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Eastern Regional Association March 2024 Newsletter

Pastor Spotlight

Pastor Sam Cobb

Sam grew up in Ashland, Maine, where he attended the Ashland Advent Christian Church and Dunntown Advent Christian Church. He came to faith at 15 after hearing the gospel preached at Camp Nomacca. Shortly after

his profession of faith, he desired to pursue ministry as a vocation. He attended BICS after graduating high school in 2006 and spent a year at Lancaster Bible College, where he learned that he was not suited for campus life. So, in the fall of 2008, he returned to the Berkshires to attend

a 2nd year at BICS and learn from the leaders of Hope Church. After his 2nd year at BICS, he enrolled in the Antioch School for Church Planting and Leadership Development as he worked for BICS and in retail. In the fall of 2010, he married his wife, Hannah Sturtevant, and they continued to serve as BICS resident staff while Sam continued his degree work through Antioch School. In September 2011, Sam was hired as a part-time youth pastor at Hope Church in Lenox, MA. In 2017, he entered full-time ministry as he took on the Minister of Christian Education responsibilities at Hope Church. With those responsibilities, Sam has enjoyed serving on the worship team, teaching Sunday School classes, leading a Koinonia Group, and being part of the eldership at Hope Church. Developing a deep love for their church family, Sam and Hannah have settled into the Berkshires and are looking forward to participating in the mission of Christ in and through Hope Church.

Psalm 22:1-5

 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

    Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?

O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest.

Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises[a] of Israel.

In you our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you delivered them.

To you they cried and were rescued; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

Defining Lament

    Psalm 22 is a lament. A lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. Laments are formed out of crisis, whether physical illness, the guilt of sin, interpersonal conflict, or mourning. Did you know that approximately one-third to one-half of the Psalms are considered lament? Imagine that. The book Israel used to worship God is filled with songs of sorrow!

    Why would I bring all this up in a “short” devotional? For two reasons. First, I don’t know that the church has always done well at teaching its members the biblical precedent of lament. Even in my theological education, I haven’t encountered many resources that teach how to handle deep emotions like sorrow, mourning, and grief. This leads to my second reason for sharing from a Psalm of lament: I believe this gap in our theology has created a Christian culture that gives little to no room for the expression of lament, especially lament as worship.

Precedent of Lament

    Yet, as I have already stated, the Psalms are filled with this language, this expression of sorrow, even in moments of worship. If we had the time, we could dig into the Scriptures and find evidence of lament everywhere. That’s because it’s a regularly used language of faith and worship to God during difficult moments. However, for the sake of brevity, I’ll focus on where Psalm 22 points us: to Jesus. Hundreds of years before Jesus came in the flesh, Isaiah, the prophet, spoke about the sorrow of Christ.

Isaiah 53:2-4 says,

“For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.

He was despised and rejected[b] by men, a man of sorrows[c] and acquainted with[d] grief;

and as one from whom men hide their faces[f] he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken,

    smitten by God, and afflicted.”

    Putting our sins upon himself, the blessed Son of God took on the ultimate sorrow as he hung upon the cross. Jesus didn’t pay for our sins in the grave; He paid for them on the cross. As He hung there, beaten, tortured, and nailed, He experienced the total cost of sin, the full wrath of God. Lots of people focus on the idea of the physical side of Jesus’ punishment as payment for sin. What He experienced was certainly brutal physical punishment. However, that was not the totality of what He suffered.

    The unholy cannot be in the presence of the holy. What transpired as Jesus hung upon the cross, bearing our sin upon himself, was nothing short of God removing Himself from Jesus. The full weight of sin’s punishment is no longer being in God’s presence. And how does Jesus express His sorrow and desolation, in the moment of God’s complete absence? He quotes Psalm 22 and cries out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)

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At Alton Bay Christian Conference Center

Sponsored by the Eastern Regional Association and the

Maranatha Advent Christian Conference

May 7-9, 2024

Speakers: Chris Date of Rethinking Hell

Justin Nash, Executive Director for ACGC

Click for More Info

ACGC Spotlight

Catherine Rybicki

Catherine Rybicki serves as the Missions Engagement Coordinator at the Advent Christian General Conference. Her role is primarily connecting Advent Christian churches in America with how the Lord is at work in Advent Christian missions overseas. Catherine graduated from the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies (BICS) in 2011. She holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Toccoa Falls College, and a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Catherine lives in Matthews, NC. 

Gratitude for Christ’s Sacrificial Love

Easter is my favorite holiday of the year. I know, many people might think, “Easter? Not Christmas? Or your Birthday?” Nope! Easter Sunday is my favorite holiday.

Easter Sunday, 1999, my mom, a single mom simply seeking to raise her daughter well, finally accepted an invitation to a church from her co-worker. We both woke up and got ready that morning, and attended Hope Community Fellowship in Loganville, GA pastored by Rev. Brent Ross.

We never left. We kept returning Sunday after Sunday.

I surely had no inclination how this one parental act, a mom taking her daughter to church on Easter Sunday, would ultimately impact my life. This was my entry into the Advent Christian denomination, my introduction to church life and church culture, and my welcoming into the fold of the Good Shepherd. This would be the beginning of my love for the gospel and the Word of God. This would change my life.

As Easter is upon us, consider the sacrificial love that was displayed on the cross. Consider the tragedy of the cross. Consider the ultimate act of love that was evidence of the sovereignty of God, the love which the Father has for us, and so much more. Consider the family of God that you are a part of. Consider the resurrection of Christ, which all believers celebrate on this glorious day of remembrance in Christian history.

Celebrate the sacrificial love of Christ, which has been extended to all. Celebrate such a love as this and remember the cross and the resurrection. Remember the command which we followers of Christ were given – “Go and make disciples of all nations…” Celebrate Easter and the gospel message and share it with others as we have been commanded.

For this sacrificial act of love performed by Christ, we are eternally grateful. 

Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies

Upcoming Events

Sunday, April 14 @ 5:00pm thru Monday, April 15 @ 1pm

Join us in-person to experience what life at BICS is all about!​

Click to Learn More or Register

BICS Ministry Team Schedule:

April 14- Hope Church, Lenox, MA

April 27-29- Dunntown AC Church,

State Road AC Church, Sunshine

AC Church

Bible Lands Tour - March 13-26

Experience Day - April 14-15

BICS Commencement - May 11, 10 AM at Hope Church, Lenox, MA

BICS Open Golf Fundraise - June 1

Interim Superintendent Spotlight

Rev. Blackstone Honored for 50 Years of Ministry

Rev. Clayton Blackstone was honored for 50 years of ministry at the annual meeting of the Maine State Conference at the Bangor Advent Christian Church on March 2, 2024. Rev. Blackstone, the current interim regional superintendent for the Eastern Region, served churches in South Carolina, Idaho and Maine during his pastoral career.

ACGC Executive Director Justin Nash presented a 50-year service medallion to Rev. Blackstone as a token of thanks for his 50 years of service to the denomination.

Vernon Homes Announces New Director of Nursing

and New Administrator License

Lisa Kemp is the new director of nursing at senior living community Vernon Homes, and current Assistant Administrator Sabrina Krafchuk has earned her Vermont Nursing Home Administrator License. In addition, four new managers have joined the facility.

As director of nursing, Lisa will oversee the care provided by the nursing staff. She previously held interim director of nursing positions at several New Hampshire health care facilities. After starting her career as a nurse’s aide in high school, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in 1988. She held positions in long-term care and in hospital settings before returning to the long-term care field.


She says. “Long-term care is where my heart is. I take personally my responsibility to create relationships with staff and residents, form bonds, and provide care with empathy and love. One special aspect of working with elders is that you can discover each resident’s unique story and wisdom. It’s a joy. Providing care to those who need it most at this stage in their life is incredibly gratifying.” 

As for Sabrina’s new license, it enables her to act in the absence of Executive Director Brad Ellis. The license requires education and hands-on experience in long-term care. Sabrina joined Vernon Homes in 2022 and has worked closely with Brad in an administrative support role while also advocating for residents and staff. She was naturally attracted to the field of elder care management early on and she considers it in the light of a mission. In this and other ways, she provides a perfect fit in her expanded Vernon Homes administrative role.


In addition, Vernon Homes has bolstered its management team. The team includes Pamela Share as assistant director of nursing, Lori Cornellier as activities director, and Steve Momaney as activities coordinator.


Brad said, “With her experience and compassion, I am excited to have Lisa Kemp join us as director of nursing. Our staff and residents are in good hands. The same goes for Sabrina and her license advancement that gives Vernon Homes new leadership capabilities and flexibility. Pamela, Lori and Steve bring professional excellence to our community as well. I look forward to working with a great team – a team that can help us as we move closer to building the new Green House Community at Vernon Homes, which will create a true home for seniors. After many years of effort, it is now coming to fruition. I am grateful to have people who really get this new model of care and who can step in and be part of an exciting movement.”  

Update on Bookkeeper

The ERA Board is very pleased to announce that after much prayer and careful consideration by Lisa Godard, she has decided to continue as the Bookkeeper of the ERA! Over the last couple of years Lisa has brought great skill and dedication to the position and we are thankful that she will continue to serve the Lord and the ERA in this capacity. This is an answer to pray that couldn't have had a better outcome. Please join us in thanking Lisa and the Lord for her decision.

The ERA Board

Upcoming Events

Trip To Lancaster, PA

The Attleboro Advent Christian Church invites you to join them August 14-16, 2024, on a chartered bus Journey into Amish country, Lancaster, PA. where we will enjoy sightseeing at Bird-in Hand Farmers Market and The Amish Village. Evening Dinners at Shady Maple Smorgasbord & Plain and Fancy Restaurant will give you a taste of Amish and Dutch Cuisine. Let’s not forget the premier production of “Daniel” at the Sight and Sound Theater.

All expenses are covered in your individual fee with the exception of lunches, snacks, and souvenirs.

For more information and or a registration form: call Pastor Paul Carter at 508-222-8407

Attleboro AC Church

3rd Annual Craft Show

Vendors Wanted

June 8, 2024

9:00 – 2:00

Location: corner of Lindsey St. & Douglas Ave.

In Attleboro, MA.

10” x 10” space at $30.00 per space

Message or call Pastor Paul Carter at 508-222-8407

For more information and registration form

Crafts must be 60% + hand crafted

Examples include, but are not limited to the following, Wood Crafts, Jewelry, Resin, Candles, Soaps, Bakery, Farm products, etc...

Westfield, MA - The parsonage of the Community Church of Westfield is in need of a washing machine. Does anyone have a used one in good working condition that you are looking to get rid of or sell? Please email Merle Beal at

Summer Camps

Sports & Music Camp 2024

June 23-29

Broadway Blvd, Alton, NH, United States, New Hampshire 03809


Camp Marion

Campmeeting JULY 20- 28

Jr. Camps (Ages 8-12)

July 7-12 & July 14-19

Intermediate Camp (Ages 10-14) July 28- Aug 2

Senior Camp (Ages 12-17) Aug 4-9

45 Oakdale Avenue, Marion, MA 02738

Camp Marion

If you have information concerning the summer events/schedule of any of our AC Camps in the Easter Region and would like this added to our website and upcoming newsletters please send a link or copy of the schedule to the ERA secretary at

Scholarship Opportunities

DuBois Scholarship - Sponsored by the Maine State Conference, amount awarded depends on number of applicants and funds available; This scholarship is given in loving memory of Rev. Wendell DuBois, Tammy DuBois and Virgene Hughes. It is designed to assist those seeking a call to vocational ministry in achieving their academic goals. The application needs to be postmarked by August 31 to be considered. The scholarship monies will be disbursed during the 2nd semester of the academic year.

Berkshire Christian College Scholarship Fund - Scholarship amount varies depending on the program of study. The purpose and description of the scholarship is:

  • Seminary education in partnership with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary at four campuses - two in Mass., one in Fla., one in NC. ( Advent Christian students receive up to a 50% tuition reduction. (Additional scholarship assistance may also be available.)
  • Theological formation through the Ministry Training Institute (MTI). Students enrolled in MTI are eligible for scholarships through Berkshire Christian.

Castle Hill Scholarship Fund - The Castle Hill Advent Christian Church closed its doors in December of 2019 due to declining numbers and the difficulty of finding pastoral leadership. Through a generous donation, a Ministry Scholarship will be established in their name. It is their desire that this ministry scholarship be established to help fund individuals who are seeking vocational ministry training either from a ministry training program within the Advent Christian constituency, or if a person chooses to seek to prepare for vocational ministry outside of the Advent Christian constituency, the Christian institution must be accredited.

Applicants are required to fill out the application and have all of the required information turned in to the Superintendent’s Office by September 15th in order to be considered by the Eastern Regional Board of Directors. The Board will present scholarships to qualified applicants by dividing $2000 dollars among them per year. If only one applicant applies, the cap for an individual scholarship is $1000 dollars made out to the school of their choosing.

Visit our website for more Information and Applications

Previous copies of the monthly newsletter are on our website.

Eastern Regional Association


Online Prayer Meeting Tuesdays from 9-10 AM

Prayer Meeting

ERA Board of Directors  

Rev. George Karl, President -

Rev. Dwight Dean, Vice President -

Pastor Jonathan Price, Clerk -

Mr. John Jones, Treasurer -

Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President -

Rev. Tim Soucy, Maine Conf. President -

Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President -

Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President -

Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President -

Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President -

Mrs. Deb Reed, ERA Representative to ACGC -

Rev. Justin Nash, ACGC Executive Director -

The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.

Eastern Regional Association

Eastern Regional Association

P.O. Box 214 Winchester, NH 03470

Phone: 603-332-1412