July 2022
From the Desk of the Superintendent

Greetings in the name of Jesus our Savior!

Welcome to the July edition of the Regional Newsletter. I know that many of you may be on vacation or enjoying one of our several camps in New England. I hope that you enjoy this beautiful weather and find rest in Christ Jesus our Lord during your time away from the routine. There are many great resources in this edition. We are preparing for the Convention in October and I believe that all who attend will be blessed! There is a giving infographic which shows that our giving is down this year compared to 2020 and 2021. Please continue your faithful support by giving your tithe (10%) to the Region which is divided by half with ACGC in Charlotte. There are many upcoming events. I hope that you will take note of them and recommend them to your people so you can grow together in your faith and Bible knowledge.
It’s a wonderful thing to be a part of the church which is God’s plan for the ages until the return of Christ. Imagine, that God entrusted the work of reaching lost people and making disciples to us as our responsibility. However, it is not ours alone. God gave us a family which met regularly to make an impact on Jews and Gentiles, Men and Women, Old and Young alike. It is for this task that God gave us each spiritual gifts, to play an important part in the ongoing work of the church. All too often we perpetuate the idea that it is our responsibility as “Pastors” to do the work of the ministry, and the people are all too happy to function under this system. We give God a tithe (which is about ½ of what we give a waiter at a restaurant and expect the minister to preach, teach, visit, and oversee the ministry). He doesn’t want our money as much as he wants us.

We need to reverse this line of thinking which has weakened the church to the point that most people (80% according to Paretto) simply come to be fed while the minority do the bulk of the work, and lean heavily on the paid “professional” Pastor. In the early church Paul and Timothy appointed local men as Elders to lead the gatherings of believers. There was nothing “professional” about them.  There is no way that our current model is either Biblical or healthy. I believe that we are all called to be ministers of the Gospel, and fulfill a role based on our gifts, time, talent, and treasure. Your gift is not for you, but for the blessing of the church body! May God help those of us in ministry to give up some responsibility to men and women we have trained for leadership, and may the body step up and make a difference in our culture in these last days. We continue to see that the fields are ripe for harvesting and we can look for more paid “professionals,” or we can motivate whole churches to do the work of reaching the world for Christ!

Regional Happenings
Youth Fundraiser
The youth at Goodwins Mills AC Church did a flamingo fundraiser to help send teens to camp this summer.
Summer Ministry Team
Ethan & Darin Twitchell and Brooklyn Nutter are serving at various camps, they did a work week at Hope ACC in Dover, NH, and will do a week of VBS in Melrose, MA.
What's happening at your church? Send info and pictures to
Scholarship Opportunities

Vincent E. Taber Memorial Scholarship - A $500 scholarship awarded to a student who is a member in good standing of and Advent Christian church or evangelical church; of sound Christian Character; preference is given to students of need accepted at Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies; application is due September 15th.

Dubois Scholarship - Sponsored by the Maine State Conference, amount awarded depends on number of applicants and funds available; This scholarship is given in loving memory of Rev. Wendell DuBois, Tammy DuBois and Virgene Hughes. It is designed to assist those seeking a call to vocational ministry in achieving their academic goals. The application needs to be postmarked by August 31 to be considered. The scholarship monies will be disbursed during the 2nd semester of the academic year.

Berkshire Christian College Scholarship Fund - Scholarship amount varies depending on the program of study. The purpose and description of the scholarship is:

  • Seminary education in partnership with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary at four campuses - two in Mass., one in Fla., one in NC. ( Advent Christian students receive up to a 50% tuition reduction. (Additional scholarship assistance may also be available.)
  • Theological formation through the Ministry Training Institute (MTI). Students enrolled in MTI are eligible for scholarships through Berkshire Christian.
Penny Crusade
Advent Christian ministry partnerships now exist in more than 20 countries. Indian pastors, Filipino missionaries, African pastors, children’s homes, a Bible college, discipleship groups, feeding ministries, training events and new church plants are all strengthened by money raised through Penny Crusade.
Can you guess which church this is? The first person to email the office ( with the correct answer will receive a small prize. If this is your home church, we ask that you refrain from answering.
The June Church was Redemption Hill Church in Portsmouth, NH, Duane Crabtree had the first correct guess.
Send an outside picture of your church, without the sign/name, to
"The very practice of reading [the Bible] will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart. Let nothing take the place of this daily exercise." Billy Graham
One in Six U.S. Adults Reads the Bible Most Days During the Week
Data reveal that over 181 million Americans opened a Bible in the past year. This number is up significantly (7.1%) from 2020, when 169 million adults used the Bible at least occasionally. In 2021, we estimate that 128 million American adults reach for the Bible with regularity.

