Thank You

to all those who made

Woven Together: An Event in Support of SAORI Arts NYC a success!

Those who attended added fun and joy to the gathering, our sponsors and supporters made the event possible, while our patrons supplied their giving spirit. Please know that all of your energies have helped support weaving programs for people with disabilities and chronic illness.

We still have donations rolling in.

If you would still like to contribute, feel free to donate at the link to the right. 

Click Here to Donate

Thank you for making our first fundraising event such a success,

and we hope to see you at the next!

Happy Weaving,


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About SAORI Arts NYC 

Founded in 2015, SAORI Arts NYC is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring creativity, joy, and self-confidence through freestyle weaving with people with disabilities and chronic illness. Our accessible programs allow people of all ages and abilities to engage in visual and tactile exploration and to create unique weavings. Learn more about our work, get involved, and donate at