May Newsletter

A Message From Rev. Dr. Michael Smith

Hello Family,

We are about to enter into a very exciting season of discernment for our church and its continued mission of “Followers of Jesus sharing God’s love, one relationship at a time.” Your Session will be having a special called meeting on May 21st to begin looking at our goals for the next 1-3 years. The session will be discussing the remodeling of our sanctuary, how we will continue to house and expand our fruitful Food Pantry mission, our three annual offerings (Fall Grow, Christmas Hope, Easter Joy), and the funding for staff and future maintenance concerns (boilers, air conditioning, etc.). 

As a Pastor Outreach for John Knox Presbyterian Church, and approved by the Session, I began serving in 2022 on the Board of Heritage Christian School. My serving currently consists of chairing the Board Development Team. Heritage received a matching grant of $50,000 for years 2023-2025 and $25,000 for year 2026 from Christ Foundation for their teachers. Currently, Heritage teachers make fifty percent less than a Canton Public school teacher for the same position. Staff turnover is a bit high due to teachers trying to survive financially. The Christ Foundation has a heart to encourage these teachers to keep educating our children in a Christian setting while trying to find ways to minimize these financial concerns for the school and teachers. 

Heritage Christian School in located in the old Lincoln High School. They teach children K-8 currently and have hopes to restore to teaching 9-12 in the future. The school’s mission is “To provide academic excellence grounded in Christian education and values,” while learning how much God loves them. Romans 8:37 says, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” 

I would like to personally invite you to join me in our church’s outreach mission into our community. On Thursday, May 25th, the Board of Heritage School is hosting a “Teacher Match Breakfast” catered by Athens Restaurant. You will hear one teacher’s testimony (why she serves as a teacher), a student (why I Iove my teacher), and hear a memorable recitation of the Heritage Declaration by the fifth graders. 

This breakfast is held at Heritage Christian School, 2107 6th Street SW, Canton. Please RSVP to Todd Bentzel, 330-452-8271 Ext. 318 or email, or let me know. I will be making a brief presentation at this breakfast. 

Finally, the National Day of Prayer for 2023 is May 4th. Our sanctuary will be open for prayer and please consider fasting on this day for all of the above, for God’s glory, and for our unified mission for our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is Enough, 

Pastor Mike 

PCUSA Polity

The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church - Book of Order 

Identifies the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity

The Theology of Christian Worship

W-1.0303: Symbols

Certain biblical images have come to have deeper significance, multiple associations, and lasting meaning for the people of God. We call these symbols. There are numerous examples in the Old Testament—tree, temple, rainbow, river, sheep, scroll, building, body. New Testament writers drew on this treasury of common meaning to convey their under- standing of Christ, the gospel, the Church, and the realm of God. Certain prominent sym- bols from Scripture, such as light, book, water, bread, cup, and cross, play an important role in Christian worship. Such things are not objects to be worshiped, but signs that point to the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

We come to know God’s Word more fully when it is both proclaimed and enacted in worship. The Old Testament describes symbolic actions in worship—fasting and feasting, rejoicing and lamenting, dancing and singing, marking and anointing, cleansing and offer- ing, doing justice and showing mercy. The Gospels demonstrate how Jesus brought new meaning to existing practices of faith—especially baptism and breaking bread—and trans- formed ordinary acts of compassion—healing the sick, giving alms to the poor, feeding the hungry, and washing feet—into new ways of serving God. Christian worship includes a variety of symbolic actions, with strong ties to these and other biblical practices—gathering and sending, kneeling and standing, speaking and singing, cleansing and offering, marking and anointing, eating and drinking, blessing and laying on of hands. All of these convey the gracious action of God and communicate our grateful response.


Discipleship Activities


Adult Sunday School meets in Fellowship Hall at approximately 10:05 AM. Greet other worshippers and get refreshments before gathering for class. The current study is based on the RightNow Media Series “Gospel Fluency” by Jeff Vanderstelt, and discussion is being led by Sam Martin. The next study will be “The Book of Romans” by J. D. Greear.


