Wheat harvest has officially started at Wanstead Co-op. Samples and loads have been steadily coming in since Monday, with the main chunk of grain expected to come off towards the end of this week, or into next week.
With a larger planting window in the fall from early September to November, it was not unexpected that we would have certain fields ready before others.
If you are looking to get a pre-harvest burndown done, please contact your agronomist so they can help you time the application right!
- Bradey: 519-312-7767
- Jason: 519-330-9746
- Darrin: 519-330-9812
At this point, grain quality (sprouts, VOM, etc.) is looking favourable so we are keeping our fingers crossed it stays that way!
Going forward into harvest, in an effort to retain milling quality wheat, Wanstead is planning on offering a couple drying promotions. The intention is that by helping growers get their wheat off earlier, quality can be better maintained. For grade 2 soft red wheat, Wanstead will be offering a drying holiday up to 17% moisture. For grade 2 soft white wheat, Wanstead will cover drying charges up to 18%. Shrinkage rates will still be in effect for any tough deliveries. Any questions about this promotion can be directed to Floyd or Megan.
Based on last week's survey, nearly everybody indicated that they were not planning on planting double crop soybeans. That being said, if you are hoping to plant a cover crop, please contact your agronomist so they can get in the product you need.