Return to In-Person Gatherings Sun Mar 6

COVID case rates are on the decline in Westchester County, down 90% from a peak in mid-January, and we just crossed the threshold out of’s “Very High Risk” category on Thu Feb 10 as the daily case rate came back below 25 per 100k residents. With this good news, the COVID Safety Committee has recommended, and the Board has approved, a plan to return to in-person gathering on Sun Mar 6, barring any new surges. We will largely keep our previous protocols in place, including supporting hybrid in-person/streaming access for the foreseeable future.

While we will stick with our established vaccination, masking, and distancing protocols, there are few changes we’ll be making to loosen some restrictions. First, we’ll no longer require people to “hum only” during hymns – while people must continue to be masked and distanced in the sanctuary, we’ll return to singing along. Second, we'll more actively encourage folks who are interested to socialize in the Sanctuary after service. While we won’t be serving coffee and asking everyone to remain masked, we’ll soon encourage a return to “Coffee-Free Coffee Hour” after service. As the weather warms, we’ll also look into outdoor coffee service as an option.

We all look forward to reconnecting, and while we expect COVID to continue to be a presence for some time, we're hopeful that the worst of the waves are now behind us as we navigate the “new normal.” Thanks to all for consideration and support in these difficult times!

Christian Force
Co-Chair, CUUC COVID Safety Committee