Impact Study
Exploring the relationship between program quality, learning, and program impact. The 4-H Center will be distributing the survey after the beginning of the new year, directly to the youth.
- Study Timeline: January 1-May 31, 2023
- Distribute a survey link to youth ages 13-18 that are enrolled in 4-H programs.
Extension 4-H Institute
- April 4-5, 2023 in Miles City
- April 18-19, 2023 in Missoula
Volunteer Spotlight
Montana Curriculum Advisory Team
Quick Reminders:
- Montana 4-H Rec Lab March 17-19, 2023 Culbertson, MT
- State Award Application deadline May 1, 2023
- Deadline to Apply for Ambassador officer Team June 15, 2023
- Montana 4-H Pre- Congress and Officer Selection July 9-11 Bozeman
- Montana 4-H Congress July 11-14, 2023 Bozeman
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Kimberly Richardson
MSU Extension Agent
Agriculture, Horticulture and Natural Resources
MSU Extension Agent
4-H Youth Development
Taylor Edmunds
Administrative Assistant
MSU/Ravalli County Extension Office
215 S. 4th Street, Ste G
Hamilton, MT 59840
Phone: 406.375.6611
Connect on Facebook:
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. | | | | |