March /April 2024 Newsletter

In This Issue

TCNA Co-Presidents' Updates

Primary Election May 14

  • 3 Voting Options

Neighborhood Committees

  • TCNA 2024-2025 Nomination Committee
  • Public Safety Updates: Crime Charts
  • Events Committee: Spring Cook-out, June 12
  • Greens Committee: Become a Tree-Keeper
  • Streets Committee Updates: 39th Street Calming Project Update
  • Communications Committee: Website: Tuscany Road
  • Newsletter Committee: We Need You!

Neighborhood News

  • January Snowfall
  • Signs in Tuscany-Canterbury
  • Resident Permit Parking
  • Water Problems Continue
  • Dumpster Dates for 2024
  • Demographic Data: Employment and Occupations in Tuscany-Canterbury

Neighbors in the News

  • Joe Clarke
  • John Waters

Johns Hopkins University

  • Construction Updates
  • Premier Lacrosse League
  • JHU Spring Lacrosse Schedule- Homewood Field
  • Spring Fair

Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury

  • Specials for Easter and Mother's Day

Home & Condo: Sale Prices, Active Listings

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Save the Dates in 2024

  • May 15, 7 pm TCNA Board Meeting
  • May 25, Dumpster available, Linkwood at Tuscany
  • June 8, Dumpster available, Canterbury at Tuscany
  • June 12, TCNA General Meeting and Neighborhood, Cookout, Resident Parking Permit Pick-up

Next TCNA newsletter, middle of May 2024

Updates as needed


Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful and safe neighborhood. Neighbors and owners take great care of their homes, condos and buildings. TCNA supports various efforts to keep our neighborhood a treasure in Baltimore.

TCNA is stronger with you as a member!

We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues. 

Join or Renew TCNA Membership

TCNA Neighborhood March Updates

Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso, Co-Presidents

Dear Neighbors,

We are coming to the close of our first year in office as Co-Presidents of the TCNA. It has been a busy but rewarding year. We want to give a special shout-out to our wonderful TCNA board members, committee chairs, and volunteers who work hard to make this the best neighborhood in Baltimore city. As promised, we wanted to give you a short summary of the TCNA’s major accomplishments this year and to thank all of you who continue to support our neighborhood by being members. Your membership dues help provide the funds that allow us to accomplish so much.

  • Blocked the installation of an over-sized lighted sign at the Academy Apartments.
  • Negotiated an MOU with the new owners of the Hopkins Market LLC that among other things, limits hours of operation and alcohol sales
  • Supported Baltimore neighborhoods/homeowners against BGE’s efforts to install external gas regulators by writing a letter to the Public Service Commission and attending hearings.
  • Supported the fabulous Canterbury/Cloverhill Alley party commemorating the 100th anniversary of the University Homes.
  • Participated in the re-design and execution of the traffic-calming measures on University Parkway.
  • Worked with our city councilwoman, Odette Ramos, and the city Housing and Planning Departments to block The Social from erecting unapproved sidewalk signs to promote a parking business without a permit.
  • Negotiated an agreement with Calvert School allowing them to rent out their athletic center to outside independent schools during squash season.
  • Maintained our public gardens and green spaces and re-landscaped the oval garden at the intersection of Tuscany and Ridgemede Roads.
  • Partnered with the Friends of Stony Run and Parks and People to plan for an extension of the Stony Run Path connecting the two bridges along Linkwood Road.
  • Initiated the covenant renewal process with Calvert Schoool.
  • Sent out full newsletters and 10 special notices and alerts to our mailing list of 664 with an average of 75% neighbors opening emails.
  • Expanded the web site to include new sections for “Notable People” and “Tuscany-Canterbury History.”


Pat and Mike


Primary Election

Voting Information

There are 3 voting options

  • Voting by Mail (US Mail or Drop Boxes)

Mail In Ballots start in April

  • Voting at Early Voting Locations
  • Vote on Election Day, May 14
League of Conservation Voters Candidate Forum for US Senate April 7 Virtual and In-Person

Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates

Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee

Tuscany-Canterbury (with 4000 residents and 1800 homes and condo/ apartments) is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. But we do live in an urban area. Crime IS waiting to find us. We are including this information in our newsletter so you know that things can randomly happen here and that you can make our neighborhood SAFE.

28 Day Comparison

See TCNA update for information about the burglary

Year to Date Comparison

All of these except for 1 burglary happened before Feb 18.

