Family Building Blocks thanks Westminster for "caring for babies and toddlers from the bottom up"! Thank you to everyone who donated diapers and wipes.
Prayers for
Evelyn Aiken, Darrell Tallman, Pat Randle, and Lois Parker, who are all transitioning in their housing and care needs.
Bert Huber, who faces a new diagnosis.
Teri Mohney and family at the passing of her dad this past week.
**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.
The Cancer Resource Center provides free head coverings to patients undergoing cancer treatment. We have wigs, hats, and scarves to give to patients no matter where they are being treated. As the weather warms up, some patients ask for scarves rather than a wig. This year we have very few large square head scarves. If you have a large head scarf you do not wear, would you please donate it? You can take it to the CRC in building C at Salem Hospital or you can drop it off in the church office. I will take the donations to the CRC. If you have questions, or would like to learn about the blessings of volunteering in the CRC, please contact Lynnea Lyman.
Please, remember to bring your pillow case fabric this week. We need to start planning on how many cases we can make for Doernbecher.