October Newsletter
Yesterday was Canada's first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, an important step for the country to honour the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

The non-profit housing sector his being called upon in the Commission's Recommendations, to educate ourselves and our teams on the history of Aboriginal peoples, including the history and legacy of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. This will require skills based training in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism and to commit ourselves to our responsibilities toward acting in a manner that aligns with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). A fulfillment of UNDRIP would include the achievement of a right to housing for all Indigenous peoples in Manitoba, in a manner that is self-determined by and for Indigenous peoples.

MNPHA encourages our members to reflect on the meaning of Truth and Reconciliation, and to consider how we are working towards Reconciliation in our daily work, as we endeavour to do the same.

Fall Education Sessions Start Next Week!

It is not too late to register for MNPHA's Tenant Wellness and Eviction Prevention Fall Education Series! After receiving feedback from members wanting a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of living in poverty or with mental illness (particularly hoarding) we arranged for an education series that will address these important issues. All three sessions are being led by trainers and educators who work with incredible organizations, are offered virtually (via Zoom) and will be held on Tuesdays from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
In addition to the individual bundle pricing, we are now offering organizational group rates for the series. We have a $300 all-access pass for organizations with larger groups who want to attend, and a 35% discount available for smaller groups. For the all-access pass select "group organization rate" at checkout, and for the 35% discount use the code ORGDISCOUNT. For more info and to register head to our education page or reach out to Beth at membership@mnpha.com.

Led by Poverty Awareness and Community Action (PACA), 10:00am to 12:00pm

Led by Klinic, 10:00am to 12:00pm

Led by Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 10:00am to 12:00pm
Housing Supports Initiative Update

The deadline for the Housing Supports Initiative (HSI) Call for Proposals was September 20, and we received an outpouring of incredible ideas, making selection a challenge. We are currently going through the review process with community partners, and are excited to be getting closer to a final decision and therefore to launching several much-needed, innovative programs created by the non-profit housing community. Keep an eye on our newsletter and website for more HSI updates.
If you submitted an application, we will be in touch with you shortly to share results.
Nomination Deadline for MNPHA Spirit of Housing Awards 2021 extended to October 15!

The Spirit of Housing Awards celebrate our leaders’ successes and achievements. The awards will be presented at the 9th Annual Building Partnerships Conference November 22-23, 2021, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Nominate a tenant, volunteer, team member, partner, or leader in non-profit housing by October 15.
Conference Registration Opening October 12

MNPHA is currently planning a hybrid conference, with great options whether you participate virtually or in-person. We're preparing, however, to move to a fully virtual event should public health orders change within the next few weeks. We'll be sending a special conference newsletter with updates shortly.
Province Launches Community Roundtables to Develop Action Plan for Mental Health, Wellness and Recovery

As a first step in the consultation process, the government asked the public and stakeholders to submit online pre-engagement feedback this past summer. Over the past few weeks, the government has heard from many people who had accessed mental health and substance-use services for themselves or loved ones. Often, the issues identified were around the barriers to accessing services such as availability and wait times. People also identified challenges navigating the system and finding their way to the right type of care.

The province is launching an online survey to capture the input of Manitobans, as well as other people with lived experiences and people working in the mental health, wellness and recovery system.

For more information and to provide input on the action plan, visit https://engagemb.ca/mental-health
Affordable Housing Rental Program Rents Updated

Program income limits and median market rents for the Social Housing Rental Program and Affordable Housing Rental Program have been updated. https://www.gov.mb.ca/housing/progs/pil.html (refresh your page if you don’t see 2021 chart titles).
HPC Housing Investment Corporation Survey: Understanding the lending needs of Canada’s social and affordable housing providers

The HPC Housing Investment Corporation (HIC) is requesting your feedback to better understand the lending needs of Canada’s social and affordable housing providers. The following survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will ask you a range of questions about your past and future lending needs.

The results of this survey will ensure HIC and its partners are designing programs that continue to meet the sector’s financing needs.
Click here to complete the survey
New Harm Reduction Training for the Homelessness Sector

In August 2021, the Homelessness Learning Hub launched a new online training called Harm Reduction for the Homelessness Sector, which was created by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.

This training explores harm reduction as an evidence-based intervention to reduce the risks associated with substance use, and covers:
  • Goals and benefits of harm reduction;
  • Principles of harm reduction;
  • Harm reduction practices and policies for shelters and housing programs;
  • Equity-based approaches to working with people who use substances and people experiencing homelessness; and,
  • Challenges of implementing harm reduction. 

This free self-paced training is targeted to frontline service providers, including those in the homeless-serving sector, and takes approximately 6 hours to complete.
Volunteer Manitoba Free Pandemic Recovery Webinar

As COVID-19 restrictions change and mandates are implemented, people may feel unsure on what is safe and appropriate for their organization, staff, and volunteers. Over the past month, Volunteer Manitoba has received many questions about vaccine policies and mandates from individuals in the non-profit sector. To answer these questions Volunteer MB partnered with lawyer Scott J. Hoeppner to offer a FREE Pandemic Labour & Employment Law Webinar which will focus on mandates and policies surrounding COVID-19 and what organizations can ask of employees, volunteers and participants. For more information and to register click here.
CHF Canada Virtual Education Series

CHF Canada is offering virtual workshops on October 2 and 7 for those based in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Your registration gives you access to 3 live online workshops and 4 recorded sessions focused on governance, community building and more.
“It is so important to keep up with our education and training during these unusual times,” notes Blair Hamilton, CHF Canada’s Prairies Regional Manager. "Not only does it give us tools to deal with these challenges, but it keeps us focused and centered on our core purpose – democratic control over our housing.”

For more information click here.
Full Time Caretaker Position

Ten Ten Sinclair Housing, a non-profit consumer driven organization that provides housing and attendant care services to support people with physical disabilities to live independently in the community, is hiring a Full Time Live-in Caretaker. For the full job posting click here.
The Jubilee Fund has provided a loan guarantee to Harriet Street Seniors Housing, which aims to be the first non-profit affordable housing developed in the West Alexander neighbourhood in a generation. They hosted an “open house” on their vacant lot to build support for and interest in the project.

No idea is too big or too small for picture of the month for November's newsletter