Special thanks to all the neighbors who lock their car doors and report any crimes to the police. This helps make Tuscany-Canterbury a safe neighborhood.

Time to Volunteer 


TCNA Nomination Committee

Let Garth Thompson know if you are interested on being on the TCNA board.


TCNA Board: At the June 2024 meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of officers and board members. This recommended slate will be sent to the membership 30 days prior to the June meeting in accordance with the TCNA by-laws. Garth Thompson, TCNA vice president, is chair of the committee. The goal is to have an active and committed board with members from all sections of the neighborhood, including the condominiums.

All board members serve one year terms and

  • are responsible for a committee or other neighborhood project; and are willing to provide information for the newsletter and website concerning the committee's activities or projects
  • attend the majority of six board meetings and two general meetings each year
  • must be current TCNA members
  • reach out to neighbors in their section of the neighborhood when necessary
  • keep the board informed about neighbors' issues and concerns

A great way to make a difference and meet neighbors.

Neighborhood Events

Spring Cookout, June 12

Different board members & neighbors will chair specific events throughout the year.

A cookout is being planned prior to the TCNA Neighborhood General Meeting on June 12. Volunteers are needed to cook, help with the set-up and clean-up, and organize activities for children.


Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects

39th Street Calming Project

(hopefully Spring 2024)

A thousand neighbors cross the 100 block of 39th Street each day. Traffic needs to slow down.  TCNA approved a calming project 9 years ago.  The project still isn't done. 


The project spearhead by the Broadview Apartment. Phase 1 and Phase 2 have been finished and completely paid for by the Broadview. TNCA volunteers helped with the plantings on the median strip. Phase 3 planning was funded mostly by the Broadview, and TCNA donated $1600.

The final phase of the project has been planned and is close to being done but a couple of obstacles remain. The Broadview needs the Developers' Agreement #1820 to be approved by Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT). That approval still has not happened. Funding for this phase 3 will cost $87,000. $50,000 of funding for the project has been committed by the Broadview, Johns Hopkins University, Hopkins House, and the Woodcliff Manor.

In 2022 state delegates Maggie McIntosh, Regina Boyce, and Elizabeth Embry earmarked $40,000 from State Capital Funds to go toward this project. In 2023, the Mayor and BCDOT decided to use the money for projects that were promised in 2018 and never done. So Phase 3 of the calming project currently has a shortfall of $37,000, (Phase 3 cost: $87,000 - $50,000 raised= $37,000 shortfall). 

TCNA has committed to help with the plantings in the 48 large planters and assist with the painting of the bump outs. The Broadview is committed to move forward as soon as the Developer’s Agreement is approved.

Your help may be needed to make phone calls and emails to the Mayor to make this project happen. TNCA will keep you updated on the progress.


Greens Committee

Eric Elton & Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs

Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Bonnie Boland, Pat Hawthorne, Mary Loker (Does not include all the volunteers who help throughout the year)

Would you like to become a Tuscany-Canterbury Tree Keeper?

Part of what makes our neighborhood unique is the number of beautiful trees that grace our streets, alleys, and parklands. Unfortunately, not all of our trees are healthy and a few are now beyond saving. The TCNA is working with the city to try and remove those trees that have been tagged as “dead” and to have stumps left behind after the removal of previous dead trees ground up. But trees, like all living things, need TLC and that’s where volunteer Tree Keepers can make a difference. Kids are also welcome to be Tree Keepers.

There are many things a Tree Keeper can do but most important would be to adopt a block or two in the neighborhood and keep watch over the trees in that area

  • Do the trees need to be pruned? 
  • Is ivy or other harmful vines choking the trees? 
  • Are there any new dead trees that need to be removed? 
  • Are there empty spaces where a new tree should be planted? 
  • Do new trees need watering? 
  • Have spotted lanternfly nymphs or mature flies invaded any of the trees? 

Then TCNA will log all reports from our volunteer keepers and will coordinate contacting the appropriate city agencies to complete the necessary work.


If you or your children would like to be a T-C Tree Keeper, please contact us and we will be in touch with you to discuss what duties you are able AND WILLING to do. It really does takes a village!!!

Interest in Being a Tree Keeper 

Dead tree removed on University Parkway

More dead trees need to be removed.

