Kenzie’s View
Happy January and Happy New Year everyone! Christmas went by so fast, but we have to get ready for the new year. 2024 is going to be our year to do our best in work, school, etc. Our planet and community depends on all of us, so it is important to be our best selves in the new year. I suggest setting personal goals for yourself and trying hard to achieve them. If you do not know what kind of goals to set for yourself, I have lots of ideas to share with you!
In my mind, there are three types of goals; physical, mental, and habits.
Physical goals are goals you want to train your body to achieve. For example, I have a goal to run a mile in under eight minutes. Physical goals are probably my favorite because you get to work hard and push your body to its limits.
Mental goals include having a more kind, patient, or otherwise improved attitude. For example, I want to work on being more kind to my parents. Mental goals can really bring out the best in people and they can completely change the way you view the world.
Last but not least, habits. This can mean creating good, or stopping bad habits. Cleaning your room everyday is an example of creating a good habit. To quit smoking is considered stopping a bad habit. These types of goals are the most crucial for improving your lifestyle and really helps you to become a better version of yourself.
I personally make a lot of goals at the beginning of the year and I hope you do too! Again, Happy New Year and I can’t wait to see everyone next month!
- Kenzie