I did that thing gardeners in this climate and many others are never supposed to do. I put tomato plants outside before Mother's Day. Yes, they'd been hardened off. But I knew it was still a risk.

I got home late one evening about a week later. I already had my pajamas on when I heard there was a frost advisory about 70 miles west of here. So, out I went, grateful that the garden boxes could simply be lifted and brought in to a table in the home office. You see the result: Eight teeny tomatoes have appeared.

I'm still glad I put the tomatoes out early. I'm gladder still that it was so easy to protect them when they might have been in danger.

I'm learning anew why Jesus so often uses gardens as a metaphor for faith. And I am grateful that He brings us all into His protective arms when the cold threatens.
On the Nightstand: Stumble by Heather King
The "sell" copy for this collection of Heather King essays begins:

STUMBLE will inspire you to understand that the first step on the path of redemption is a sense of humor.
The second is failure.
Why, for example, every time I go “on retreat,” do I manage to develop at least one huge resentment?

And my oh my, isn't that the truth?

I'm a big King fan--in particular, Ravished--but I've never read her in short form. I'm pretty good at failure and embracing it, but sense of humor, not so much. I've learned a lot else from Heather King; maybe she'll teach me to be funny too.

The Joy of June and a Word About Rewards
June is my favorite month of the year, and not just because it includes my birthday. It can mean time at the beach or the pool or in the mountains or hanging out with friends.

I'll be taking a few days off this month, finishing up the Bible study I'm writing on eight unnamed women Jesus encountered. Right now, I'm working on the widow of Nain; Jesus told her not to cry and then raised her only son from his bier. Much to think about.

I'll be exhibiting and helping out at the Arlington Diocese Family Fun Festival in Front Royal, Virginia, on June 10. Last year, it was wonderful from start--a fantastic Celtic band, then outdoor Mass with the bishop to finish. Stop by and say hi if you're in the area.
I'll probably make a stop coming or going at my beloved Holy Cross Abbey's Cool Spring Natural Cemetery, which is 25 miles from where the festival will be held. I bought a spot in the cemetery while I was at the retreat house last month, and gave the manager my ex-husband's ashes. He was interred the next week. (That's Father Joseph blessing the spot.)

Toward the end in particular, our 22-year marriage was not easy for either of us. His death in March was not easy either; he had Parkinson's and left no clear instructions other than that he agreed to be buried with me. For me, the rewards are knowing that I did what I promised to do--and that he is in a better place now.

Here's hoping your June is full of rewards--and a bit of risk taking.

Blessings, Melanie