Track & Field 2022
March 7, 2022
This week we start our volunteer program. All the information is on the web site for you to sign up. Please also sign up for your age group remind app, this is also on the website. This is how the coaches communicate on race day for warm up.
This Saturday we will have our mock meet time trial. This is to help us get times and to help you learn how to volunteer at the finish line, field events, Set up, clean up and Staging! Please check on Tuesday to sign up for events. Parent should meet in the stands @ 8:00 for volunteer information! We will train you to do the events, most are very simple and a lot of fun!
Urgent! All birth certificates and Payments are past due! Please send this in or bring a copy to practice today!! - I have to certify our team this week with the VYC! All links are below in this newsletter!

Sub and Gremlin Parents Important Information- As you know we require Sub and Gremlin parents to stay close in case you child needs you. We are having many athletes needing the bathroom during practice. The Coaches can not leave the field to take them. Pleases try to take them before practice and also be available to take them during practice if needed.
All athletes need to have their water on the field with them. It is dangerous for them to cross the track for water. Make sure they have their name on the bottle and know what it looks like!

Uniforms- Please pick your uniform up at Practice

Weekly Schedule
Monday - Sprints and age group - Castaic H.S. 6:00 pm-7:45 pm (Gremlins 7:15)
Distance only- Central Park - 6:00- 7:30 ( Must be approved)
Tuesday - All athletes - College of the Canyons- 6:00-7:45 (Gremlins 7:15)
Thursday -All Athletes- Castaic H.S. -6:00 pm - 7:45 pm (Gremlins 7:15)
Saturday - Mock Meet - Castaic High School -8:am - about 12:30
All athletes should arrive at 8:00am - Make up pictures will be taken from 9:am to10:00 am on the track!!

Field Event Schedule starting at 8:30
Field Events – Modified Event – 1 measured mark only Order Of Events:
Long Jump:  Sub-Gremlins/Gremlins, Midgets, Youth and Inter., Bantams
High Jump:  Bantam, Midget, Youth and Inter. If we get a chance to practice
Shot Put:  Youth and Inter., Bantam, Midgets
Running Events, start at 8:30 am we will start with Sub Gremlins and work our way up to youth and Inter.
Order of Events:
1500 Meter Run  all age groups (some age groups will be combined). no sub-gremlin
Hurdles  Midget, Youth and Inter, With Coaches approval only
4 X 100 (400 Meter Relay) Sub Gremlins Gremlin Bantams Midgets Youth & Inter.
400 Meter Dash Sub Gremlins Gremlin Bantams Midgets Youth & Inter.
100 Meter Dash Sub Gremlins Gremlin Bantams Midgets Youth & Inter.
800 Meter Run All age groups if time allows

Jelly Beans
Jelly Beans and Jolly Ranchers! Please bring 2 large bags of either one to practice. We need parents to take some of them home to bag. Please see Laura at the table to pick them up !! We still need parents to help at the end of practice
Loaner Spike Shoes! We have some used loaner spike shoes that you can borrow for the season. They will be out on Saturday! If you have spikes that no longer fit please consider donating them. You will still need to buy the correct spikes to put in them from the table. The cost is $5.00 per set.
New athletes we must have a copy of the proof of age (see below).

A proof of age document must be uploaded using the form on the website for each athlete that is New to the club. If you competed in 2021 Track & Field or 2021 Cross Country for Storm we have your proof of age document still on file.

The following items are acceptable:
1. Birth Certificate.
2. Photocopy of Birth Certificate.
3. Military Birth Certificate.
4. Passport.
5. Foreign Birth Document or Green Card.
6. Copy of School Record with documented date of birth.
7. Court decree.
8. Valid California Identification Card
Uniform purchase is also a separate option. (Every athlete must compete in a uniform, but you are not required to buy a new one every year, if your uniform from last year or cross country is still good you may use that one, if your child has out grown it, you might want to purchase a new one).