Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"...The reason we say the cultural shift toward 50/50 custody arrangements is especially good news for boys is that it has resulted in more boys spending more time with their fathers..."
"...And when you stop putting all your energy into being mad, you might remember that the ex you hate was actually your friend once, and you might be able to be that friend again. At least on every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and most national holidays..."
"...'The ultimate goal was to raise our kids together, so that they know what a loving family is, even if their dad and I aren't together," Anderson said. "But just keeping that end goal in mind is what really brought me to realize I needed to forgive and just move on.'..."
By Romper
"...The national media conversation about pandemic parenting has given us many examples of the struggles of single mothers, but very few of single fathers..."
"...The dissolution of marriage is a both a legal and emotional process that deeply impacts the lives of those within and outside of the marital relationship. This impact often intensifies when a couple must divide custody of their children. Though every divorce differs, the following information provides some general guidelines regarding how child custody is determined...."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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