Just over one-third of U.S. adults (34%) reads the Bible once a week or more, while half (50%) read the bible less than twice a year (including "never"). In between these two extremes, we find those who read the Bible more than twice a year, but not on a weekly basis (16%). Overall, one in six U.S. adults (16%) reads the Bible most days during the week, up from 12 percent in 2020.
BIBLE STUDY MAGAZINE - Of particular interest regarding the American Church, is a focus on Christians (practicing and non-practicing) as grouped into four traditions: evangelicals, mainline, historically Black, and Catholics. How much do we read our Bibles? Why do we read it? Do we believe it's the word of God? Evangelicals lead in almost all categories closely followed by black churches. (by Josh Kelley p. 18 March/April 2022 issue)
1 Timothy 4:13, "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching."

Compiled by Greg Twitchell
Monthly Devotional Thought
Joy Amid Difficult Circumstances

Are you a joyful person? Do you let circumstances and/or people rob you of your joy? Our Joy amid trials and sufferings is found in the hope of the Glory of God. The Apostle Paul says, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." (Romans 5:1-5)

What is this hope of the glory of God that we rejoice in? First, notice that Paul says we have been justified and through faith. Secondly, we have peace with god through Jesus Christ (no longer enemies since we have been reconciled to Him). Thirdly, we have obtained access and stand in the grace of God through faith. Fourthly, as a result we rejoice in this hope - the glory of God. Fifthly, we rejoice in our sufferings.

This passage is so rich. Our Justification is a gracious gift of God's grace derived from the benefits and blessings of God's gospel. We are made righteous in Christ. Christ's righteousness is imputed to us as a gift of grace, and our sins are imputed to Christ. In other words, we are declared "not guilty" because of Christ's full obedience to the law and to His Father on the Cross. We stand in this grace of God, and we have access to the grace of God. We are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1) and we are accepted as His children (adoption). We are forgiven. Again, all by grace. We have Union with Christ, and peace with God. This is God's grace.

It is by faith that we have gained access into this grace. Therefore, we rejoice. Our joy is found in the person and work of Christ on our behalf. It is produced in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Our joy is found in the hope of the triune glory of God. Christ's perfect work on our behalf brings glory to His Father. We stand in this hope of the glory of God. Therefore, we can rejoice despite our circumstances and in spite of people. As we focus our gaze on the hope of the glory of God, we rejoice. Let joy carry you through whatever circumstances you may be facing. Let's rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. (next month - rejoicing in our sufferings). God Bless!

Rev. Dr. Jim Caron ~ Faith Bible Church, Plainville, CT
Truth Told Blog
If not now, when?

As I reread one more time, the book of Nehemiah, I am struck by the parallels I see as it relates to the current times we are living in. I’ve been thinking how far the United States of America has drifted from its Godly foundation.

Click on the picture to read the rest of the article.

New York
Excerpts from Advent Christian History
By Albert C. Johnson
In the seventies pastors began to be settled and by 1880 most of the churches were so served, which evidently proved a means of advance as chapels were dedicated at Waterbury in 1886, Hartford, Bridgeport and East Norwalk in 1888, with a general increase of members in the churches and the organization of Sunday-schools. A Conference Sunday-school Association was formed in 1888. In later years this and the general work was quite earnestly sustained and extended.


In addition to the reference to the work in New York State as given in connection with early Western labors, and as indicating somewhat the results that followed those early efforts, we find a conference was organized at So. Butler, Wayne Co., May, 1866, when Eld. O. R. Fassett preached the opening sermon. A constitution was adopted, the name chosen was the Christian Conference of Western New York and Vicinity. The officers elected were: president, C. B. Turner; vice-president, C. W. Low; secretary, F. Burr, and treasurer, C. F. Sweet. On Sunday evening M. R. Miles and B. P. Stevens were ordained, Elds. C. B. Turner, Wm. A. Fenn and O. R. Fassett officiating. Bro. Wm. A. Fenn writing in the latter part of 1866 about the cause in western New York reported that though they had not received help from workers in other fields, the Lord had called several to the work of preaching in their own midst; that while the cause two years previously was mainly in the hands of those who had been elected officers of the conference, "We now have in addition, Bren. M. R. Miles, B. P. Stevens, C. H. Williams, J. W. Taylor, D. Cogswell, Allen, Newell and Brown, all of whom bid fair to be men of strength in the hand of God."
Eld. C. B. Turner writing from Syracuse, N.Y., March, 1867, and calling for $500 for a New York Conference Tent, said: "We have a good State conference which is now in most excellent working order." What had been called the Christian Conference appears to have re-organized at Rochester, N. Y., in 1868, adopting the name of Advent Christian Conference. According to the Advent Christian Almanac and Year Book of 1872 this conference owned two fine large tents which were in constant service from May to October. Referring to the first five years of the conference work, it says in that time over twenty ministers have been added; seven new chapels built, and over five hundred converts baptized. The work was carried forward with increasing fruitfulness for an extended period - and we note, that in 1877 and onward Elds. M. R. Miles, R. H. Bateman, W. J. Hobbs, A. P. Moore, Mrs. E. S. Jennings, Mrs., L. M. Stoddard and E. F. Sergisson were active workers in this field.
Meetinghouse Village reminds active and retired AC pastors that they may stay free of charge on Sunday and Monday overnights at our Tower Memorial Suite. Other nights are available at the reduced rate of $25 per night. Availability is dependent on prior bookings and certain Covid-19 protocols. To inquire about a reservation, email
Upcoming Events
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 24-29 Junior Camp
August 12-14 Family Camp
Camp Marion
July 17-22 Intermediate Camp
July 23-31
July 31-August 5 Senior Camp 1
August 7-12 Senior Camp 2
Mechanic Falls
July 17-22 Junior Camp
July 24-31 Family Camp
Big Lake
July 16-24 Youth & Family Camp
July 18-23 Senior Camp
July 25-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
Camp Washington
July 24-30 Junior Camp
July 31-August 6 Senior Camp
July 31-August 7 Family Camp
Camp Faithful
Family Camp July 30-August 6
White River Camp
August 6-13 Family & Teen Camp
No matter how much you already know or don’t know about the Bible, if you’re a woman who wants to know your Bible better, this workshop is for you!

