Issue 69 | July, 2022

Thank you for joining us for the latest edition of the GSRNC eNewsletter!

We hope you enjoy it!
Rescue Happy Endings!
Harvest was found in a field with a pack of dogs and a puppy believed to be hers...

Sweet Cindy was found limping and bleeding. Now she just needs a home of her own. Could it be yours?

Wags to Riches takes to the sky and lands at an exciting new venue--The Oakland Aviation Museum!!

Join us on October 1, 2022 for a fabulous evening! Along with the expected favorites--silent auction, K9 demos and a delicious dinner, Wags will also include exclusive access to the Oakland Aviation Museum! You'll be able to bid in the auction and check out the classic planes at the same time!

Wags is the best GSD-centric party of the year. Get your tickets today!

The Early Bird price for tickets and merchandise is on now! Don't miss out, it only lasts through 8/28.

Our auction is the highlight of the evening and the amazing donations are already pouring in...but we could still use your help. Is there's something you could donate? Perhaps a gift card for your favorite restaurant or store? Or maybe a stay at your vacation home? Do you have season tickets and are willing to part with a pair?

The possibilities are endless!

If you want to get creative, you could even build a fun-themed basket! Click here to submit an item online.

Click on the button at the right to buy tickets (or a sponsorship), make a donation or peruse the auction items we've received so far. If you have any questions, email us at:

See you at Wags!

Tickets for the annual GSRNC Lucky Dog Grand Raffle are on sale now!

We have three fantastic prizes lined up:

  • GRAND PRIZE - Island of Oahu - 7 days/6 nights. Includes airfare & rental car!
  • 2ND PRIZE - $2,500 Amazon Gift Card!
  • 3RD PRIZE - Fun in Monterey!

Click on the link for full details and to order your tickets!

Congratulations, Ingrid O!
The cover of the 2023 GSRNC calendar has been selected!

A big congratulations to Ingrid O who swooned her supporters and trotted away with the win in our Calendar Cover Dog contest! Her campaign raised a total of $1,255!

What a good girl!
Honorable mention to our other top vote winners: Kona Kai ($525), Zoe ($500) and Riley ($480).  
All of our contestants did an amazing job campaigning for votes. A round of applause to the rest of the field: Dasher, Ivan, Kami, Mackie, Misty, Molly, Rama & Gigi and Retha.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped us raise a total of $5,350 for GSRNC!

Watch for the calendar of our beautiful alumni dogs to go on sale in a few months.

Karen Oliver of Bring Rover Over in Martinez shares some dog training tips that can help build the bond with your dog.

This time we learn about properly socializing your dog to environments.

We love to hear about happy GSRNC adoptions!
If you love your dog and want to share his or her story, please send it along to:

Do you have a GSD memory you'd like to share? Send your story to us at: and we may use it in the next newsletter!
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Foster ~ Volunteer ~ Adopt 1-800-savegsd