Watershed Roundup

February 2023 Newsletter from the 30 Mile River Watershed Association

Photo: Mount Vernon Village, Josh Robbins

Can you spot 30 Mile's future home? Click here for the answer

We're hiring!

Would you like to spend your summer outside, working on lakes and ponds, helping to keep our waters clean and healthy? We currently have openings in three of our programs, ideal for students, retirees, and others looking for part-time work.

Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)

Work with our YCC crew on lakefronts throughout the watershed to complete erosion control projects that help protect water quality. Learn More

Courtesy Boat Inspector 

CBIs are the “first line of defense” against harmful invasive aquatic plants and animals that hitchhike on boats and trailers, spreading from lake to lake. CBIs work at public boat launches checking boats and educating the public. Learn more

Invasive Plant Surveyor 

Conduct lake surveys by kayak, searching for invasive aquatic plants, with a primary focus on Androscoggin Lake in Wayne, which has invasive variable milfoil. Learn more

What’s going on under the ice?

To everything, there is a season...

Have you ever wondered how ice-over happens in your lake, or what is going on beneath the ice in the winter? It may seem like your lake or pond is taking a long winter’s nap beneath a blanket of frozen ice, but it is very much awake all winter long! Read more

Graphic: National Geographic Society

30 Mile is seeking a pickup truck

Do you have a pickup truck you're no longer using? Would you consider donating or loaning it to 30 Mile for six weeks this summer to support our Youth Conservation Corps program? We are looking for a truck to haul our tools. It must be an automatic. Donations are tax-deductible! 

Save the Date for the Paddle Trek

Mark your calendars: This year’s 14th Annual Paddle Trek will be held on Saturday, July 29th. Join us for all or just a part of this 15-mile paddle from Mt. Vernon Village to Wayne Village, traveling along many of the lakes and streams that form the “30 Mile River.” 

Not up for paddling 15 miles? No problem! Many people join for one, two or three legs of the trip. Visit our website for details about how the event works, which lakes, ponds and streams you will paddle, and more. Registration will begin in June. We have kayaks available to rent.

Wake Impacts Meeting

March 14, 3:00 pm, via Zoom

Worried about the impact of big wakes on your lake? Join us for an informative session to learn more about the issue, what we're doing, and how you can support a change that is fair for all users.

Click the link below to sign up for a Zoom session with the Maine Boating Impacts Coalition, of which 30 Mile is a member. We will talk about wakes and their impacts, legislative action that is currently in the works, and how you can support the effort. This meeting is open to the public. Learn more here.

Zoom Link

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Maine Owl Pellet Project

The next time you go for a walk in the woods, be on the lookout for owl pellets and join in an exciting new citizen science project! 

Owls eat a variety of animals, then regurgitate the coarser material like hair, bones and feathers in the form of pellets. Pellets can be found on the ground, below places in trees where owls roost. 

The Maine Owl Pellet Project (MOPP) is a collaboration between the University of New England, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. They are using owl pellets to learn more about the diet of owls and owl prey. By identifying prey parts, they hope to discover new locations where the rare northern bog lemming is found in Maine to inform conservation efforts.

How can you help? If you find an owl pellet, participate in the project by collecting it and sending it in for analysis. Directions and more info can be found here.

Photo: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Support 30 Mile! Your gift today will make a difference in protecting our lakes from phosphorus pollution, invasive species, and other threats. Find the giving level that works for you.

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