
Yogic Living Newsletter

January 2023 - Volume 1

We often talk about soul mates, soul family, and even soul food. But what about our own Soul? Could it really be the seed of our story, our very best friend for life?

Over the course of this year, we’ll be utilizing these issues of Yogic Living to explore the Ten Bodies – the philosophical system that describes the wholeness of our human form. Sure, we have breath, we have brains, and we have bones, but according to Kundalini Yoga, the journey starts at the seat of the Soul. 

Our first body is our Soul Body. The Soul Body reflects the essence of your spirit and purpose. The Soul connects you to your vastness, your creativity, and the source of Life itself. But how do we go about connecting to the Soul, and what are the qualities of this first light body? Let’s dig in. 

Meditation to Open the Lock of the Heart

The heavy jolt of this exercise, as you spring your hands and arms apart, will cause a jerking reaction in your chest cavity, which will open up your Heart Center. Opening your heart center is opening up to your own Infinity. Begin by sitting in Easy Pose with a tall spine, and a light Neck Lock.

Find the Full Practice Here

Balancing Mind and Heart Unto Infinity

This meditation balances the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility. To begin, sit in Easy Pose with a tall spine. Place the hands on the chest so that the thumbs are tucked into the armpits, pressing against the ribs. Rest the palms and fingers of each hand against the chest. Relax the elbows down by the sides.

Find the Full Practice Here

Pulse Meditation

This is a good meditation to help you get in touch with the inner self. It will also help if you are scattered and want to settle down, or if you are already quiet and want to go deep into the core of yourself. It’s a good meditation for beginners and to develop the ability to concentrate. It allows you to control your reaction to any situation and can bring sweetness and one-pointedness to the most scattered mind.

Find the Full Practice Here

Emotions Are the Fuel That Shatter Your Heart Open

In our evolutionary process into the Aquarian Age, we are moving from navigating our life through the mind and intellect to that of the Soul. We are learning to cultivate an intimate relationship with our Soul, and the Soul communicates through our emotions.

Read the Full Blog Post Here

Numerology for 2023 and the Month of January

As humanity, we have now departed from one of the most challenging years in recent history. Looking over our shoulder for a moment, 2022 brought with it conflict in the realms of family, community, health concerns, and personal safety.

It is freedom that we are seeking as we enter 2023, as the overall number for this year is a 7, and number 7 seeks to elevate itself above the rattling and ruckus of the world. Seven is a more serene and contemplative number, shying away from situations of stress and static. Number 7 represents the Aura, or electromagnetic field surrounding the body. We will want to take steps and measures to preserve the sanctity and grace of our energetic field, as it is a strong part of how we maintain our equilibrium in the world.

Read the Forecast Here

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Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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