Bishop William E. Koenig presided at a concelebrated Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Wednesday, January 4 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter, Sixth and West Streets in Wilmington. | |
Special Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | |
The Most Reverend William E. Koenig, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, remembered the late Pope Benedict XVI for his faith, humility and love for God in a memorial Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Wilmington on January 4. The former pontiff died Dec. 31 in Vatican City at the age of 95.
Several priests and seminarians joined Bishop Koenig and Bishop Emeritus W. Francis Malooly for the Mass. The church’s bells tolled 95 times leading up to the service, once for each year of Benedict’s life.
Expressing the profound sadness and of the the passing of Pop Emeritus Benedict XVI, Bishop Koenig issued the following statement on the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:
“I join fellow Catholics and people of good will from throughout the world
in mourning the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
With prayers of gratitude for the gifts that God bestowed upon him
that he so generously shared for the good of the church and the human family,
we ask God to welcome his good and faithful servant
into the life prepared for him from the foundation of the world.
May eternal rest be granted to him and perpetual light shine upon him.”
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The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington was established in 1868 and comprises 56 parishes, 18 missions
and 33 schools serving the State of Delaware and the nine counties of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
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Othell Heaney hands 3-year-old Juliette a candy cane at Catholic Charities during Compassionate Friends large gift giveaway for families that are grieving the loss of children of all ages. Dialog photo/Don Blake | |
In Wilmington, Compassionate Friends share smiles and
tears for those in need, in memory of lost loved ones
Sometimes things happen for a reason and they’re especially appealing when they happen in a certain season.
Kim Ellis is program manager of Basic Needs Assistance for the Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Charities. She got a phone call last month from Betty Valentine, the lead volunteer for the Brandywine Hundred Chapter of Compassionate Friends, a group that supports families after a child dies.
It was around the time of the group’s worldwide candle lighting on the second Sunday in December that aims to unite family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who died too young. As candles were lighted Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. local time in each place, hundreds of thousands of people commemorate and honor the memory of all children lost to the families, no matter their age. It starts in Australia and creates a virtual 24-hour wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone.
The group in Wilmington held its event at Silverside Church, where it meets twice a month during the year. All of the people involved have lost children.
“We ask people to bring a gift they would have bought for their children,” Valentine said. “We donate them and every gift we donate represents a child lost too soon. We’re giving purpose to the lives that are lost.”
To read the full article by Joseph P. Owens, The Dialog, click here.
The New York Tenors, from left, Daniel Rodriguez, Andy Cooney and Christopher Macchio sing during their "Magic of Christmas" show at Salesianum School, Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022. Dialog photo by Don Blake | |
New York Tenors Thrill Crowd at 2022 Christmas Show | |
On December 11, 2022, more than 600 audience members enjoyed the “Magic of Christmas”, a concert benefiting the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington. The New York Tenors, Daniel Rodriguez, Andy Cooney and Christopher Macchio, and joined by soprano Deirdre Masterson for part of the show, performed more than two dozen songs including many Christmas favorites.
The trio jump-started the crowd with “Sleigh Ride” and “Silver Bells” and stirring renditions of “It came upon midnight clear” and “Song of Mary.” Among other popular numbers were “O Holy Night” “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” “I’ll be home for Christmas” and “Adeste Fideles.”
Macchio, a classically trained tenor from the Manhattan Schools of Music, got the clapping crowd involved with a raucous version of “Funiculi.” Rodriguez, the former New York City police officer who won acclaim for performances immediately after Sept. 11, 2001, wowed the audience with “God Bless America.” Cooney, a favorite on the Irish American music scene, performed “Angels we have heard on high.”
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Special Thanks to the Knights of Columbus! | |
This winter, through the Coats for Kids effort, councils of Delaware and Maryland Knights of Columbus coordinated the distribution of coats to children in need.
We can still do more! Catholic Charities encourages all civic groups, churches, and community-minded neighbors to continue to donate clean, like new, outerwear, clothing, blankets, etc for those in need. We also welcome gift cards and online donations!
Please drop your donations at any Catholic Charities location. Please note: All locations accept donations from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, except for the Thrift Store. Thank you!
