Hello Bailey-

I finally got out on my bike for a good ride this past Monday (my Sabbath day). It was great to be on the Military Ridge Trail, see all the green, feel the warmth of the sun, and hear the birds sing.  

I don’t specifically pray when I’m on my bike, but the time feels prayerful and meditative. I enjoy being apart from my computer, my phone, and my earbuds. I’m grateful for a time to breathe deeply and enjoy the peacefulness. 

I hope you have times in your week to breathe deeply and enjoy some peace. It's important, which is why I've invited everyone to ponder a daily Bible verse and to block out five minutes a day for prayer through the end of June. If you haven't tried that ye, why not take five minutes right now…? 

Making time for prayer and scripture help me to breathe deeply and experience God’s peace, as well as find focus for the day. This Wednesday, the daily verse from YouVersion app was one of my favorites; thanks to Derek Handley for the graphic above. It's verse that I often pray as I get dressed in the morning, and it's a timely verse, as we have NEW Covenant t-shirts (info below).

Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience… Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

-Colossians 3.12-14

I’ve also been grateful for taking five minutes a day to pray for God’s Spirit to come, with the help of the daily prayers we shared last week. Click on the image to get the whole list or pick up a copy at church this week. 

This Sunday is Pentecost, when we celebrate the gift of the Spirit, with guest preacher Everett Mitchell. We invite you to wear RED, and please remember we have one service at 9:30am for the rest of the summer.

On this Pentecost Sunday we are celebrating bicycles:

  • "Bike 2 Church Sunday"

  • Move 'N' Groove - Presbywheelians

You’ll hear the invitation to bike (or jog or walk) to support the Boys and Girls Club as part of the Presbywheelian Team.

  • Free Bikes 4 Kidz

And we’re celebrating bicycles with the Pentecost Offering of the Presbyterian Church, which helps children and youth; we get to designate 40% of this offering, and we’ve chosen Free Bikes for Kidz here in Madison (scroll down for more info, click on the link for some pics!).

If you’re not a bike rider, I hope you’ll at least be able to go for a walk or open the window, take a few deep breaths, and remember that you are a beloved child of God. 

On the journey together, 


PS--This Sunday is Rev. Clara Thompson's final Sunday at Covenant. She has served as our Parish Associate since 2015, blessing us with her caring spirit, her thoughtful prayers and sermons, her delicious food, her gracious presence and more.

While we will miss her I hope she is successful in her third attempt to retire from Covenant. In compliance with John Knox Presbytery guidelines and with healthy boundaries, Clara will no longer be availble for pastoral care with Covenant members.

To help us while we continue searching for an Associate Pastor, Donna Monson will be back on staff starting June 1, to focus exclusively on pastoral care. Welcome back Donna!

PS #2--Good news from the Scouts!

Congratulations to Ian Soderberg (son of Mark Soderberg and Page Moreau) who earned the rank of Eagle Scout this week, along with four other young men from Boy Scout Troop 122, which meets at Covenant. 

For his Eagle proect, Ian build a gaga ball pit at Glenn Stephens Elementary School.

  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:30am
  • Craig Wilson flies his specialized kites in worship
  • Mission Update on Boys & Girls Club: Move 'N' Groove and Presbywheelians!
  • Guest Preaching: Rev. Everett Mitchell | Sermon: "Transformation through Communication" | Text: Acts 2:1-13
  • PC(USA) Pentecost Offering (scroll down for more info)
  • Music: Ben Welch, Melissa Hinz
  • Children's Time with Cindy Lovell & Friends
  • Nursery Care (9:15-10:45am)
  • Kaleidoscope Kids (during 9:30am service)
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

Our Guest Preacher - Rev. Everett Mitchell

This week, we are blessed to have the Honorable Reverend Everett Mitchell join us! Rev. Mitchell is Senior Pastor at Christ the Solid Rock Baptist Church, a Dane County Circuit Court judge, and longtime friend of Covenant. Throughout his career, he has been a strong advocate for education, equity, justice, and much more. To learn more about Rev. Everett Mitchell, visit christthesolidrock.com

The Pentecost Offering is one of four special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a church-wide effort to support and inspire young people. Local congregations can retain 40% of the total amount collected and designate that amount to local agencies that share this mission. This year, Covenant’s Mission Committee has chosen Free Bikes 4 Kidz Madison to receive 40% of what we collect. FB4K refurbishes used bikes and distributes them to schools or other local agencies like Boys & Girls Club and JustDane. Give using the pew envelopes on Sunday, or at covenantmadison.org/pcusaoffering.

The May Spiritual Stroll has been relocated to Owen Conservation Park. Join us this Sunday as we reconnect with God in nature! These strolls are part of CONNECT, a program of events sponsored by the deacons of Covenant with the intention of fostering connection within the congregation and community.

Last Sunday, the GMB Committee gently reminded us to get our personal affairs in order through the creation of a will or estate plan. This includes considering how God is calling each of us to contribute to the world beyond our own lifetimes. A legacy gift to Covenant through your will or estate plan ensures the vitality of Covenant’s mission for future generations. To learn more, visit the Legacy Page on our website.

This week’s white rose commemorates the life of Melody Parry, friend of Ernie and Ann Perry.

This week's red rose celebrates the birth of Lina Cole Karch, granddaughter of Bob and Mary Cole.


New this week: Jane Pearson, who is going on a medical mission to Guatemala; Chris Turner, Covenant member.

Loving God, in your mercy hear our prayers for each of these your children. We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Click HERE for daily Pentecost prayers you can start this week and/or next.

(click on the image header for full prayer list on Worship HQ)

We are now accepting applications for both the Associate Pastor and Children & Youth Ministries Coordinator positions. Our Employment page is now live! Help us spread the word! If you have any questions, contact one of the nominating committees: Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) or Children & Youth Ministries Coordinator Search Committee (CYMCSC).

Click HERE to learn more about VBS and to register!

Boys & Girls Club of Dane County holds their annual Move ‘N’ Groove on Saturday, July 15 and as always Covenant is participating. The Presbywheelians is the team from Covenant that bikes for this fundraiser for BGCDC. Join their team for the 50k Walk, shorter Black History Walk (both June 17), or Move ‘N’ Groove via their team page. Registration is $40 until June 30, when the registration fee goes up! Click HERE to learn more or register!

Sunday morning opportunities

We are in need of some help on Sunday mornings!

Bradfield Cafe Volunteer:

Click HERE to sign up!

Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer:

Click HERE to sign up!

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