February 14, 2023

Congresswoman Julia Brownley Visits City of Camarillo

Camarillo, California – Congresswoman Julia Brownley visited Camarillo City Hall today to deliver a check for $4 million to the City of Camarillo for the Bridge Replacement Project at Las Posas Road and Ventura Boulevard, at U.S. Highway 101 in Camarillo.

The project replaces a deteriorating reinforced concrete bridge at the intersection of Las Posas Road and Ventura Blvd. at US Highway 101. The bridge connects US Highway 101 to the Camarillo Airport, regional commercial shopping districts, and is a vital access point for prime agricultural farmland in Ventura County. The bridge offers a main regional connection to Naval Base Ventura County and the Port of Hueneme.


This critical arterial corridor is one of the busiest intersections in the region, serving more than 32,000 vehicles and millions of dollars’ worth of goods and services. Repairing the bridge will prevent weight limitations or road closures at the intersection, preventing traffic congestion and supply chain issues. 

In total, the Bridge Replacement Project will cost $18 million. Congresswoman Brownley continues to work with the City and with Congress to secure all necessary funding to complete this critical infrastructure project that serves Camarillo and operates as a significant transportation node for the region.


Congresswoman Brownley’s office continues to be a steadfast champion for Camarillo residents. The City of Camarillo looks forward to continued work with her office and is grateful for her continued efforts in supporting Camarillo’s infrastructure.


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