Date: October 15, 2022 10AM-4PM
Place: Genesis Church, Woburn, MA
Cost: $20
Annual Convention
The Annual Convention is scheduled for October 21-22 and will be held at Gordon Conwell Seminary. More information to come as the details are worked out.
Worship Leader

Nathaniel Stine originally hails from Boston’s North Shore. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance from Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, and a Master of Music degree in Choral Music from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Nat and his wife Rachel moved from California to North Carolina in June of 2001 in order for Nat to take a job as Minister for Worship Arts at Chapel Hill Bible Church, where he served until 2017. He now is in his fourth year as Chorus and Orchestra Director at Rogers-Herr Middle School in Durham, NC. Nat continues to lead worship at his home church, as well as serve as guest worship leader at various churches in the Triangle area.
Nat has appeared as a performer, conductor, music director, and arranger in several different venues around the country, including several appearances at Carnegie Hall in New York City as featured pianist and vocalist with the Tim Janis Ensemble, accompanying such artists as Sarah McLachlan, Sir James Galway, Lisa Fischer, and Zachary Levi. He is a multi-instrumentalist, having played piano, guitar, and saxophone since elementary school. Nat enjoys sharing his love for music with people of all ages.
Nat and Rachel live in Durham, NC. They have two sons: Caleb (19), a sophomore journalism major at Fordham University, and Levi (17), an aspiring filmmaker and a senior at Jordan High School in Durham. Nat enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to and playing music, doing crossword puzzles, cooking, and cheering on his Boston sports teams all the way from North Carolina.
Saturday Morning Devotional Speaker

Chris Barton Graduated Gordon College in 1996 with BA Degrees in Psychology and Biblical Studies. Chris has pastored the Newport Center Advent Christian Church from 1996-present and pastored the Newport Center United Methodist Church from 2015-2021. In addition to pastoring Chris has worked for the Vermont Department of Corrections for 24 years and currently holds the position of Restorative Systems Administrator; in that role Chris oversees the work of 17 Community and Restorative Justice Centers and corrections volunteer and religious services management. Chris and his wife Melanie have been married for 22 years.
Click on Willie's picture to visit his website for upcoming events.
Join the 2023 BICS Israel Trip!
The Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies invites you to join them for the trip of a lifetime to Israel from March 15-29, 2023. Come walk where Jesus, King David, Paul and the other great men and women of Scripture lived out the stories of the faith. See firsthand the Temple Mount, the fields of Bethlehem, the beautiful Sea of Galilee, and much, much more.

Space is limited, so for more information or to register, click the link below, or for questions, contact Mike Tuttle at

We hope that you can join us - we promise you will never read the Bible the same again!
Previous copies of the monthly newsletter are on our website.

Have a mobile phone? You can now give to the Region through Venmo!
Online Prayer Meeting Tuesdays from 9-10 AM

ERA Board of Directors  
Rev. George Karl, President -
Rev. Dwight Dean, Vice President -
Rev. Allen Latimore, Clerk -
Mr. John Jones, Treasurer -
Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President -
Rev. Alan Chamberlin, Maine Conf. Vice President -
Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President -
Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President -
Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President -
Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President -
Mrs. Deb Reed, ERA Representative to ACGC -
Rev. Steve Lawson, ACGC Executive Director -

The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.
ERA Ministry Leaders
Eastern Regional Association
32 Four Rod Road, Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603-332-1412 / Fax: 603-332-1648