Friends of Stony Run
Weed Warriors on Meadow Lane
Saturday, April 6
10 am -12pm
Meet at 4425 Meadow Ln (alley behind 4425 Wickford south of Cold Spring lane)
Join us to tackle invasive vines and free the trees along the stream and trail down Meadow Lane from Coldspring. Wear gloves, bring a water bottle, clippers and loppers if you have them; we will also have some to share.
Check for updates and future events.
Email questions. 

Calvert School

  • Liaison Committee Report
  • Covenant Extension Work Group
  • Calvert's Calendar

Calvert School Liaison Committee

(Amy Mutch, Chair, Ned Lewson, Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy), Nick Kouwenhoven (Tuscany Road), Fred. (Canterbury Road)


The TCNA Liaison committee meets four times during the school year, but lines of communication are always open for any urgent issues. During the recent water main break on Tuscany Road at Stoneyford the lines of communication allowed Calvert School to promptly redirect the afternoon carpool traffic. Calendar updates are also reviewed, and we were able to alert residents about the Spring musical in early March. Our meetings this year have routinely discussed carpool, construction, and landscaping concerns. The squash season has ended with no negative feedback from residents.  The value of having a dedicated committee to represent residents cannot be understated for both Calvert School and TCNA.  

Calvert Covenant Work Group

The Work Group has been formed and TCNA co-president, Mike Travesio, is the chair of the group. They will explore the possibility of a covenant with Calvert School that would extend beyond 2026 and benefit both the neighborhood and the school. The neighborhood and Calvert have been working together for the past several years and hope this relationship will continue.

This topic was discussed at the TCNA General Meeting in November 2023 and the consensus was to explore this possibility. The neighborhood will be kept informed about the progress.

Calendar Events for Calvert School

  • March 29, School Closed – Good Friday
  • April 1, Monday School Closed – Professional Development
  • May 24, Friday School Closes at 12:30 P.M. – Track & Field Day
  • May 27, Monday School Closed – Memorial Day
  • June 5, Wednesday School Closes at 12:30 P.M. Lower School Moving Up Ceremony – 9:30 A.M.
  • June 6, Thursday Graduation – 9:30 A.M.

All dates are also shown on the TCNA web page - Calvert & JHU events

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator

Julie Watson, Webmaster

John Robinson, Photographer

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner and TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.

TCNA Website History Feature

Tuscany Road

In 1927 Tuscany Road was called 40th Street. Virgil Hillyer, headmaster at Calvert, lobbied to change the street’s name to a more distinguished name of Tuscany Road when many other names were debated. The Baltimore Sun in 1927 editorial urged the retention of 40th Street. Hillyer prevailed and honored the Italian countryside he loved with the Tuscany name.

100 Tuscany Road, Benesch Home (1924), Converted to Apartments (1960)

Calvert School (1924)

Castalia –see National Historic District in Tuscany-Canterbury

Calvert School in 1924

105 Tuscany Road

The Benesch Home

100 Tuscany Road


200 Tuscany Road

Home of first headmaster at Calvert School

E-Newsletter Committee

The E-newsletter only happens with the help and support of the many people in the neighborhood.

Thank You!!

  • John Robinson is the TCNA's neighborhood photographer.
  • Julie Watson is responsible for website
  • Ann Finkbeiner edits the newsletter.
  • Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso keep the neighborhood up-to-date through President's Message
  • TCNA board members contribute regular articles and information
  • Crime Stats and Safety Tips, Paul Gallo
  • Sales Stats, Julia Frazier
  • Restaurants, Maureen LaPorta
  • Neighborhood Dumpster Information, Sam Park
  • Resident Permit Parking Information, Nancy Lee LaMotte
  • Calvert School Information, Amy Mutch
  • Street Committee Reports, Brian ten Siethoff
  • Greens Committee Reports, Eric Elton, Pat Mutch
  • Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator

We need you.

Volunteer to help with the newsletter or website. Things you may want to do.

  • Find events that are happening in the area and summarize them for the newsletter.
  • Research and update some of the history of the neighborhood.
  • Be a back-up person to help format the newsletter. (It's not hard to learn).
  • Update the email list for the newsletter
  • Check all the links to make sure they work


In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Questions, Comments, Messages

If you see a problem, have a question, or want to help, let TCNA know.


Let TCNA know your concerns

January Snowfall

Special thanks to Councilperson Odette Ramos who got DPW to make Cloverhill Road passable.

