December 2021
 Ingleside Therapeutic Massage & Yoga • 415 Ingleside St., Route 5
Holoyoke, MA 01040 • Phone: 413-536-9682
"Light Within," Brothers Andreas, Storypeople

Happy Holidays!

We extend warm Holiday Greetings to you and your families. May your holidays be filled with moments of peace and joy. This season is all about the celebration of Light, to remember the Sacred and the sacredness in each of us, in all our relationships and in the world.

A way we can honor and celebrate the Sacred and Light is to embody Light as much as we can each day. When we live from our Highest Self, we embody and manifest the Best parts of ourselves. We can think of this as the qualities we most admire in ourselves and others and the qualities we aspire to be. Qualities such as Love, Respect, Patience, Kindness, Compassion, Generosity of Spirit and Forgiveness. The world is in such dire need of us all making conscious daily contributions of these qualities. Imagine what kind of relationships, families, communities and world we could create and sustain if we all made daily offerings of these attributes.

How can we contribute to Light? We can do that by our commitment to Light and to practice being Light each day. When we embody and be the above qualities, we are Light-the manifestation of Light. The more we grow in awareness and mindfulness, the more conscious we become of our thoughts, words and actions both to ourselves and to others. We take it one breath at a time, one moment at a time.

May we remember that the divine Light within us is always present. It never leaves us. It gets veiled or cloaked but within our darkness, the Light resides. We can think of our darkness as the part(s) of ourselves we don't like, that we may have guilt and shame about and that cause us suffering. Remember, even in our shadows and darkness, the Light is present to comfort us and it quietly guides us to return to our wholeness when we are ready. Turn into your breath. In each breath lives sacred energy. It is a sanctuary of peace, healing and a way home to Light.

This sacred Light also can help us to choose our most loving, respectful, patient, kind, compassionate, generous and ethical way to respond and be when our darkness arises and permeates our soul. May we sit with our darkness in spite of our fear of it. As Pema Chodron, Tibetan Buddhist nun reminds us: "[o]nly when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity." May we honor and accept our darkness as a part of ourselves and see it as an opportunity to practice self-love and compassion in order to work thru our darkness to manifest more Light to contribute to our lives, our relationships and the world!

Give the gift of self-care and love to yourself and your loved ones for the holidays! We have gift certificates available online for all of our offerings!
Massage and/or CranioSacral Treatments

1.0 hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$100.00;

1.5 Hour Massage or Craniosacral Treatment:$120.00

Or purchase a 5-pack of treatments & get additional treatment Free!:

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
(1.0 hour each-$500.00)-get additional one Free!

  • Buy 5 Massages &/or Craniosacral Treatments
(1.5 hours each ($600.00)-get additional one Free!
Private and Semi-Private
Yoga Sessions
In-Person or Online

Private and semi-private yoga sessions available in-person or online via Zoom. Private or semi-private yoga and meditation sessions are a healing practice for you and your friends and/or family member(s).

Yoga Classes In-Person & Livestream Online

Enjoy yoga and meditation classes in-person or livestream on Zoom.

To keep all safe during this ongoing pandemic, all students attending classes indoors must be fully vaccinated. Other option is to take class on Zoom. 

Contact J at [email protected] or text J at 413-313-5769 to join classes either in-person or online.

SPECIAL for New Students to our studio:
five classes for $85.00. Click Link below.