July 14, 2022

The Pilot's Manual: Instrument Flying

Eighth Edition

An instrument rating on a pilot certificate opens new doors—enabling a pilot to fly more, day or night, in clear or cloudy weather. A pilot with an instrument rating has demonstrated mastery of airplane instruments and can use preflight and enroute information, aeronautical decision making (ADM), and their knowledge of procedures and regulations to execute a safe flight in a variety of situations. The Pilot’s Manual: Instrument Flying provides everything a pilot needs to earn their instrument rating and fly safely under instrument flight rules (IFR) and in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).

The eighth edition of Instrument Flying covers all the required knowledge and skills outlined in the Airman Certification Standards to pass the FAA Knowledge Exam and checkride for the instrument rating, from basic attitude instrument flying to IFR procedures. Students will also learn effective preflight planning, navigation, and meteorology. Clear text and hundreds of full-color illustrations simplify complicated IFR procedures and maneuvers such as holding patterns, intercepting and tracking a course, and flying an approach with crosswinds. This edition has been updated to reflect upgrades to the National Airspace System (NAS) infrastructure, new navigation technologies, and changing weather services available to pilots.

With a foreward by Barry Schiff, this new edition includes study questions and answer keys to aid home or classroom study as well as an extensive glossary of aviation acronyms. Foreword by Barry Schiff. This book is part of The Pilot’s Manual Series—used by leading universities as their standard classroom texts.

Hardcover, 8.25 x 10.75 inches, 640 pages, color throughout. Also available in eBook formats. Cover returns for unused, unsold copies of The Pilot's Manual Instrument Flying, Seventh Edition (ASA-PM-3D) will be accepted from distributors only through September 30.

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The Pilot's Manual Instrument Flying (Hardcover)


ISBN 978-1-64425-191-1


The Pilot's Manual Instrument Flying (eBundle)


ISBN 978-1-64425-192-8


The Pilot's Manual Instrument Flying (eBook EB)


ISBN 978-1-64425-193-5


The Pilot's Manual Instrument Flying (eBook PD)


ISBN 978-1-64425-194-2


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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying