news & events
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This Sunday will be the fourth Sunday in the season of Lent and sometimes is called "Laetare" or "refreshment Sunday." Quick and dirty Latin lessons usually aren't significant drivers of faithful enthusiasm, so I'll try to stay out of the medieval weeds, here, but in many places this Sunday is taken as both a moment of relaxation and joy in the midst of our Lent-long penitence and a shift in the tone of the season overall. If it is taken as a shift in tone, then that is a move in our focus from penitence to anticipation of Holy Week and Easter. In some places, the clergy wear rose vestments on this day, but Saint Paul's doesn't have a rose set, so I'm afraid that you'll miss the spectacle of us in pink.
But we are observing the day. Of course we'll have church as usual at 8:00, 11:00, and 5:30. Our adult formation class on the atonement will continue at 9:30, and kids will meet for choir and Sunday School as usual. But then the afternoon is jam-packed with fun, service, and celebration. In the mid-afternoon, we'll hold our quarterly ice cream social at the Blue Goose (details below), and then at 4:00 Keith Shafer will give the annual Rose Sunday concert in the church, with a reception to follow (opportunities to help with the reception listed below). About the time that attendees at the reception are starting to filter down to stay for the Celtic service, our youth group will begin a progressive dinner that will take them into parishioners' homes across the parish.
If you've stuck with this message this long, maybe you'll tolerate a little Latin: Laetare means "rejoice," and we'll have plenty of opportunities to rejoice on Sunday. The time change won't be one of those reasons, but change your clocks and join us for a full, holy day.
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Daylight Saving Time Begins
Sunday, March 10
Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday, March 10. Be sure to set your clock one hour ahead Saturday night.
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Easter Lilies and Brass
Bulletin deadline, Sunday March 24
If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Easter music, or give an Easter lily, please return the form found in your bulletin to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made using the QR code in the Narthex or by e-mail to mailbox@saintpauls.org no later than Sunday, March 24. A direct link is available below.
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Sunday Worship Schedule for 03/10/24
8 AM Rite I
11 AM Rite II
11 AM Facebook Live
11 AM YouTube Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
6:30 PM - Compline + Sit and Wait (Chapel)
All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
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Bagels for Breakfast this Sunday
Sunday, 9 - 10 AM Tyler Hall
Busy morning? We have Homemade bagels and all the fixin's this Sunday in Tyler Hall at 9 AM. Donations welcomed.
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JESUS SAVES—but how?
Sundays; February 25 - March 17
9:30 AM, The Berlin Room
We all affirm that God saves us through the work of Jesus. But many of us reject what we learned in Sunday School about "how" God saves us without ever really replacing it. In this series we'll discuss various "theories of the atonement" to move towards a mature gratitude for our redemption.
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St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 - grade 2)
Canterbury Choir (grades 3-9)
Sundays, 9:25 - 10:00 AM
The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9) and the St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 through grade 2) will meet this week as scheduled.
If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.
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Godly Play
(grades pk4-2)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Francis Room
Kim Butler and Sara Dimsdale will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation.
Contact Kim Butler for more information.
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Children's Sunday Formation
(grades pk4-5)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Patrick's Room
Kitty Gordon will be our lead teacher and we also have volunteers to help teach our older elementary children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class.
Contact Kim Butler for more information.
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Middle School Formation
(grades 6-8)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Benedict's Room, CMC
Our middle school class continues. Elizabeth Lindroth will lead the class. For more information contact Elizabeth Lindroth.
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Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sunday, March 10, 2:30-3:30 PM
Dish and serve ice cream and cookies at our quarterly Veteran’s Social March 10, 2:30-3:30 PM. We’ll meet at the GA War Veterans’ Nursing Home located at 1101 15th Street to share a dessert and then spend much-appreciated time visiting. All ages are welcome to participate. For more information contact Gene Helmich.
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Hospitality Team Rose Sunday Reception
Sunday, March 10
The Parish Life & Hospitality Committee invites you to make or purchase a dessert or beverage for the Rose Sunday Reception immediately following the concert at 4:00 PM, March 10. Sign up to bring an item and to serve on the hospitality team to set up or clean up.
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Rose Sunday Concert
Sunday, March 10, 4 PM
This year’s annual Rose Sunday Concert at 4:00 PM on March 10th features organist Keith Shafer who will play music of Bach, Franck, Stebbins, Bedard, and the Beatles (yes, the Beatles!) The concert is free, and a reception follows in Tyler Hall.
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EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Grades 6-12
EYC Meets this Sunday for progressive dinner. For more information and addresses contact Elizabeth Lindroth. Friends are always welcome!
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A Service for Quiet for Lent
Sundays, 6:30 PM, Chapel
You’re invited to begin a practice of silence for Lent. Sit and Wait follows the Celtic Service Sunday evenings (6:30 PM). The service begins with a Service of Quiet and will end with a twenty-minute sit. The people end in silence.
Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information.
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BUILDING BRIDGES: Saint Paul's in the Community | |
Look for this new listing of where Saint Paul's
is building relationships in Augusta and the CSRA.
This Week Mother Kimberly:
Wednesday, March 13 - Visiting St. John's Towers for a tour and visiting parishioners
Thursday, March 14 - Preaching and Celebrating at EDS 8:30am Chapel Service
Thursday, March 14 - White Gloves Dinner at the Augusta Museum of History
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EVENTS NEXT WEEK | March 4 - March 10 | |
1Book1Diocese Selection for Lent
The Good Life
This Lent, the people of the Diocese of Georgia will consider what makes a life fulfilling and meaningful through the lens of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. The 1Book1Diocese Selection is The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schulz, PhD.
The diocese provides reading guides and other materials to enrich your read of this book.
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No Compline - ZOOM
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
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Mid-Week Eucharist
Thursdays, 11:30 AM
A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in the Berlin Room follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)
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Lectio at Lunch
Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall
Every Thursday in Tyler Hall you’ll find a lunch combo that can’t be beat! We offer a tasty meal with a generous helping of fellowship, plus a lively discussion arising from the Gospel of Mark. Our text is N.T. Wright’s Mark for Everyone which takes this Gospel in small bites, reflecting on each week’s reading with relevant and important insights. We finish promptly at 1:00 PM and invite you to join us as your schedule allows. You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.
Questions? Contact Kitty Gordon.
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Friday Night Fish Fry
March 15, 6-7 PM,
Prep Team begins at noon; Cooking begins 4 PM
You are invited to our Friday Night Fish Fry. The fun starts at noon with a prep team, the cooking team begins at 4 PM, and dinner of fish, fries, hush puppies, and coleslaw from 6-7 PM. Bring your own beverage; tea and water available. As always, we appreciate your gift of time to serve on a parish life team. Sign up for dinner and to volunteer. The Fish Fry takes the place of our Mmm...dinner in March.
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Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul
Sunday, 4:00-5:15 PM, The Berlin Room
Session 7 of 10
Join us for a new Sunday afternoon formation gathering which precedes the Celtic Service. The clergy will lead a discussion of John Philip Newell’s Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World. Books are available from many retailers. For more information contact Eric Biddy.
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Dates for Your Calendar
March 18 - No Vestry Mtg. this month
March 24 - Holy Week Begins
March 31 - Easter
April 20 - Earth Day Celebration
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Tuesday's Music Live
Tuesday, March 19, 12 noon
Tuesday’s Music Live 35th season concludes Tuesday, March 19, at 12 noon, with a free concert by String Time Duo. More information by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463 or tuesdaysmusiclive.com.
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Senior Lunch
March 20, 12 noon, Tyler Hall
Join us for lunch Third Wednesdays each month, at 12 Noon in Tyler Hall. Just a relaxing social time. Lunch is provided but donations welcome. Please sign up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or on our website using the link below.
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Manna Pantry
Saturday, March 23, 8:15-11:30 AM
Tyler Hall
Manna Pantry provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. With your help we will unload the groceries from Golden Harvest, pack food boxes, reload the truck, and deliver all food boxes on Saturday. Sign up for the Manna Pantry Team using the link below. For more information contact Melissa Friedman .
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Serve at Field Day at Hornsby Elementary
Friday, April 19, 9-3 PM
CALLING ALL WANNABE JOCKS AND FRUSTRATED REFS. W. S. Hornsby Elementary School Needs You! Field Day is scheduled for Friday, April 19, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and Ms. Jacquelyn Williams, physical education teacher, needs 15 volunteers to help with setup and assist with running a variety of games and races. If you thought adolescent soccer games were a challenge, just wait until you help a group of second and third graders run sack races. Yep, they fall down, and they can’t get up (without your help). This will be the most fun you will have had since you were that third grader lying on the ground in a burlap bag.
Questions? Email Barbara Coleman or call at 706-495-1884.
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We are unable to update our current website, so you'll note our bulletins, Weekly Postings, and assigned readings are not up to date. We are working to find a temporary solution as we continue plans for our new redesign early this year. In the meantime, we will continue to send the Sunday bulletin on Sunday mornings.
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Saint Paul's Faithfulness
(A new budget will be presented)
Offerings Pledged this Week
Pledged Offerings Received this Week
Total Expenses to Date
Total Income Received to Date
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Are we missing your birthday?
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