Spring 2024 Pilot Project Awardeess
Title: Role of Cockroaches in the Proliferation of Microbial Contaminants in Low-income Households
PI: Coby Schal
Title: High-throughput Analysis of Toxicant Mixtures in C. Elegans
PI: Adriana San Miguel
Title: Exploring the Interplay Between Phthalate Exposure and Autoimmune Demyelination
PI: Alessandro Didonna
Title: Comparative Analysis of Trace Elements and PFAS and their Systemic Effects for the Galapagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) and the California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)
PI: Matthew Breen
Title: Developing an Assessment Modality for Vaping-induced Inflammation and Immune Dysfunction
PI: Rob Onyenwoke
The fall request for applications will be released in August.