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Join Us This April - 2023 Annual Tribute Dinner | |
Following Mass and services at St. Ann’s Parish in Bethany Beach Nov. 5 Rick Morin, left, a member of St. Ann’s Council 16771 in Delaware passes possession of the Silver Rose to the President of Maryland “Knights On Bikes” Francisco “Paco” Sarceno who escorted the rose to its first stop in Severn, Md. | |
Catholic Charities Will Honor
Knights of Columbus Councils from DE and MD
The mission of the Knights of Columbus is “Empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.”
Knights of Columbus, Delaware State Council, are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether giving out Coats for Kids, lending a hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers by donating ultrasound machines or providing top-quality financial products. Similarly, the Maryland State Council supports the families, parishes, and communities in the nine Maryland counties of the Diocese of Wilmington. These Knights live the motto, “Cry the Gospel with your Life!” to aid the poor, care for the needy, and strengthen the faith of their members and families. More than two million Knights of Columbus worldwide “Change Lives & Save Lives” through their charitable service and faith activities.
Please join us for this exciting evening!
Wednesday, April 27, 2023
5-8 p.m.
Chase Center on the Riverfront, Wilmington, Delaware
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For more info or to purchase a sponsorship, contact Andrea Rotsch at or 302-573-3121.
The award, created in 1989 in memory of Msgr. Thomas J. Reese, community activist and longtime director of Catholic Social Services, the forerunner of Catholic Charities, recognizes exemplary individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting and restoring the well-being of people.
– Catholic Charities’ mission.
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SPOTLIGHT - Shelter Services Success
Catholic Charities Positively Impacts Lives
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Terrie* had been homeless before she came to Casa San Francisco. Terrie worked with her case manager who helped her to transform her future. Terrie was able to get a job, create a budget, open a savings account, and rent her own apartment because of the support she received.
To learn more, click here.
* Name change to protect client privacy.
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Energy Assistance Applications Are Still Available | |
The cold months are here! The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), administered in Delaware by Catholic Charities, continues to accept applications for the current heating season.
This federally-funded program assists low-income Delawareans with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers. The LIHEAP benefit is based on a household's income, size, and type of fuel. In order to apply, you must call the Catholic Charities office closest to you and schedule an appointment. You must reapply each year for the benefit.
Click here for more information or to download an application.
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2022 Christmas Masses & Celebrations | Pictured above is the live Nativity at the 4 p.m. Christmas vigil Mass at Holy Savior Church in Ocean City, Maryland on Dec. 24, 2022. Courtesy photo. | |
Most Reverend William E. Koenig celebrated several Christmas Day and Christmas Eve Masses in southern Delaware and Maryland.
Bishop Koenig officiated at both St. Luke and Holy Savior Churches on Christmas Eve in Ocean City, Maryland.
Bishop Koenig officiated at both St. Edmond Church in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and at St. Ann in Bethany Beach, Delaware on Christmas morning.
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Thank You to All Our Supporters & Partners!
We Would Like to Recognize the following Catholic Charities Partners
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Delaware State Housing Authority
Somerset County Commissioners
Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Lower Eastern Shore
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Delaware Community Foundation
Community Foundation of Eastern Shore
Raskob Foundation
Laffey-McHugh Foundation
Catholic Charities USA
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Catholic Charities serves the most vulnerable in Delaware and the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, regardless of religion, race, or ability to pay.
For more information about Catholic Charities, click here.
To make a donation to Catholic Charities, click here.
To learn about becoming a Volunteer, click here.
To learn about employment opportunities, click here.
To follow us on Facebook, click here.
Catholic Charities Mission
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington exists to help fulfill the Christian duty to love and serve God's people. Our mission is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The universal and local Church proclaims the Gospel and teaches the recognition of the dignity and sacredness of each human life and the belief that we are called to share our resources with the most vulnerable among us.
It is the mission of Catholic Charities to address human suffering and to promote and restore the well-being of people and society by:
- Providing, as a primary focus, caring service to families and persons in need;
- Coming together with members of the community to become informed about and to take action on critical social issues; and,
- Advocating publicly for social policies which enhance human dignity and safeguard basic human rights.
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© 2022 - Catholic Charities - Diocese of Wilmington
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
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