We acknowledge, with gratitude, the following members completing service in 2021: Janice Conrad, Bill Currie, Clover Drinkwater, Mary MacAusland, Jim Mazza, Steve Ruoffand Khandikile Sokoni.
Community Foundation Announces Our 2022 Board of Directors
Leadership for 2022 is Keith McCafferty, Chairperson, Theoria Cason, Vice-Chairperson, Ian Harrop, Treasurer and Susan Murphy as Immediate Past Chair.
Elected to the board for a first three year term are Rob Brown, Stamie Despo, Mudit Nopany, Megan Omohundro, Richard Rivera, Peyi Soyinka-Airewele, Marybeth Tarzian, Jumoke (Jum) Warritay.
Elected to the board for a second three year term are Theoria Cason and Linda Gasser.
In addition, continuing board members are Josephine Allen, Christine Barksdale, Jessica Custer-Bindel, Nicole Eversley Bradwell, Kristin Dade, Ian Harrop, Aisha Jasper, Frank Kruppa, Carol Mallison, Ann Martin, Rick Page, Basil Safi, Lynn Swain, Natasha Thompson and Reginald White.
For the 2021-22 academic year Chris Anklin and Will Sargent serve as Johnson Board Fellows.
Khandikile M. Sokoni is fierce in work ethic, in commitment to community, in caring for her family, and in her belief in what Black Americans have to offer this nation, and as a microcosm of the nation — our local community (especially through philanthropic efforts).
The Community Foundation Executive Director, George Ferrari recruited Khandi several years ago, and though she initially declined (due to an already perennially full calendar), she asked that they try again another time. The Foundation came calling again a few years later; this time, she had passed on the mantle of president of the Tompkins County Bar Association and was a little more available so she accepted. Because ultimately, she said, “I believe in their work.” Read More
Community Foundation Loves Libraries
The cover of Library Journal’s January 2022 issue named all library staff around the country as Librarians of the Year 2022. Folks in our community were one step ahead; last year, staff in our local libraries received an unexpected surprise from an anonymous benefactor who wanted to say thank you for all the ways libraries serve their communities, especially throughout this pandemic.
Community Foundation works closely with the Finger Lakes Library System, encouraging the 33 member libraries in a five county service area to apply for their annual Library Grant Cycle inspired by the Bernard Carl and Shirley Rosen Library Fund. Over the past eleven years, the Rosen fund along with other funds at the Community Foundation, have awarded over $1.5 million to support Summer Reading programs and other activities that foster the love of reading and learning among our community’s youth.
Our libraries, primarily small and rural, provide important childhood literacy services like storytimes, tween and teen book clubs, Summer Reading programs and more. Throughout the pandemic, libraries creatively met the needs of their communities providing curbside pickups, hosting virtual storytime events, curriculum-based Take and Make kits, Story Walks, and much more. Many also became involved with food distribution, using it as another opportunity to provide books to families being served. Often this work was done with few staff members and reduced hours of operation.
Check Out Funding Opportunities from other Local Funders
As part of the Tompkins County Funders group we seek to share information and connect prospective applicants with available funding. These local funders have interests in investing in the results of the work of Tompkins County non-profits. Local funders meet regularly to learn about community needs and to consider joint funding. Learn more HERE
Cornell's 2022
Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Lecture
"In Praise of Being Black and Alive: A Conversation between Danté Stewart and Cole Arthur Riley"