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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge


Photo credit Spencer Giles


March Board of Directors Meeting

  • March 26, 2024, 2:00 PM, Riparian Room 19255 SW Pacific HWY

Chicken Creek Christmas Tree Placing

  • March 30, 2024, 9:00 AM, Refuge 19255 SW Pacific HWY

Brian Staab - Conservation Conversations: A Speaker Series brought to you by The Friends

  • March 30, 2024, 10:00 AM, Riparian Room Tualatin River NWR

April Puddle Stompers: Earth Day Celebration

  • April 10, 2024, 10:00 AM, Tualatin River NWR 19255 SW Pacific HWY

Second Saturday Work Party at Wapato Lake NWR

  • April 13, 2024, 12:30 PM, 104 Onion Ln

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President's Perch

by Cheryl Hart

Board President

Cheryl sent her President's Perch from the tree tops of Costa Rica!

We hope she is having a wonderful time zipping through the trees!

See you at the refuge!


Focus on Friends

by Bonnie Anderson

Executive Director

One of the amazing things Cheryl and I get to do every Wednesday evening is hold a Zoom meeting with the Middle and High School students who are organizing this year's Oregon Youth Climate Summit. We are inspired and hopeful when we speak with these students. We're excited to host the Summit on April 27th at the Refuge. This year the focus will be on mindfulness both of our planet and of ourselves.

Please see the flyer below to learn more about the Summit. Although it is geared towards Middle and High School students, all ages are welcome to participate.

If you would like to support the students' efforts, we are collecting donations to help them provide refreshments for those attending. Feel free to donate and let me know it is for the Youth Summit.

I'll see you on the Trails!


Join Us for this FREE event at the Tualatin River NWR- Riparian Room on March 30th at 10:00 AM

The Return of Our Native Plant Sale

Save the Date!

Members Only Preview Sale

Not a member? Join now or at the door

Friday, April 19th

 Friends Members Only 

Saturday April 20th & Sunday April 21st

Open to the Public

9:00 AM- 3:00 PM

Sale is located at the TRNWR

Cash and Credit Card Sales Only

Calling all Native Plant Enthusiasts!

The Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge are excited to host our annual native plant sale.

Beautify Your Garden and Support Wildlife

Bosky Dell Nursery, specializing in Oregon native plants, will be providing a wide variety of options. Native plants offer four times the nutritional value for birds, bees, and other wildlife compared to exotic plants, making them a perfect choice for your garden.

Find your favorites!

We'll have a diverse selection including wood violets, wild ginger, starry sedum, penstemon, huckleberry, mock orange, low Oregon Grape, and many more.

Sale Details:

  • Location: Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge (parking available, no entry fee)
  • Date: Friday April 19- Sunday April 21

Time: Friday Members Only Preview 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Open to the public

 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 

Saturday April 20th & Sunday April 21st

Open to the Public

9:00 AM- 3:00 PM

  • Payment: Cash and carry preferred. Credit cards also accepted.

Let's grow a healthier habitat together!

The Friends are looking for volunteers to help with our native plant sale. Native plant knowledge appreciated but not necessary. We have lots of shifts and to select from including set up, day of sale and clean up. Please contact Bonnie if you are interested.

Want to give recycled Christmas trees a new life as fish habitat? Join Friends of the Refuge and Trout Unlimited in placing Christmas trees donated by Cornell Farms in the National Wildlife Refuge’s restored Chicken Creek!

Woody debris in streams provides food and shelter for salmon, lamprey, trout, and other native species. Trees also help diversify stream habitat, slow flows, and decrease water temperatures. By volunteering you will give Chicken Creek and its fish a helping hand! We will also install plants to increase wildlife habitat near the creek.

No prior experience is necessary. Training, gear, tools, and snacks will be provided. This project will involve navigating uneven terrain, stooping, and lifting up to 15 lbs.

