The Produce Safety Team
March 13th, 2022
Summarizing the FSMA Proposed Water Rule
It can be hard to understand the changes that the FDA has proposed in the new Produce Safety Water Rule. This video summarizes the proposed changes and what they mean for you, as a grower.

Collection of Water Rule Resources for Growers
Still need help understanding parts of FDA's new proposed water rule? Check out this website for a collection of all of the water rule resources created by the Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team and the University of Minnesota Food Safety Program.

Technician Support for Commenting on the Proposed Water Rule
Emily Hale
Produce Safety Technician
Whether you have praise or criticism for the FDA on their proposed changes to the FSMA Produce Safety Agriculture Water Rule it is important to express your point of view by submitting a comment on the potential changes. With the deadline for submitting a comment right around the corner (April 5th, 2022) now is the time to connect with your local technician for help to drafting your comment.

Here’s how your Produce Safety Technician can help:

Understanding the Proposed Changes: Technicians can help you understand the proposed changes to the water rule and how they may have an effect on your operation specifically.

The Case for Water Testing
Phil Tocco
MSU Extension Educator
In reviewing the FSMA Proposed Water Rule, you might get the impression that testing water is no longer important. On the contrary, water testing is still fairly important, and here’s how.

One of the key exemptions in the proposed water rule is meeting postharvest water quality standards. If your water meets the postharvest water quality standard, you are exempted from conducting an Agricultural Water Assessment. For reference, Postharvest water must be either treated municipal water or ground water with no detectable generic E. coli per 100 ml., sampled four times per year initially and once per year thereafter. Additionally, untreated surface water must not be used postharvest.

Does the New Proposed FSMA Water Rule Apply to you?
Produce Safety Alliance Grower Trainings - Just Two Classes Left!
Learn the basics of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule in a one-day Produce Safety Training!
The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule requirement outlined in §112.22(c) that requires, "At least one supervisor or responsible party from your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration."

Worker Training Texting Service

This FREE weekly texting service can help you with your worker training!

Sign up for this texting service to receive a produce safety text once a week, straight to your phone. Each text will contain a short sentence, infographic, or video to reinforce important produce safety concepts without spending a lot of extra time or money. Signing up is FREE! Text "training" to (888) 531-2157, or text "capacitar" to receive texts in Spanish.

Online Produce Safety 
Supervisor Training
You only need 4 hours over the span of three weeks to complete this self-paced course!
Michigan State University Extension offers a course for farm supervisors as they navigate the requirements of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule. This course provides supervisors with information about the Produce Safety Rule and how to use relevant resources to support their farm's compliance with the rule.

Michigan On-Farm Produce Safety Team
1715 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202 | MSU Extension MACD Produce Safety Technicians
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