March 2024 Newsletter

March is Social Work Appreciation Month 

Every March, we celebrate Social Work Month. Explore the profession's positive contributions this month. Social workers use innovative approaches to help people overcome challenges. Our staff strives to provide foster youth and their families with the resources and support they need to thrive. We're here to provide support and connections to foster youth and teens. Don't forget to follow NOAS on social media to learn more about our valuable work.


Bridges is a voluntary program for young adults aged 18, 19, and 20 who have aged out of foster care in Ohio and are in school, working, participating in an employment program, or have medical conditions that prevent them from working or going to school. As they transition to adulthood, the program provides guidance and support. Our Bridges team recently welcomed Susan Cleary-Charles as a Liaison. The young adults in our program will receive guidance and support from Susan. Our team is looking forward to having her on board.

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Did you miss the March Pre-Service Class? Don’t worry, we have another session beginning in April! NOAS is always looking for open-minded, nurturing, flexible, and cooperative people to change the lives of foster youth. You can help families and children in need, as well as keep sibling groups together. Become a foster caregiver with NOAS. Pre-service classes (as mandated by the state of Ohio) are beginning on April 18, 2024. For information on this class or to register, contact Sarah Moreton at 1-800-686-6627, Ext. 126, or by email at Check our website, for schedule information.

Visit our Education Classes


In this 3-part series, foster caregivers, professionals, and community members will learn about TBRI®, a family-based intervention. The goal is to strengthen and build secure attachments between parents and childrenTBRI is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. Join us and take your parenting skills to the next level. For more information or to register for classes, call Kelly Dillon at 330-980-4973 or email at


During Women's History Month, we celebrate and commemorate the significant roles played by women in American history through study, observation, and celebration.


NOAS will honor some women who, despite the challenges of foster care, became singers, songwriters, actresses, comedians, and achieved success. Cher, Marilyn Monroe, Tiffany Haddish, and Rosie Perez were all foster children.


Moreover, NOAS celebrates all women around us: co-workers, friends, mothers, daughters, aunts, nieces, all of whom have influenced us in some way.


Thank you to everyone who donated to, participated in, attended, or supported O’Malley’s Murder in any way. O’Malley’s Murder was solved on Saturday, March 9th, at the Youngstown Country Club. The evening was a great success, and your support helps NOAS find and support foster families throughout Northeast Ohio. Because of you, we were able to raise over $50,000 that will be used to support the worthwhile work that we do.


Foster caregivers, professionals, and community members raising older foster children with moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges should consider CORE Teen training. The focus is placed on parenting children over the age of 11. With CORE Teen, parents can develop positive relationships with their children, learn effective behavior management strategies, and access tools for assistance. In addition, CORE Teen training helps parents gain a better understanding of the challenges of parenting older foster children. . For more information or to register for classes (see flyer for schedule), call Kelly Dillon at 330-980-4973 or email


Age 15

Haley is a very sweet girl and very inquisitive at times. Haley enjoys helping people with tasks. 

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Phone: 800-686-6627 ext. 126

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