Water Problems Continue in Tuscany-Canterbury

January 2024

The water main on Linkwood between Stoneyford and University Parkway broke. The Hopkins House and others were without water for more than 24 hours. The entire 25 feet of pipe was replaced. Recently a permanent road repair was made to this section.

February 2024

The water main at Linkwood and Overhill broke again. This time the homes on Linkwood from Ridgemede to Overhill were without water. Councilwoman Ramos requested DPW to develop a solution to this continual problem along Linkwood Road.

February 2024

The water main broke in the 200 block of Tuscany Road. Several garages and two basements at the Gardens of Guilford were under water. Tuscany Road was closed and Calvert School redirected the traffic to Charles Street for 2 days.

Illegal Signs: Social High Rise Apartment, 3900 North Charles

The Social has removed the illegal signs but wants approval to allow them to provide daily parking. This will will require Baltimore City approval. TCNA is waiting for information about a meeting date with the Social to understand what they want to do and what steps must be taken to approve such a plan. All Tuscany-Canterbury neighbors will be invited to the meeting.

More information in TCNA's January 2024 newsletter 

Residential Permit Parking (RPP)

TCNA Board Member Nancy LaMotte, Coordinator RPP

June is the month that Tuscany-Canterbury parking permits are due for renewal. Renewals can be purchased on-line or in-person beginning June 1. Only residents who live on blocks with the Resident Permit Parking sign are eligible to purchase a permit.

There are 3 ways you can renew your permit.

  1. Go to the Parking Authority downtown and pick it up.
  2. Have it sent to you by paying a small additional fee.
  3. Pay for it before June 12 and pick it up at the Tuscany -Canterbury meeting at Calvert School between 6 and 8 PM on June 12

Contact Nancy if you have any questions or need help

More information on TCNA website

Linkwood at Tuscany

  • May 25
  • September 14

Canterbury at Tuscany

  • June 8
  • October 12

Neighborhood Dumpsters

Baltimore City allows each neighborhood to schedule a dumpster 4 times each year. Anyone in the neighborhood may use the dumpster.

It is delivered in the morning and is available for 4 hours. Please place your materials inside the dumpster.

Sam Park is the TCNA board member who coordinates this effort.

Tuscany-Canterbury Census Data

Employment and Occupations

In the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood, executives, managers, and professionals make up 74.3% of the workforce, a higher proportion than is found in 98.0% of the neighborhoods in America.

CLICK HERE for TCNA Census Information and Other Data

Neighbors in the Spotlight

Tuscany Canterbury has great neighbors.

Let us know about a neighbor that should be featured.

Text Link

Joe Clarke, Tuscany-Canterbury resident, died peacefully surrounded by family on February 10, 2024, only weeks after celebrating his 60th wedding anniversary with his wife Mary Pat.

More Information about Joe Clarke

Baltimore filmmaker and neighbor, John Waters, quashes those rumors about his new movie. Will John Waters’ new movie star Aubrey Plaza? And will filmmaking begin this summer in Baltimore? If you don’t know, shut your “Liarmouth.

  • Construction Projects
  • Premier Lacrosse League
  • Spring Fair

JHU Construction Projects

Jennifer Mielke, JHU Director, Baltimore City Government and Community Affairs, met with the TCNA board on March 20,2024 and provided the following updates. Several dozen neighbors attended the board meeting and asked questions about the topics below. TCNA will continue to keep you posted about updates on these projects.

Relocation of the JHU Early Learning Center to University Parkway and San Martin Drive

JHU 's Early Learning Center, currently at Wyman Park Drive and San Martin Drive will be moving to University Parkway by 2025. JHU is very early in the planning process and additional details for the site will develop over the next several months.

There are currently 96 children in the center and the new center will be for 152 children. The Center is primarily for children of employees and staff of JHU. Downtown Baltimore Children Center will continue to run the center. Parking will be provided for staff of the Center. The entrance to the Center may be from University Parkway.

A virtual meeting in the Spring 2024 to update TCNA about the plans.

Construction of New Buildings on Wyman Park Drive and Remington Ave will start in 2025

JHU is planning a new national hub for data science and artificial intelligence. There will be two buildings connected by an underground tunnel. The construction will be finished by 2026 and the total project will be completed in 2029. It will be four stories and have 500,000 square feet of space . The institute is designed to centralize a myriad of existing data science and artificial intelligence projects across the university. 

