Northwood School Laker

February 16, 2024

2024 Literary Magazine

Students are invited to submit original writing to the literary magazine, which will be published at the end of the year. Students may email their poems, stories, plays, or essays to their classroom teacher or to Ms. Carloni.

Northwood School Olympics Week

February 19 - 23

News from the Art Room

Preschool had a Valentine's Day art class and created stained glass inspired hearts.

1st grade created giant patterned hearts that took over the whole stairwell wall!

5th Grade finished their tints, tones and shades project where they had to pick one color and use white, grey and black paint to mix together their tints, tones and shades with their color choice. 

7th Grade finished their Complementary Color project where they had to design 6 boxes and paint each box with the correct complementary color pair.

8th grade finished their logo project where they chose an artist and had to redesign a logo of their choice in the style of that artist. 

News from Kindergarten

The kindergarten classes want to say thank you to everyone that came and watched our Nursery Rhyme Show. It is also available to watch on YouTube via the school website if you missed it. We are all so proud of our littlest performers!

School & Community Information

Upcycled Mini Houses Club

       For 3rd and 4th graders

Do you enjoy miniature things? 

Have you ever made your own dollhouse or fairy house? 

Do you enjoy being creative and having fun?

Join our club and use upcycled materials to create your own unique dollhouse, fairy house, or miniature scene!

See Ms. Mawn with questions and to get a permission slip!

Morning Mile Walking Club

Who: Students K-5th grade

When: Monday-Thursday 7:40-8:05

       March 4th- April 18th

Where: Gym

Bring: Sneakers 

Looking to get active this spring?

Beginning March 4th Ms. McConnell and Ms. Boudreau will be starting a morning walking club for students k-5. To sign up students must have a signed parent permission form, available from students' classroom teachers (due 2/23). Space is limited to 25. Come join us as we walk a mile each morning and socialize with friends before school each morning.

Class of 2025 Fundraiser

Join us at Woods Grille,

4-7PM, March 4, 2024!

Come help the current 7th grade class at Northwood School raise funds for their 8th grade class trip. They hope to make a memorable experience next year and need your help!  

Woods Grill is located at 284 1st New Hampshire Turnpike, Northwood, NH. We hope you'll come enjoy a night of fun, a special menu, and a raffle!

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

February 21 - Sports Awards, 4:30 - 5:30

February 21 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 26 - March 1 - February vacation

March 6 - School Board meeting, 6:30

March 12 - Voting day, no school for students

March 14 - Internet Safety Presentation, 6:00 - 7:30

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
