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July 14, 2022

College admissions officers and workplace hiring managers prefer applicants with a depth of knowledge. PESA programs help teens flesh out their applications and résumés with valuable learning opportunities
Just as it’s critical for a college applicant to have a well-rounded body of work and community service experience, so too is it important for young job applicants to have similar backgrounds on their résumés in order to appeal to potential employers. But where does a teen turn to gain that know-how?
For the incoming 2022 freshman class of Fremont High students, their school’s Summer Bridge program, aimed at easing the transition to high school and getting students engaged in academic and civic activities, is a great place to start. And PESA was proud to partner recently in that event. 
On a Friday afternoon, some 50 Fremont High students gathered for a presentation by PESA that included the following opportunities administered by our organization:
LASC Teen Court Program
As the only proactive juvenile diversion program in the nation that allows first-time youth offenders to have their cases heard by a jury of their peers, the program provides volunteer participants the chance to learn about the justice system and serve on a jury.
Civic Engagement Program
Participants learn how to become responsible community activists and how to get involved in civic initiatives. They hear from guest speakers, do a capstone project involving being an activist and participate in public events.
Mock Trial Program 
It’s one thing for students to read about the Constitution; it’s another thing entirely to explore the application of our constitutional rights through real-world mock trial scenarios. PESA staffers work closely with students who fill the roles of defense and prosecution teams and other components of an actual trial in order to provide an interactive, first-hand experience.
“The goal here is to inform students about opportunities available to them before it’s time to apply to colleges and to provide experiences that can spruce up their résumés before graduating high school,” says PESA’s Director of Youth Services Araksya Nordikyan. 
Regardless of the program a student pursues, the benefits of involvement are numerous, including personal and professional development; networking and mentoring opportunities; access to internships; community-building activities; résumé and college application assistance; and the chance to earn a Civic Engagement Seal from the state of California on their high school diploma. Not a bad way to get a jump on life! ■

If you’d like to support PESA’s many social and educational initiatives, please contact us.