The current study is entitled “Seven Letters to Seven Churches,” a study of Revelation chapters 1-3. It is an eight-week study from April 26 through June 14. For additional information, please contact Joyce Greek at or Peggy Fix at


The new name for Junior Warriors is Junior Believers. The group continues to meet on the fourth Sunday of every month and will meet May 28 from 2:00-3:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.

VBS IS JUNE 19-23 from 9am until noon. The title is “Food Truck Party…On a Roll with God.” Watch for registration information which will be available soon.

Thank you to all the JKPC members who have already volunteered to help with VBS. 

More help is still needed. Please contact Joyce Greek or Pastor Mike if you are willing to help.


Young Adults continue to meet Mondays from 6pm-8pm. In the month of April, they watched and discussed “Easter” by J. D. Greear on RightNow Media. New members are always welcome.


Everyone is having fun times at Youth Group. Pastor Mike and Michaela Morris are enjoying leading the group with God centered lessons and opportunities to have fun. The youth enjoyed helping two members of the congregation on their Sunday of Service, April 30, a fifth Sunday. Youth group meets on the first and third Sundays of the month from 5pm-6:30pm at the church. The second Sunday is an activity and the time varies. There is no Youth Group on the fourth Sunday of the month. If the month has a fifth Sunday, the youth participate in a service project to give back to the church or the community.

Below, Jessica and Justine Groetz are having a great time playing in the rain during Youth Group.


JKPC is hosting a “Day of Women’s Blessing” on Saturday, May 6 from 8:30AM-2:30PM. featuring speaker Julie Nelson. Her topic is “For Such a Time as This.” The day will include two speaking sessions, times of singing and prayer, a continental breakfast and lunch. Pre Registration is not required. Visit our website at or scan the QR code on the brochure below for more information and to register and pay for the conference.


Men's Bible Study

The Men's Bible Study, led by Pastor Mike and Sam Martin, meets every Tuesday at 9am. All men are welcome! Please contact Pastor Mike if you're interested in joining.

Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday Women’s Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:45 for fellowship, snack, study and prayer. All are welcome!


Remaining Communion Dates 2023

May 28, 2023 (Pentecost)

Aug 13, 2023 (Summer Communion)

Oct 1, 2023 (World Communion)

Dec 3, 2023 (First Sunday of Advent)

National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is on Thursday, May 4. Our Sanctuary will be open from 9am until 4pm if you want to come and spend some time in prayer during that time. If you feel led to fast that day for God’s glory and for our unified mission for our Lord Jesus Christ, feel free to do so as well.

Healing Service

If you're in need of a touch from God, please plan to attend the Healing Service on Friday, May 26 at 6pm here at John Knox Church.


We are planning to recognize all graduates (both high school and college) in May. Please make sure that you let Stacey know the names of these graduates. Feel free to call the church office at 330-494-9479 or email her at 

A/V Coordinator & Contemporary Worship Director

He Is Risen! What a blessing it is to be a part of the rich Music Ministries at our church! I am always encouraged during Easter to see so many talented people from our church and others share their gifts with us during Holy Week. I hope you were able to attend some of our special performances this season, I'm already looking forward to next year's! 

Coming up at the end of May, we'll be having another Healing Service on Friday the 26th. Many people from our church have been blessed at the past two, it is my prayer that if you haven't already, you'll attend this one and receive a blessing from God as well.

Yours in Christ,

Rob Clifford

A/V Coordinator & Contemporary Worship Director

John Knox Ringers

All too soon, on May 7th at the 9am service, The John Knox Ringers will finish their 2022-23 season and on that Sunday will share a familiar arrangement of "The Lord's Prayer." Thinking back over the past 9 months has brought to mind all of the special music we have played:

* When Morning Gilds the Skies

* A Patriotic Salute

* I Wonder as I Wander

* O Worship the King

* To God Be the Glory

* I Love to Tell the Story

* The Lamb (with slides)

* Near to the Old Rugged Cross

It's been an honor and joy to "Ring to the Lord" these 9 months, and I thank you for all the supportive comments made to the Ringers after the services!

