Number 222, February 2022
City of University Park, Texas, 3800 University Blvd.
Tracking Crime in University Park from 2001 to 2021
For years, the February Arbor has provided residents with a recap on recent crime activity in University Park. This year, instead of a 12-month snapshot, the department’s crime analyst charted occurrences for a full range of crime categories from 2001 to 2021.

Quick Findings

In recent years, vehicle burglaries, thefts and vehicle thefts have been trending down, while home and business burglaries and bicycle thefts have increased. The fairly recent spike in stolen vehicles (2018, 2019) is partly attributed to push-to-start technology and numerous vehicle owners who told officers they left their vehicle unlocked with the key fob inside. The charts also show, while they are below the number of occurrences for several of the years tracked, home and business burglaries are going up. Here too, much of the time, victims tell officers they left doors unlocked and security systems unarmed. 

Without question, whenever violent offenses occur, including Murder, Sexual Assault, Robbery and Aggravated Assault, they are troubling to the department and to the community at large. Thankfully, over the past 20 years these four crimes are annually few in number, and they are occurring less often when compared to five or six years ago and back even further.


Murder – A person commits criminal homicide if he or she intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence causes the death of an individual.
Sexual assault – Is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.
Robbery – Is the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.
Aggravated Assault – Is an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury.
Burglary Vehicle – A person commits an offense if, without the effective consent of the owner, he breaks into or enters a vehicle or any part of a vehicle with intent to commit any felony or theft.
Burglary Building – Occurs when a person enters a dwelling, building, or any portion of a building not open to the public with the intent to commit theft, assault, or any felony-level offense.
Burglary Habitation – Occurs when a person enters a home without first receiving permission from the property owner and remains concealed within a habitation with the intent to commit a felony, theft or assault.
Theft – A person commits theft under Texas law if the person "unlawfully appropriates property with intent to deprive the owner of property."
Theft Vehicle – Texas law prohibits taking property that does not belong to you without the property owner's consent and with the intent to deprive the owner of property.

It just takes a moment to reduce crimes of opportunity

During the past 20 years, as highlighted by print and online publications that independently report on the country’s safest communities, for cities of comparable size, University Park remains among the safest places to live and work. As you review the annual numbers, please know that you and your neighbors are a vital part of curbing crime. As you are leaving your vehicle, the few seconds you take to remove your valuables from plain sight lessens the opportunity for theft. When you lock your vehicle and you take your keys or key fob with you that helps reduce vehicle burglaries. Likewise, bicycle thefts drop when riders lock their bikes securely or put their bikes inside the garage with the doors closed and locked. For homes and businesses, crime prevention advice is the same. Whether you are inside or not, remember to lock up, and if you have a home or business security system - use it.

The members of the University Park Police Department truly appreciate your continued vigilance. If you see something suspicious, please don’t hesitate to call for an officer. The department’s non-emergency number is 214-363-3000. Of course, if you have an emergency, call 911. 
Water meter shut-off brochure
During last February’s record winter storm, approximately one in eight University Park homes suffered water damage from pipes that burst during the extended cold spell. Although it may be years before a storm of that intensity hits North Texas again, it’s a good idea to know where your household water meter is, and more importantly how you can shut off the flow of water to your property should you need to do so. To assist you, the City has prepared a brochure illustrating the simple few actions that are needed to turn the water off and turn the water back on. Shown too are household tools that you should have on hand to make this process easier.
A PDF copy of this brochure is posted in the Utility Services section of the City’s website, in addition to step-by-step video tutorials.
Severe Weather preparedness
In Texas, tornadoes occur most often in the spring and summer. Storms that spawn tornadoes are more likely to strike in the late afternoon and early evening hours.

Watches: The National Weather Service issues Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches when severe weather conditions are favorable in or near a watch area.

Warnings: A Severe Thunderstorm Warning means that potentially damaging thunderstorms have been detected by radar or are already occurring. A Tornado Warning means that a tornado is on the ground or that there is cloud rotation. 
When a Tornado Warning is issued:

  • Residents should go to an interior room on the lowest floor of the home, such as a bathroom, closet or room without windows.
  • Office occupants should go to an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor of the building.
  • Never stay inside a car. If a building is nearby, take shelter inside. If shelter is not immediately available, leave the car and lie flat in a ditch or ravine. Never try to outrun a tornado in your car.

City’s Outdoor Warning Siren system

Six pole-mounted sirens are located throughout University Park to alert those who are outside about approaching severe weather or other situations requiring immediate action. Each of the sirens produces an alert tone that maintains its decibel level in all directions. Used in combination, the sirens overlap all neighborhoods to penetrate the entire City.

