From President Frank H. Wu and Chief Diversity Officer/Dean of Diversity Jerima DeWese:

We write with an update about the hate symbols found recently in Delany Hall. The official investigation has proceeded to the point where it is appropriate to share that the scrawls on a bulletin board consisted of a swastika and the words “KKK lives.” The term “graffiti” does not communicate adequately the ugliness of this defacement of our beautiful campus. We are mindful that the anniversary of the January 6 attack on the nation’s capital and the sentencing for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery coincided with discovery of these symbols.

We Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Condemn Hate
As we prepare to celebrate the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, we want to say emphatically how much we appreciate the individuals who do the work, day in day out, of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, even as they face threats such as this one. A swastika and reference to the KKK are rightly taken as threats—all are threatened by hate speech and actions, and some feel it especially due to the wrongs of history. These symbols invoke the leading symbol of Nazism and celebrate an openly white supremacist organization, and as such, are clearly hateful, antisemitic, and racist. One swastika is one too many; praise for the KKK is antithetical to our shared values. We thank the Queens College Foundation Board for swiftly passing a resolution condemning these acts of vandalism and expressions of intolerance and supporting the college’s efforts to address this matter.

We are Coming Together to Combat Hate
We have begun meeting with colleagues whose offices are housed in Delany Hall. Together with Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Jennifer Jarvis, we are discussing the more general concerns of faculty, staff, and students. It is our hope that the community will come together against the common enemies of not only hate but also indifference. There is no ambiguity about how we perceive this situation. We also reported on the response of the Public Safety team. That includes investigation, remediation, and ongoing protection of the safety of everyone in Delany Hall. In addition the Office of Public Safety has alerted NYPD Community Affairs officers about this incident. We are strengthening the training of Public Safety officers on how to respond to hate. Meetings with constituencies in our campus community will continue with the objective of creating support for what our strategic plan states is our goal: to have meaningful participation in the activities of Queens College by people of all backgrounds.

Delany Hall Programs Reflect Queens College’s Core Values
It is important to note that the Percy E. Sutton SEEK program, founded in 1966, is one of the primary occupants of Delany Hall. We are so proud of SEEK as the embodiment of what makes Queens College great as they work to ensure access to higher education by training and mentoring participants in the program. Also housed in Delany Hall is the Center for Ethnic, Racial and Religious Understanding (CERRU) at Queens College. CERRU is a diversity education center that provides nonviolent communication tools to bridge social differences and create a more equitable society. Their work is needed now more than ever. Another vital program in the building is Africana Studies, an interdisciplinary program with course offerings that critically and systematically examine the cultures, histories, and experiences of Black people worldwide. These are just a few examples of the valued programs in Delany Hall. There is also a wonderful collection of art in Delany Hall, which embraces diversity, and we know these works have great significance to our community.

Chief Diversity Officer/Dean of Diversity
The creation of the cabinet-level position last November of Chief Diversity Officer/Dean of Diversity—the first with the Dean of Diversity portfolio in the CUNY system—is itself a tangible means of implementing our ideals. Our investment in this position reflects the priority that Queens College places on diversity, equity, and inclusion and allows us to greatly expand our activities in this area.

How to Report Incidents/QC Offers Support
We urge anyone who encounters anything such as these scrawls to report it to the Office of Public Safety by calling 718-997-5912. As previously communicated, individuals who have been affected by this incident, or anything similar, may find support in the following ways: Students should contact Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Jennifer Jarvis by emailing [email protected] or calling 718 997-5500; faculty and staff are encouraged to reach out to CUNY's Employee Assistance Plan Provider, CCA. CCA is available by phone 24/7 at (800) 833-8707 or by logging in to (use company code “cuny”). CCA also provides telehealth options and other resources for those needing assistance. We will make an announcement soon about specialists who will be available.

Working Together for a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Community
Queens College is committed to fostering a community based on respect for others. Every person has the right to non-discrimination, affirmative actions, diversity, and inclusion. Consistent with this commitment and with all applicable laws, it is the policy of the college to promote an environment free from discrimination and not to tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment in any form and to provide those who feel that they are victims of discrimination with mechanisms for seeking redress. Please see the following CUNY policies that reflect this commitment:
Any individual, group, or entity found to be in violation of our campus and CUNY policies will be subject to the applicable consequences, including disciplinary action.

We are confident that we will succeed in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion by working together. Please feel free to reach out by emailing Dean DeWese at [email protected].

Stay safe and be well.
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