SunnyHave a Blessed Summer - See you in September!

Laurel Walczyk

Director of Handbells

Congregational Care

Visions/Dreams of the Night Workshops

Come to our Visions/Dreams of the Night Workshops let by Kelly Smith. There will be four Dream Interpretation workshops on the following Sunday mornings: May 21, May 28, June 4, and June 11. Each workshop will be from 10:15am to 11:00am in the Comfort Room here at church.

Intercessory Prayer Team (IPT)

When we take time to pray for others, we bless them and fulfill God's command! Many times throughout the Bible we are instructed to pray. We can pray for ourself, situations, problems or concerns and for others. We should also pray with thanksgiving when God has blessed us with a need. Praises and prayers always reach Heaven. We show the love of Jesus is in us, when we pray for others. The Intercessory Prayer Team is always looking for new saints to join us! The prayer requests are sent to your email address and you pray whenever you can. No pressure to pray in front of a crowd or out loud. If this sounds like a group that you would like to join, please contact Kathy Beels, Steve Bertram or the church office. 

Grief Support Group

The following articles and information were taken from a GriefShare Leader’s guide and participant workbook. 


From GriefShare……..We all know that in the midst of our grief people mean well in their attempts to help, but sometimes their efforts make things harder. We also know that while we are grieving we are hesitant to ask for help even though we know it is necessary. Here are some practical tips from one who has gone through GriefShare and he shares how he’s relied on God to meet his needs.

“If you want to experience healing from the pain, wholeness, and peace, then you need the Lord and you need to allow Him to use other people to help. People want to help you and are able to help you, if you allow them and offer some direction.”


Many times people have no idea of what would be truly helpful to the person grieving. They may bring food, when what is really needed may be a babysitter or a mechanic. They may think the grieving person is fine and doesn’t need help—when actually they do. It is important for the one who is grieving to be assertive in this situation. People want to help, so it is best not to deny them this opportunity, which can be a blessing for both parties!


If the need for help is for yard or housework, healthy role-model for children, creating a budget, balancing too many tasks at work, or if what a grieving person needs is someone to listen and not offer advice, then it is up to that person grieving to make the needs be known. In a moment of crisis, it is difficult to say exactly what is needed, but we encourage those who are grieving to go ahead and call soon.

(To the grieving person) BE HONEST

Be honest with family and friends and ask them to pray for you. Let people know what they can pray for specifically and not just to help you “make it through.” Ask them to pray that you will draw closer to the Lord and find deep inner peace; that you’ll be able to extend help and support others; that you’ll experience a strength that you’ve never before had. Ask them to pray that you’ll have the constant assurance you’re not alone.

Asking for and accepting help is an important part of living in a community and being in a relationship with others. Ask God whom to approach for help and reach out and let someone help you. You will be glad you did!


(Keep in mind that this is just a few of the many Bible verses on heaven and eternity.)


Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 

1 Peter 1:6–7 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Let us know how we can help you.

Diana Jones 330-754-7476

Birthdays/Anniversaries Celebration

It's time to celebrate! Our next monthly celebration for all birthdays and anniversaries will be on Sunday, May 7 immediately following the 9am worship service. Please stop by and grab a cupcake and join us as we celebrate!

Thank you again for your support of this First Sunday celebration!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Everyone is welcome to join us May 29 at 6:30pm in the ehurch parlor to knit and crochet prayer shawls and baby blankets.

Ministry and Mission

John Knox Church Food Pantry

Our April 15th John Knox Food Pantry served 66 families and 155 people and reached 16 different zip codes. 

A huge thank you to Joe Vinci and his crew for all they do to serve our local community as they strive to fight hunger.

John and Linda Heater with TEAMS for Medical Missions

Thank you for your prayers for our time in Jamaica in January and February. God’s grace and kindness were evident to all the family during our times in court in Kingston. One man plead guilty and has been charged with 2 life sentences and will not be eligible for parole for 28 years. The trial for the second man was moved to July 3rd. We appreciated your prayers for the rest of our visit that included the J-Team, Bible Training Center meetings and local ministry. The medical team saw 542 patients and gave out 1650 prescriptions. The building team had a great week of ministry in Mango Valley, and all enjoyed the time of rejoicing at the house dedication on Friday night. The team enjoyed meeting Nick and Kezia and participating in the TEAMS Faith Academy programs at TEAMS house. 

It has been great to meet with supporting churches, supporters, potential J-Teamers and friends of this ministry while we have been stateside. We have enjoyed telling the stories of what God is doing through T4MM missionaries and J-teams, about the ongoing ministries that are led by our ministry partners year-round and plans that we have for future ministry. Nickalous Walsh has agreed to take on the position of Director of the Bible Training Center (BTCJ). He has met with the leadership team, and we are very excited to see progress already. We look forward to celebrating Nick and Kezia’s wedding.


  • God’s provision for Nickalous Walsh as Director of the Bible Training Center 
  • Food Distribution, Basketball and TEAMS Faith Academy ministries ongoing
  • February J-Team’s ministry through the medical clinics, building team, school devotions and kids/sports ministries.
  • New friends joining J-Teams in 2023 and for the blessing of the returning J-Teamers as well.
  • For our faithful supporters and their fervent prayers for us and for this ministry.

Prayer Requests:

  • Need for additional financial support for our missionaries, Heartbeat Fund, Construction Fund, Medicine Fund, BTC, Nick and Kezia and Neighborhood ministries. We remain confident that where the Lord leads He will provide but want to be faithful to make our needs known.
  • Pray for John as he officiates the wedding for Nick and Kezia on April 29th and for our TEAMS house staff as they prepare for the wedding reception at TEAMS house.
  • May J-Team (May 5-14) Pray for approval from the Ministry of Health for our medicines and registrations. Pray for us as we prepare for the team, lead the devotions for the team and at the schools. Pray for unity for this team of 12 and for effective ministry in the clinics, building site, schools and in our community.
  • Pray for preparations for the youth teams from Salem Bible Church in June and Bethel Bible Fellowship in July.
  • Pray for our T4MM Board Retreat May 19-20th.

Guidelines for New Missions

The Mission Team and Session have approved guidelines for considering and accepting missions of JKPC. 

1.Missions are reviewed yearly in March at which time new missions can be   


2.Person(s) suggesting mission will present to mission team.

3.Missions must meet all of the criteria: 

  • a. aligns with JKPC vision
  • b. allows for interactive involvement with members of all ages
  • c. long term relationship
  • d. show fruitfulness for the kingdom.      


 4. Mission Team approval

 5. Once approved by the Mission Team, shall be presented to the congregation for 


 6. Session approval


Session Highlights

The John Knox Session met on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 6:30pm. Rev. Dr. Michael Smith served as Moderator and opened the meeting with prayer and devotions. All but two elders were present.

Clerk’s Report 

Minutes from the last Stated Session Meeting (March 21, 2023) were approved as printed.

Treasurer’s Report

Financial Reports for March 2023 were accepted as printed. Our overall budget remains in the “black” even though spending has exceeded income for last few months.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor Mike is now teaching the High School Sunday School class.

Dream Interpretation classes will begin soon, led by Kelly Smith.

Pastor Mike is serving as the Chair of Development for the Board of Heritage Christian School.

Tina Young is working on a social media marketing plan to include in the 2023-2024 budget.

Administration Report

A $10,000 bequest has been received from a former Calvary member. Session decided to put that money toward the Sanctuary Remodel project.

