Session Report
Your Westminster Session met on Wednesday, February 15, for their regular monthly meeting. They approved bylaws and the agenda for the congregational meeting on Sunday, February 26, which will take place after the service along with a potluck lunch. That agenda is now online for your viewing. Please plan to attend. The Elders also discussed and approved a new rotational system for hosting Coffee Hour. Church Elders, Deacons and other committees will host the Coffee Hour for two months. This new plan will free up the same people from always being responsible and allow others to get the chance to meet and greet the congregation during Coffee Hour after church. --Sandy McLean, clerk
For deeper insight into what ruling elders are called to do and how they serve, check out the first of a monthly series from PCUSA here.
A labyrinth offers a purposeful walk on a single circuitous path to the center and back out again. This pattern is conducive to deep spiritual reflection. Some can find this on a walk through the woods, but others sometimes need a more structured path. The Labyrinth can be the structure that guides one's footsteps even as the Holy Spirit guides our spiritual footsteps. Please join us Sunday evening from 6 to 7:30 pm to refresh what we know about walking a labyrinth and enter into a "Labyrinth Vespers" guided walk experience with Rev Dr Scott Crane, who grew up at Westminster and is son of church members Dave and Wendy Crane. Rev Dr Crane developed the outdoor labyrinth at Menucha Retreat Center in the Columbia Gorge. We welcome him warmly.
On Ash Wednesday (February 22), we encourage you to begin your Lenten Walk by coming to the church either 12:30-1:00 or 5:30-6:30 to our "Journey to the Center" Experience: you are welcome to walk the church grounds, walk the labyrinth, take communion and receive the Imposition of Ashes. We have literature in the narthex to facilitate your experience beginning this year's Lenten Journey. The Labyrinth will be available other hours as well, but the communion and Ashes will have these limited hours. Of course you are always welcome to walk the church grounds.
Red Cross Blood Drive is March 13, 1-6 pm in Boulder Hall! We need the congregation and community to pitch in and give so that we can retain Westminster's record of being the longest continuously running church-hosted American Red Cross blood drive in Salem!! For those who want to DOUBLE their donation of red cells (and still keep all that plasma, platelets and white cells!) there are at least 8 "Double Red" appointments available throughout the day. This can truly be a life giving donation. Even if you think you may not be eligible to give blood, please call/message Bill Nelson (503-581-5261, or Pamela Garland (503-551-2998) to check. The ARC has recently relaxed some of the previous restrictions on giving blood, including restrictions on recent travel to Europe. Even if you had a poor experience in the distant past we believe that your 2023 blood giving experience will be smooth, painless and will give you the satisfaction of giving someone a gift that few can duplicate! Call Bill, Pamela, or sign up here today.