More Information about the New Data Science & AI HUB

Charles Street Detour

Between University Parkway and 33rd Street

The construction site that is destined to become the new Hopkins Student Center at Charles and 33rd. will be finished by June 2025! The Charles Street detour will end.

Read more about the Student Center. 


More information about The Agora Institute

The Agora Institute

The architect Renzo Piano designed the new Agora Institute on Wyman Park Drive and San Martin Drive. The building is all glass and provides a different look on campus. It is set for completion in the Spring of 2025.

The new SNF Agora Building will be a place for research, public engagement, and collaboration to strengthen global democracy.

Premier Lacrosse League Plans for Parking and Noise Mitigation on Homewood Field

The Premier Lacrosse League (PLL) is a professional field lacrosse league composed of 8 teams with some of the best players in the world. The league's inaugural season debuted on June 1, 2019, and included a 14-week tour-based schedule taking place in 12 major-market cities.

Only 1 game will be held on Homewood Field in 2024. It will be August 2 to August 4.

If there are any IMMEDIATE PROBLEMS, TNCA has been advised that you should call JHU Security immediately 410-516-4600, and they will be in touch with the athletic director (24 hours a day) to resolve the problem.

Jennifer Mielke, JHU Director, Baltimore City Government and Community Affairs is the direct contact person for Homewood Field and any concerns can be sent to her at .

Please send TCNA know of any concerns to

Information about the Premier Lacrosse League

Lacrosse Events at Homewood Field

Mar 23 (Sat) 1:00 pm. Ohio State Women's Lacrosse

Mar 30 (Sat) 12 pm Michigan Men's Lacrosse

Mar 30 (Sat) 5:00 pm James Madison Women's Lacrosse

Apr 10 (Wed) 6:00 pm Maryland Women's Lacrosse

Apr 6 (Sat) 2 pm Penn State Men's Lacrosse (Homecoming)

Apr 20 (Sat) 4 pm. Maryland Men's Lacrosse

JHU Spring Fair

April 26 - April 28

Homewood Campus

There will be food/drink, arts market place, and games and activities. The event will kick off on Thursday with a short fireworks display at approximately 9:30pm.  


Thank You Johns Hopkins for sharing the Ice Rink with us. Tuscany-Canterbury had a great time.


In and around


Maureen LaPorta, TCNA restaurant liaison

One World Cafe is a vegan and vegetarian restaurant owned by sisters Cindy and Sue. They have been in place at One World cafe for 22 years and the majority of the staff has been there for more than 20 years!

Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10- 8 Saturday 9- 8 Sunday 9 -4

Closed on Easter

There will be Spring activities announced later and outdoor tables are available.

Easter and Mother’s Day Brunch Reservations are suggested.
Happy Hour is 4-6 PM, Sunday through Thursday, with 50% off all alcoholic drinks.
There will be specialty nights with lower prices on specialty items of the night. One of their specialties and their most ordered entree is braised short ribs.
Buffet Brunch Special
11:00am - 2:30pm
Easter and Mother's Day Specials which includes sangria and shrimp.
Happy Hour 5:00 -9pm six days per week (closed on Mondays). Happy Hour includes half-price appetizers, a decrease in drink prices, and approximately half price beer.
There is a Lunch Buffet on Friday, and alcohol can be purchased separately as it is not included in the buffet price. On Saturday and Sunday the Brunch Buffet includes mimosas and Bloody Marys in the price of the Buffet.

Easter (March 31) Noon-6

Greek Easter (May 5) 1- 9

Mother's Day (May 12): Noon-9

The regular menu will be available, as well as, a special Roasted Lamb Dinner menu for both Easters.

The week of May 21-24 Cypriana will open at noon until regular closing because of the Johns Hopkins Graduation festivities.

Kanom has management changes. Sirin is the Manager and Ann is the Owner and Chef. Ann is also looking for an additional chef who could be part or full time. If anyone is interested, please call Ann at 410-829-5393.

Coconut cake is a speciality that they have on occasion. Tiramisu and almond croissant are their most popular items.

Hopkins Market
Work continues through the evenings for their opening. (No date yet)

Read more about all the local restaurants in Tuscany-Canterbury in the new TNCA restaurant web page.

Tuscany Canterbury Homes & Condos

Sold Prices, Active Listings, Under Contract

List Now Also Includes Rentals

Active means currently on the market. .

Closed means the property has sold and no longer for sale.

More information about current listings

Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.

Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Winter and Spring

 in Tuscany-Canterbury

Click on the picture to view the gallery of pictures

Flowers bloom in February 2024 with snow falling.

St. James February 2024

Highfield Road February 2024

Special thanks to John Robinson, neighborhood photographer, and Julie Watson, webmaster for all of their work.

Share Your Pictures

Events In and Around


If you have an event that you would like included in the newsletter, send information to the month before the event.


April 8

Maryland is just outside of the eclipse’s “path of totality,” so viewers will only see a partial eclipse. The display also hinges on clear weather. In Baltimore, the eclipse will cover about 88% of the sun’s face when it reaches its maximum point at 3:21 pm. As a result, local eclipse viewers will need to wear protective glasses for the duration of the display. The sun will be partially covered from about 2:05 p.m. to 4:33 pm that day.

It is the last time a total solar eclipse will be visible in the contiguous United States until Aug. 23, 2044, a display that will be limited to the Western U.S.

Johns Hopkins astrophysicist William Blair, a veteran of two total solar eclipses, tells us what we can expect.


Landmark Exhibition Ethel Ennis

October 22, 2023 - March 31, 2024

JHU, George Peabody Library,

Peabody Institute, 17 East Mt Vernon Place

17 East Mount Vernon Place

Devoted to Baltimore vocalist Ethel Ennis (1932 – 2019), this landmark exhibition explores each era of the singer's remarkable life—including Ethel's Place, the storied music club she owned with husband Earl Arnett. Featuring some 130 items drawn from the Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries' Ethel Ennis and Earl Arnett Collection, the photographs, posters, unpublished written arrangements, audiovisual recordings, business records, and other materials on display trace how Ennis connected with local and international audiences through her artistry and personal philosophies and consciously pioneered a musician's career path deeply rooted in her hometown.

The Book Thing

The Book Thing

3001 Vineyard Lane

Please read the detailed event announcement, available 7-10 days before each opening for more information about donations.

  • Sunday, April 14
  • Saturday, May 11

Joyce J. Scott

Walk a Mile in My Dreams

March 24- July 14

Bring the Entire Family to Enjoy

Community Celebration

Sunday, March 24 1-5 pm

Free all-day access

No Tickets Required

  • A special in-gallery performance by Joyce J. Scott. Space is limited.
  • African drumming and an interactive performance art experience by WombWork Productions, Inc.
  • Jewelry and sculpture-making in the Joseph Education Center Studio with guest artists Espi Frazier, Pamela Li, and Randi Reiss-McCormack.
  • Delicious food tastings served by H3irloom Food Group.
  • A meet and greet with local arts and community groups organized with guidance from the Gurlz of Baltimore.

For 50 years, MacArthur 'Genius' Joyce J. Scott has brought Baltimore to the world and the world to Baltimore through her genre-defying art. This major retrospective brings together nearly 140 of the beloved Baltimore icon’s sculptures, jewelry, quilts, garments, performances, and mixed-media installations.

Learn More about the exhibit

Community Concerts at Second


4200 St. Paul Street

April 14, 2024 | 3:30PM


Established in 1990, the Wonderlic Competition alternates annually between voice and piano and has afforded many young artists the opportunity to launch international music careers. This year’s piano winners will perform a concert consisting of the challenging repertoire that distinguished them in the competition.

Information about Numerous Concerts


There have been requests for more information about upcoming concerts near Tuscany -Canterbury. TCNA now has a separate page with information about various concerts. If we have missed one please let TCNA know so it can be added

  • Community Concerts on Second
  • Candlelight Concerts
  • Shriver Hall Concert Series
  • Emmanuel Episcopal Downtown
  • Church of the Redeemer
  • Peabody Events

3620 Falls Road

It's really quite simple. We open at noon. You show up, and you can take up to 1 copy each of all the free comics we have to offer. That is all there is to it.

How many comics can I take?

1 each of every free title we have. So that's around 50 official Free Comic Book Day titles, plus dozens of other free first issues from the past year we'll have out. It's a pretty good haul.


Tuscany-Canterbury in the Spring


Linkwood Road

Alley between Cloverhill and Canterbury

Highfield Road

TCNA Officers and Board Members

  • Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Co-President: Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
  • Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road), Events Committee
  • Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
  • Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
  • Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Newsletter Coordinator
  • Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
  • Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator. Membership Committee
  • Maureen LaPorta (Ridgemede Rd), Neighborhood Restaurant Liaison
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Web Master