PharmOutcomes Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - Updated Guidance

We are still aware of ongoing PharmOutcomes Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) issues, please see the information below including an updated FAQ document, how to reset a QR code and how to set up a new user account!

Advice on setting up MFA

FAQs for using MFA on PharmOutcomes (includes FAQs on barcodes, locums, authenticators, steps etc).

Advice to pharmacy teams on regaining access to platform after setting up MFA.

Commissioners and site administrators can now reset QR codes.

Every user should have their own unique log-in, attached to their own unique email address.

Users with shared email addresses can no longer access the system.

You will not be able to set up MFA or access PharmOutcomes without a unique email address, you will be prompted to set up MFA the next time you log in.

If you are still struggling you can send a message to PharmOutcomes helpdesk as shown below, or by emailing, or by telephone 0345 450 6279.


This route is so that PharmOutcomes processes and guidance can be enhanced and issues can be addressed by them. PharmOutcomes technical answers will continue to be updated as required, so please continue to signpost to PharmOutcomes directly.

If you have set up a new individual PharmOutcomes account, you may need to go to the 'Activation code' section on the home page to put your individual activation code in.

Please note that each account that is paired with the authenticator app is unique and has its own 6-digit code generated every 30-60 seconds. So you need to make sure that you are entering the correct code for the programme you are trying to access.

Kind regards,


Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire

0113 272 7560