University Park's outdoor warning sirens can be activated for one or more of the following conditions, or as deemed necessary by authorized individuals:

  • National Weather Service issues a Tornado Warning or Severe Thunderstorm Warning with the phrase “Destructive winds in excess of 70 mph or higher are likely with this storm” for the University Park area.
  • Trained storm spotters have reported a tornado in University Park, or a neighboring city that has the potential to affect University Park.
  • Reported hail of 1.25” in diameter or greater (1” may cause an activation for areas or events where large numbers of people are outside).
  • Other emergencies as directed by the community’s elected officials.

When outdoor warning siren activations occur, residents outside should seek shelter immediately. Once inside, residents should monitor changing conditions by checking area TV, radio or internet. Residents may also want to consider purchasing a NOAA All Hazards Radio. This special purpose radio can be preset to activate on a county-by-county basis and is an excellent method of receiving audible alerts, especially during the overnight hours.

Because it’s impossible to know about potentially dangerous weather conditions around-the-clock, residents may want to sign up for Code Red Weather Warnings.

Code Red Weather Warnings are sent when the National Weather Service issues a severe thunderstorm, tornado or flash flood warning. The geographically-based Code Red System determines if your address is in the direct path of the storm and immediately calls with the weather information. Participants will not receive calls when severe storms are outside the path of their chosen address.  

How do residents sign up to receive Code Red Weather Warnings?

Residents can sign up by going to the Resident Hub section of the City’s website at, free of charge. During the application process, residents will be asked to type in needed information, including the phone number that will receive the weather warnings and the types of alerts they want to be notified about. 
City offers year-round e-waste disposal
University Park residents can dispose of unwanted electronics free of charge at the City’s waste transfer station. The City partners with Global Asset to dispose of the items listed below in a safe and environmentally sustainable fashion. The process also ensures that all personal data contained on the disposed items is destroyed.

Disposal site location  

Residents can visit the City’s waste transfer station at 2525 University Blvd. (just east of North Central Expressway) from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. All items must be placed inside the large marked container located inside the gated facility. Before placing the items in the container, residents will be asked to verify their University Park address by showing a valid driver license, other government ID or current utility bill. 
Accepted e-waste materials

  • TVs, computers, laptops, monitors, printers
  • Home & cell phones
  • VCRs & DVD players
  • Fax machines & corded consumer electronics

Security of disposed e-waste materials

Global Asset processes e-waste materials in accordance with the strictest privacy laws and regulations, including the Federal Privacy Act, HIPAA, and state legislation. The company also meets the Department of Defense and National Security Agency requirements for purging information from computer hard drives. Global Asset is the same company that assists the City during the spring and fall recycling events.
Youth Advisory Commission application process begins in March
University Park high school students who are interested in community service and learning about City operations may want to apply for a slot on the City's Youth Advisory Commission (YAC). Application forms will be available on the City's website beginning March 1. The City will begin reviewing applications for this 20-plus member group later that month. While learning about local government operations, YAC members help promote the City's ongoing recycling program and other community initiatives. They also staff various annual community events. Commission members also act as an advisory group for the City on issues that could directly impact teenagers. Following the March 31 application deadline, the City will begin interviewing applicants in April. To be eligible for consideration, students must reside in University Park and be in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade at the start of the 2022-2023 academic year. Each Commission member will be expected to attend all group meetings and actively participate in all designated events. Community service hour credits are one of the many benefits of serving on the Commission.
Friends of UP Public Library Annual Membership Drive
Now is the time to be a part of our story! Our 2022 Annual Membership Drive is underway, and we would love for you to join or renew your membership to The Friends of the University Park Public Library. 
In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, the Friends—with your assistance—has helped connect our community. We recently concluded our second “pop up” of Second Chapter Bookstore, an entirely volunteer run business that sold over $26,000 of used books in under 3 months to support the UP Library. In September 2021, the Friends restarted our in-person Meet Me at Library Lecture Series, inviting local dignitaries and authors to speak about their research, passions and publications on the second Tuesday evening of every month.
Our Members received special offers and benefits, too. Members had exclusive access to Second Chapter Bookstore on days when it was closed to the general public. Members also received the first opportunity to reserve seats for certain in-person presentations, including a workshop on making book art. The Friends will continue to give its Members early and exclusive access to events throughout the year.
Join as a Member in 2022 and help us continue to connect our community. Aside from your monetary donation, we also look forward to receiving your book donations at the Peek Service Center at 4420 Worcola Street, frequenting our used bookshelves at the Library, visiting our kiosk at the Preservation Society’s upcoming Antique Car Show in April, participating in our Meet Me at the Library Lecture Series, and other events we will plan throughout the year.
Thank you for being our “Friend”! You can join/renew directly online at our website: and click the “Become a Friend” or “Renew” button. The link will also give you an option to print off the 2022 Membership Form to mail it in with a check if you prefer.
Upcoming Friends Events (February & March)