Free Access for Non-members Now Available
for Q1 2023* (a $4,500 value)
This course- Disability 101- was designed by C5 Consulting, LLC, a leading disability strategy firm with more than 20 years of corporate disability leadership and is a member benefit for Disability:IN DC Metro members. Become a DC Metro member to extend course access for an entire year. Disability 101 is a primer that provides an overview of disability inclusive language, updated to include both person-first and identity-first, and neurodivergent. It provides examples of appropriate etiquette and interaction with individuals using wheelchairs or other mobility devices, individuals who are blind or have low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, as well a discussion of non-apparent disabilities. Audience: Boards of Directors and entire workforce. The session takes 25-30 minutes. It is one of 13 courses included in “Disability IQ.”
“Disability IQ” Series Benefits
• On-demand access anytime, anywhere and on any device
• Accessible, self-paced, and cloud based
• Easily integrated into your existing LMS system
• Create an accessible and inclusive environment for customers and employees
• Expand market share and customer reach
• Develop your Corporate Social Responsibility
• Comply with Accessibility and Inclusion guidelines and policies
• Improve brand image and promotional opportunities
• Unlimited virtual seats per organization each year
• Tracking and reporting capabilities for the organization
Explore Disability:IN DC Metro “Disability IQ” Professional Development Center to view the
course series. For questions, contact The Hon. Katherine McCary, CEO, Disability:IN DC Metro