In This Issue:

  • Chapter Happenings

  • Conference Planning

  • Jon's Corner

  • Kile's Corner

  • Blog
February 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2022! We are excited for what is coming in the next year for Speaking Up For Us. This includes planning for our fall conference, Leadership training and seeing each other face to face. SUFU Staff are continuing to present engaging trainings around the state on topics such as informed choice, self-advocacy, civil and human rights and so much more. If you haven't checked out a SUFU meeting, we invite you to join us!
Conference 2022
Now is the time when SUFU Staff and the Chapter Rep Committee starts planning the conference. As we begin this task want input from you on possibilities for the conference. Please take a moment to fill out our survey! You can do that by clicking here. Thank you for sharing your opinion with us!
Chapter Happenings
Our chapters have been busy talking and learning about a variety of topics. Most chapters started the year by doing a "Year In Review, and Goal Setting." Self-Advocates shared highlights from the previous year and what they would like to accomplish in 2022.
Many of our chapters spent some time learning about Black History Month and the Civil Rights Movement in February. We have also had refreshers on What Self-Advocacy is in different chapters. Self-Advocates have had the opportunity with this to see how they have grown in their own personal self-advocacy journey.
One of the requested topics was Winter Self-Care. Self-Advocates shared what self-care looks like to them, and how they can continue to take care of themselves in Maine's long winter.
We have also spent time learning what Informed Choice should look like when working with our support staff.
Our Central Aroostook chapter spent time talking about how to Encourage others and how they like to be encouraged. During the meeting they spent time encouraging each other on the different goals that were being worked on.
In Central Maine they spent one week talking about how they find volunteer opportunities in their own community. Self-Advocates shared how they would start at one volunteer position and learn something about themselves. This would lead to another volunteer position that fit their goals.
The Western Foothills and York County Chapters are both spending time learning more about their interpersonal relationships. All three of the chapters in Aroostook County recently wrapped up talking about consent in their relationships.

In the coming weeks chapters will be tackling topics such as budgeting, legislation advocacy, how to testify in a public hearing, and more!

If you would like to find a chapter in your area please check out our website! There you will find a list of all the chapters, their meeting times and zoom links. We hope to see you soon!
What do YOU want to speak up about?

We all have things in our lives that we want to speak up about. Sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming to figure out what we want to speak up about first. Or what is most important to us. Speaking Up For Us has created a graphic for self-advocates to use to help them share with those that support them what is something they want to speak up about. This is available on our website for use with staff, at work, or with family.
You can find this on our website.
Jon's Corner
Hi this is Jon.
I recently wrote a blog about the ADA because I was there in person when it was signed. It was a lot of FUN seeing it get signed into law. To read the blog post you can click here.

The Statewide Meeting on Heart Health was very interesting. I would like to see us talk about Testifying at a Statewide Meeting so people from SUFU know how to testify.

In the Central Maine chapter, we did a refresh on self-advocacy and it was very interesting. It was a good engaging conversation.

I also testified on some bills that were very important to me. Our most recent chapter rep meeting was good. We started talking about the conference for 2022.

Kile's Corner

Hi everyone, Kile here. We have been busy working for you. I just want to stop by and tell you about a SARTAC meeting I went to at the beginning of the month. The topic was self- determination during covid. There was a special guest, Liz Weintraub and she is an awesome advocate from the AUCD. She has her own web channel called Tuesdays with Liz. Here is her YouTube Channel On her channel you'll see that she interviewed Senator Bob Casey about Home and Community Based Service. You can watch that one here. She has some other great talks on YouTube you should watch!
What's on the blog?
Our Blog is a space where Self-Advocates share their stories. We invite you to check them out here.
If you are a self-advocate that would like to submit an entry for our blog please reach out to Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern.

We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post and subscribe to future blogs. You can also find the list of our chapter meetings, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern. We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Program Coordinator and Administrator (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine