There is so much going on in the world - in the headlines, in our family lives, and on our calendars.

As the community continues to reemerge from its post-COVID "slumber", it seems as though schedules are even busier than ever. But, perhaps, that's as much because the pace of the two years of COVID shutdown allowed for us to be accustomed to rest. Or, at least, a different pace. Returning to the "old way" of doing things, we can be tired - both in body and soul.

That tired feeling - and how we handle it - can sometimes "come out sideways", as I like to say. What does that mean? It means that interactions with others - our friends, our family, our coworkers, people we encounter while running errands - can be less than kind. Is it just a bad day? Or is it becoming a part of a new way of living? Being "salty", as I like to say...

That's why it's important to extend grace to our neighbors. To be Christlike in our interactions. But did you know that Jesus got a little "salty" sometimes too? It's true! This Sunday in worship, we will be looking at one of the texts where this is the can mood set the tone in our faith? Let's figure that out together in worship, whether in-person or online, this Sunday.

With gratitude,
Pastor Kathryn
Sunday (Virtual) Worship Information

Sunday worship is in-person, but will continue to be available through Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube.

Worshipping via Zoom allows for worship participants to, at the least, see each other during worship, should a participant join through computer. Zoom also allows for worship participants to join by phone, should they not have access to a computer.

To join by phone, call: (646)558-8656

When you dial in you will be asked for a meeting ID number: enter 847 7231 7808The password is: 658602Depending on the time you dial in, you may not hear anything to start with. When the Prelude begins, you will hear audio.

To access worship by Zoom via computer, please click here.

(If you'd prefer to access the worship service through the Zoom website, please enter Meeting ID 847 7231 7808 - the password is: 658602.)

To access worship by Facebook Live, please click here.

To access worship by YouTube, please click here.

Don't forget - you can access this week's bulletin via the church's website or by clicking here.
Fellowship Presbyterian has online giving available through the Presbyterian Foundation.

Click this link to be taken to the online donations page.
Volunteer with Applewood, Backpack Beginnings,
and Greensboro Housing Authority!
Fellowship has started an ongoing partnership between Backpack Beginnings, Greensboro Housing Authority, and The Applewood Community. Please contact Mary Howe to sign up: [email protected] or call/text at 336-698-6541. Please click here to sign up. 
Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions committee will be collecting “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them on the Missions table in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.
Prayer Concerns and Celebrations

  • Steve and Toni Lindahl celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 23. Congratulations!
  • Fred Delafield underwent successful hip replacement surgery on June 21.
  • Susie Knorr requests prayers for her brother, David, who continues to undergo testing for his heart. Susie updated us on Sunday that his stress test was encouraging because it was not as much of a problem as first believed. However, his tests continue.
  • Peggy Loomis underwent successful carpal tunnel surgery on her left wrist on Wednesday, June 22. Peggy is one of our out-of-town church members (in Arizona) who also happens to be Fred Campbell’s sister.
  • Monica Morgan (Chuck & Carol Morgan’s daughter-in-law) fell and is recovering from broken ribs.
  • Phyllis King suffered 2 yellow jacket and 1 wasp sting while gardening last week.
  • Terry and Gary Anderson celebrate that their son, Adam, moved to Georgia to start a new job and is flourishing and thriving in his new environment.
  • Toni Lindahl requests prayers after the death of her Uncle John last week, who was marred to her aunt, who died last month. Her prayers are for the adult sons of her aunt and uncle, particularly because they have now lost both of their parents in the last month.
  • Fred Campbell requests prayers for his son, Thad Campbell, and his wife, Deanna, after learning that Deanna’s son completed suicide last month.
  • Wynston Walker requests prayers for his uncle, Rev. Dr. Charles Ledlum-Bates, who had to be escorted by police from regional meetings of the United Methodist Church due to racially-related death threats. Dr. Ledlum-Bates was with us at Fellowship to celebrate Pentecost with our congregation.
  • Ben Wordsworth celebrates his neighbors (and former neighbors) at his British Woods housing community. Ben reports that approximately half of the residents were able to stay after resolving the rent increases, while the remaining half were able to find new places to live.
  • Jeanie Harrison requests prayers as she recovers from a pinched nerve in her back.
  • Traci Rankins started treatment for breast cancer last week. With the help of her specific type of chemotherapy, the prognosis is quite good.
  • Andy Delafield fell and sustained a broken foot and toe for which he will wear a boot while healing.
  • Prayers for Ukraine and those caught in the crossfire as the war continues.
  • Continued prayers for our church members: John Koppel, Julian Bullock, Lea Groves, Nancy Baughman, Bruce Weaver, and Marjorie Van Horn.
  • Continued prayers for the family and friends of our congregation: Mandy (Judy Meyler’s aunt), Libby Ansel (Lesa Layno’s sister), Rosalee Russo (Peggy Koppel’s neighbor), Dennis (John Archambault’s cousin), Todd Southard (John Archambault’s friend), Michael Boswell (Peggy Koppel’s friend), Suzanne (Judy Meyler’s sister-in-law), Johnny Ziegler (Terry Anderson’s uncle), Todd Martinez (coworker of Gary Anderson), Katherine and Donald Bennett (Barbara Smith’s sister and brother-in-law), Felicia Schaps (Lindahl's daughter-in-law's mother), Ashley Long (Joel and Ann Long’s daughter-in-law), Joyce Berger (Kandee’s mother), Gwen Flowers & her family (Linda Ueland’s sister), Dorothy & Edward Archambault (John Archambault’s parents), Tim King family (Phyllis King’s son), Jenny George (Betsy Craver's cousin).  
If you have any additional prayer concerns, please contact Linda Ueland (336-314-5481) or call Martha at the church (336-288-5177).

Upcoming Events

  • 9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
  • 9:30am: Worship (Sanctuary) – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)
June 27:
  • 9am-noon: Office Hours
June 28:
  • 9am-noon: Office Hours
  • 7pm: Session (Zoom)
June 29:
  • 7am: Men's Koffee Klatch (Panera Bread – Lawndale Location)
  • 9am-noon: Office Hours
  • 12 noon: Bulletin and Blast Deadline
June 30:
  • 9am-noon: Office Hours
  • 1pm: Bridge (Library)
July 1:
  • 9am-noon: Office Hours
July 3:
  • 9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
  • 9:30am: Worship (Sanctuary) – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)
  • 11:00am – 12noon: Food Collection Drive for Greensboro Urban Ministry
July 4: Independence Day
  • Office closed in honor of the holiday