March 2024 Chapter Newsletter

2024 Tee Party - March 30th @ 10 AM!

Our 2024 Tee Party will be held at Carolina Lakes Golf Course. We will be having our ticketed prize raffle, two 50/50 boards, league sign-ups, a delicious spread for lunch and much more! Some prizes we will have up for raffle are an odyssey mallet putter, a pair of FootJoy golf shoes, foursomes at our local courses, lessons with amazing LPGA and PGA accredited instructors, and of course our signature baskets!

We will also have a handful of tee times reserved for those who are interested in continuing socializing on the course after our program. Tee times begin at 12 with greens fees paid at the course.

We hope you can all join us in our kick off to the season. Registration is live so sign up today!!

Join Us for the Fun - Renew Now!   

Haven't renewed yet? WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2024! We value your friendship and membership! We hope you consider renewing to have the opportunity to participate in fun LPGA Amateurs events with the other members and take advantage of the many other member benefits.  Members must be current in their dues to register and participate in Association-wide and Chapter events.

Renew today!

Birdie Juice all around!

More great scores coming out of Sifford - Congratulations to members Sue Frederick and Maggi Braun for a Birdie and Par on #5 during league at Charles T. Sifford! Way to go!

Interested in Leagues? We'll have signups at the Tee Party! We also have all league information updated on the website!

Must be that lucky green ball on St. Paddys Week, huh Tracey? Congrats to Tracey Stout with a Birdie at Birkdale.

Want to be featured? Send in your photos for sharing in the Newsletter and on Instagram! They can be from any round!

Share Your Golf Photos!

Speaking of Birdies...

We've officially launched our 2024 Birdie Tree! How does this work, you ask? Each time you play in one of our national chapter or local chapter sponsored events and you score one (or more!!) less than par, you can self-report to our Birdie Tree. We will be updating the birdie tree monthly to report who our lucky birdie gals are and sharing each newsletter and on our social media pages! We're excited to see who our top birder will be for the 2024 year!!! Any questions, please contact Vanessa Palmersheim!

Hook It Indoor Simulator League Wraps Up

A huge thank you to Hook It Golf and our weekly simulator league participants! We had such a blast playing each week. We had several weeks with closest to the pins and hole outs but no hole-in-ones. Maybe next year we'll be celebrating our first hole-in-one!

Some awards from our indoor league include:

Best Celebration Dance: LaWanda Bailey

Most Improved Golfer: Rebecca Moore

Most Rounds Played: Vanessa Palmersheim

Longest Drive: Vanessa Palmersheim

New Members

Amelia Albicker-------Diana Kooser

Brenda Dipman-------Catherine Lewis

Susan Dorkings-------Chris Nickerson

Debbie Kieslich-------Pam Ripsom

Cyntha Moser---------Audrey Rothman

Wanda Vincent-------Martina Schmitz

Nancy Sacunas------Terri Shidal

Kim Weaver

Have you paid your GHIN renewal fees?

Do you have a GHIN Number?

GHIN is the Golf Handicap Information Network which is a service recognized throughout the industry to provide a standardized service to calculate a handicap. The GHIN app is also a nice place to keep your scores each round!

Did you know that we partner with Carolina Golf Association to provide GHIN memberships? All GHIN Accounts expired 12/31/2023. Renew today for the 2024 season!

Please contact Sue Frederick for more information to renew or register and Judy Hillhouse or Nancy Ballard for any questions regarding GHIN.

One Interesting Read

Did you know Helen Hicks is the first ever women's professional golfer? Read More Here about her and the history of the LPGA. I, for one, am glad we do not have to wear long skirts to golf anymore!

Annual All-Member Virtual Meeting - March 21 

All members are invited to join in a virtual meeting to get the inside-the-ropes information about LPGA Amateurs as we head into 2024! This will be a great opportunity to hear from LPGA Amateurs Staff members, celebrate 2023 accomplishments and winners, and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, too. We hope to see you there! Register Now

LPGA Amateurs Team Championship Registration Opens March 14

Phase 1 registration for the 2024 LPGA Amateurs Team Championship will open on Thursday, March 14 at 1:00pm EST and closes on Monday, March 18 at 11:59pm EST. This popular event will be held on June 14-15 at Bayonet and Black Horse in Seaside, CA. Click here for more event details.

Reminder: all 2023 memberships expired on 12/31/23 and members have until 3/31/24 to renew at the regular rate before being charged the rejoin rate. Those who haven't renewed their membership are considered no longer current. Members must be current in their dues to register and participate in Association-wide and Chapter events.

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