Advance registration is required. We will meet at the Refuge's Wayside/North entrance parking lot. Questions? Contact

Join us for a planting at Wapato Lake NWR! We will be installing native plants along a creek that borders Wapato Lake. As these plants grow, they will support wildlife and habitat health with their superpowers such as providing food and nesting resources, woody debris deposition, stormwater interception, stream shading, and many more! Advance registration is required.

Look What's New in the Visitor Center

Explore the Refuge Like a Pro!

Uncover the wonders of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge with our brand-new Species and Habitat Guide! This comprehensive resource, created by our knowledgeable and dedicated Refuge Volunteer Naturalists, is now available at the Visitor Center. Thank you for all of the hard work put into this guide!

Want it at your fingertips?

The Friends of the Refuge are also happy to offer the guide electronically on our website.

Friends Visit Jackson Bottom

By Bonnie Anderson, Executive Director

Bonnie and Bella recently met with Laura Trunk, a biologist at Jackson Bottom, to learn about the looming threat of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) to the ash trees at the Preserve. Laura not only shared her vision for addressing this invasive beetle but also took us on a tour to see their efforts firsthand.

We are incredibly grateful for community partners like Laura who share their knowledge and resources. Working together towards a common goal makes a significant impact on the environment.

See the Beauty of Jackson Bottom

Not only can you learn about EAB at Jackson Bottom, but it's also a fantastic place for birdwatching! We highly recommend a visit.

Want to Learn More About EAB?

Bella has compiled some helpful resources for you:

USDA APHIS | Emerald Ash Borer-this page has links to good resources

USDA APHIS | Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Story Map

Have You Ever Heard of a Anna's Hummingbirdblackbear?

By Bonnie Anderson, Executive Director

BINGO Bonanza: Fun and Learning for Volunteers!

Our amazing volunteers recently enjoyed a unique twist on game night – a nature-themed BINGO hosted by Park Rangers Natalie and Todd. "Diamonds & Denim" was a roaring success, filled with laughter and learning for all who attended.

This is just one of the many perks of volunteering at the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge! A huge thank you to Todd and Natalie for creating such a fun and educational evening.

Stay Tuned for More!

Be sure to check the volunteer newsletter from the Park Rangers for upcoming events.

Want to Join the Fun? Interested in volunteering at the Refuge and experiencing events like this? We'd love to have you!

Click Here

Stop by the Visitor Center and pick up a Blue Bottle Drop Bag! Donate your cans and bottle to the Friends!

  1. Stop by the Visitor Center and pick up Blue Bottle Drop Bags
  2. Fill the bags up with cans- (only fill halfway if donating glass)
  3. Drop off at your nearest Donation site
  4. No need to wait in line- there is a drop off door just for you!

If you have your own Bottle Drop account you can also donate directly to The Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge from your account.

Calling All Photographers

By Phyllis Millan

Let’s share the beauty of TRNWR and other wild places through your pictures. Submit via email to

Include your name, where the picture was taken, and any pertinent information.

Left: Ruby Crowned Kinglet. Right: Great Blue Heron. Credit: Richard Scheideman

This Week at Interior | March 15, 2024

This Week: President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal includes $18 billion for Interior with critical, targeted investments in the American people; Interior leaders celebrate the completion of construction for the South Fork Wind project; the Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area is the 571st and newest unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System, which marks its 121st birthday this week; Acting Deputy Secretary Daniel-Davis visits Southern California to tour several projects funded through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda; Interior celebrates congressional finalization of amendments to the Compacts of Free Association; more than $120 million is headed to Tribal communities for climate resiliency projects; the Oglala Dam Rehabilitation Project breaks ground at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota; the Bureau of Land Management announces a new draft plan to strengthen greater sage-grouse conservation and management on public lands; the National Park Service joins the U.S. Postal Service for the unveiling of the newest set of Forever Stamps at the Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Church Creek, Maryland.

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227

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