With the [now March 12] end of the mask mandate, what level of in-person event are you comfortable with?
The Chamber is interested in beginning a travel program - would you be interested in a group travel opportunity? Where would you be most interested in traveling?
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you!
A judge has overturned a new capital gains tax on high-profit stocks, bonds and other assets that was approved by the Washington Legislature last year, ruling that it is an unconstitutional tax on income.
In his written decision issued Tuesday, Douglas County Superior Court Judge Brian Huber agreed with opponents of the new tax who had argued it was a tax on income that violates previous state Supreme Court rulings and the state constitution because it is not a uniform taxation on property.
Tracking spending is mission critical to ensure your business finances are in order. When you pinpoint spending, you have an accurate view of just how well your business is handling money.
Use a business expense tracker app and you can see how your company is doing in real time. This gives you the information you need to make financial pivots when necessary.
After a comfort food boom, health is once again a primary concern for consumers, and immunity boosting-foods or plant-based sandwiches are top trends for 2022. But while biscuits and gravy might be on the way out, other trends are sticking around.