We have contracted with a new recycle company who will pay us (a small amount) for our recyclable materials.

Speed bumps have been added to the driveway for the safety of the children.

Congregational Care

Fellowship events are on hold until we find leadership. Please contact Steve Bertram or Matt Muhlbach if you are interested in leading social events for the church family.

Sam Martin leads the Visitation Ministry for our homebound and shut-ins. Please contact him if you know of someone who needs a caregiver.

Discipleship Report

Sue Carey reminds all women to sign up for the Women’s Conference on May 6th. Info at the Welcome Center.

Our Junior Warriors have been renamed “Junior Believers.” Amanda Wirth is taking over the leadership of this group for our Pre-K through 5th grade children. They meet once a month.

Vacation Bible School is June 19-23. Contact Pastor Mike or Joyce Greek if interested in helping.

Mission Outreach Report

The name of this Council has been changed from Mission/Ministry to Mission Outreach. This better identifies the function of this team.

We continue to make connections with Interfaith Campus Preschool with our weekly Mystery Reader program and with a light lunch provided to the preschool staff.

The Mission Outreach Council is sponsoring a table at the Total Living Center’s Legacy Gala on April 29th. This is a big fundraiser for the TLC.

Worship Report

The JKPC Ringers will play their last Sunday this season on May 7th at the 9:00 service.

The next Stated Session Meeting will be Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Greek, Clerk of Session

Financial Corner

Receipts in March: $30,373.30

Expenses in March: $33,978.23

Net income          -$3,604.93

A Word From The Finance Office

While we were in the red again in March, we remain in the black for the fiscal year with a net income of $20,728.90. Thank you for your continued support!

Budget planning is underway as the new fiscal year is fast approaching. Cheryl and I are working closely together to assist with creating the new budget. Our goal is for the budget to be a true representation of our needs, while also being good stewards of our resources and benefiting the Kingdom in the best possible ways. Please pray for the church leadership as they plan for the new fiscal year!


Tina Young, Financial Secretary 

Cheryl Hawkins, Treasurer

Generous Giving Fruits

You JKPC saints are so awesome.

You continue to give of your prayers, volunteer time, and financial support.

“Followers of Jesus sharing God’s love, one relationship at a time.”

Easter Love Offering which helped local families with rent payment and electric bills

Activities for Junior Believers

Activities on Sunday afternoons

Easter Cantata worship service

Blessed over 166 people with food and prayers

Continued support for our office staff


VBS is Coming!

Mark your calendars for June 19-23 from 9am to 12pm.

We have fun activities planned for the kids.

Look for registration information soon.

Dinner Diners

The Dinner Diners will meet on Monday, May 8 at 5:30pm at Applebee's. Please contact Debbie Wilson at 330-417-0343 with any questions. All are welcome! Plan to come and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch will meet on Thursday, May 18 at 11:30am at Menches on West Tusc. Please contact Linda or Ted Anthony at 330-833-3191 to RSVP or if you have any questions. All are welcome! Plan to come and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Birthdays and Anniversaries


1............Glenn Morckel

3............Dave Greek

11..........Matt DiGiacomo, Bob Smethers

14,,,,,,,,,,Ashley Bair

15..........Martha Boyer, Candy Kovey

18..........Harold Gerren

22..........Dean Mohler

23..........Julia Groetz, Sandra Staats

24..........Fred Tobin, Christina Muhlbach, Jennifer Muhlbach

27..........Martha Gerber

28..........Jennifer Miller

30..........Michaela Morris

31..........Linda Gordon


8............Larry and Lata Wiggins

22..........Turk and Rachael Knisely

24..........Rob and Debbie Wensel, Fred and Nancy Tobin

25..........Bob and Candy Kovey, Rod and Mary Baxter

28..........Mike and Lori Skrjanc

31..........Ramon and Linda Parkos Jr.

5155 Eastlake St NW, Canton OH 44720
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