Dear Middle and Elementary School Parents,

As we close out the third quarter, we want to remind parents and students of our safety procedures. You can find a comprehensive account of all of our emergency procedures and our preventative measures HERE.

In addition, we wish to remind parents of the importance of keeping open and ongoing dialog with your students so that you are aware of their daily interactions, their friend/peer group, how they are coping, etc. We encourage parents to know who your students’ counselors are and reach out to those individuals if you have concerns regarding your students or their peers. Encourage your student to reach out to their counselor or our mental health professional, Dr. Danielle Graham, if they need support or guidance. Also, 6th to 8th grade students can use the “See Something, Say Something” app to anonymously report concerning information.

In keeping with the subject of safety, it is important parents know that any threat communicated toward the school, its students, or staff, through any means, regardless of the context, situation or credibility, will be taken seriously. Those making the threat will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and appropriate consequences will be applied. We ask our families to please take a moment to discuss this with your students.

We appreciate your trust and support of our procedures and policies intended to keep all LNC students and staff safe.

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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600