Happy New Year
A new year means new opportunities and never has that rung truer for BroadView Talent Partners. We kicked off 2024 with our first-ever podcast, delving into the topic of diversifying leadership and navigating the future of talent acquisition. Christie and I had a lot of fun with this project; we hope you'll take a moment to listen, and retain a helpful tip or two. We also connected three top leaders with the organizations who need them - each of whom started in the first week of January alone. (Congratulations, Britney, Wendi, and Whitney!)
We're excited to keep the momentum going, and while an election year always brings some degree of uncertainty, we are confident that the pillars of executive search will remain true. Remote and flexible work options still matter to candidates, as does fair, market-based
compensation and total rewards. On the client side, we continue to see opportunity for nonprofits to focus on new leader support and on-boarding as well as proper board composition and governance. These facets are true game-changers for organizations looking to attract and retain top talent.
In fact, boards play a vital role in supporting incoming leaders by providing clear expectations, resources, and mentorship. With a little planning, you can effectively support the individuals who rise to these challenging but critical roles in social impact, community development, human service, and affordable housing-related organizations.
Realistically, this need reflects a larger issue which is that nonprofits often suffer from unique internal struggles. That's why our goal as a firm is to help them not only recruit transformational executive leadership, but also address the operational and governance challenges that may plague them [Think: major barriers to a new leader’s success]. We call it recruiting for good!
As we delve deeper into a new year and celebrate three years as a firm on Feb. 1 (Happy anniversary to us!), our hope is that the energy and optimism we all feel now will stay with us all the way to December, bringing a multitude of new opportunities - both our way and yours.
Tracy McMillan, CEO & Managing Partner