–– www.thebluepurl.com | 973-377-5648 ––
Dear Friends of The Blue Purl,

Most of us are running through our days. We click on autopilot, get to work, make lunch, run to the store, whatever your routine is. Do we notice the world of color we are blessed with?

There are events in the world. They can overwhelm. 

So it is up to each of us to take agency over our lives, to make the conscious effort to focus on beauty. It is there, we just need to notice.

This is what we aim for at The Blue Purl. To help you focus on beauty.

Color is a trigger.

It can evoke happiness, love, lightness. 
But then, you know that because you knit and crochet. You know that color is the difference. When you get the color right, everything else can come together.

We hope that the kaleidoscope of colors on our shelves and table lifts your spirits, lightens your mood and even makes it a bit easier to breathe.

How often do we see the yarn reflect the color of our gardens, our loved ones eyes, the color of our childhood bedroom, our sports teams. It inspires us, brings us joy, even if we do not always realize it.
Today, we ask you to stop – and see the colors.

We have a plan. Continue reading and you'll come across a little March Madness color diversion in the works. Have some fun with us.

connect + create

Patty, Wendy & TBP Team

Shop Hours

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 11am-5 pm
Wednesdays, 11am-7 pm
***Wednesday Knit Night 4pm-7pm***
Saturdays, 11am-4 pm
Closed Sundays & Mondays
  • Per updated NJ State masking rules, the shop will become mask optional as of March 7th. While taking in-person classes, however, we respectfully ask students to follow your instructor's lead.
  • We can offer knitting help/fixing mistakes in the shop again but can only spend 5-10 minutes for drop-in issues.
  • Beginning next week, Keri will be on a well earned hiatus for some R&R and will be unavailable until Thursday, March 24th.
  • Wednesday Knit Nights! Wendy is hosting open knitting on Wednesdays 4pm-7pm. This is social knitting for us to catchup with everyone and to ooh and aah over each other's work. We will be unable to provide fixing mistakes help during this time. The shop is also open for shopping during these hours.

New this week...
Brooklyn Tweed - Tones Collection 2022
Expected today or tomorrow (keep eyes to Instagram):

Brand NEW to TBP is Brooklyn Tweed's TONES in 24 colors available in both undertones AND overtones!

"Tones is a versatile worsted weight, woolen-spun from fleece-dyed American Columbia wool into light and dark shades of round and bouncy 3-ply yarn that we overdye to create a harmonious palette of coordinated “tone pairs”."

Weight: 140 yards (128 meters), approx. 50g
Gauge: 4¼ - 5 stitches per inch
Needles: US 7 - 9 (4½ - 5½ mm)

Available in shop and online. The new Collection features prominently (see photo below) in Jared Flood's First Raglan Sweater (Liz is teaching...sign up now!) and Lis Smith's Sparkwood hat.
Swatch to Sweater
Skill Level - Advanced Beginner - must be able to cast on, knit and purl
Class Dates - 5 Wednesdays beginning April 13, 20, May 4,18, June 1
Class Time - 9-10:30 am
Cost - $110 + Supplies from The Blue Purl
Instructor - Liz Braverman
Pattern: First Raglan Sweater by Jared Flood

You see all these beautiful sweaters in the shop and in our social media - and you want to make one but don't know where to start. Well, here ya go - Liz will take you through it step by step...

YES YOU CAN! This will be great with the new Brooklyn Tweed Tones (above) coming in! Also there's a gorgeous sample Tam made on the table in O-Wool O-wash

Please call 973-377-5648 or email info@thebluepurl.com to sign-up.
Beginner Crochet - Spring Spirals
Skill Level - Very Beginner
Class Dates - 3 Tuesday's April 12, 19 May 3
Class Time - 7-9 PM
Cost - $90 + supplies from The Blue Purl
Instructor - Carolyn Hanson
Pattern provided in class

Whether you're an avid knitter who has never picked up a crochet hook (except for dropped stitches) or never worked with yarn at all, this is a perfect class! In these sessions you'll learn the basics of crochet while creating a scarf. Techniques include: single, double, half double, and triple crochet, Foundation chain, scalloped edge & pattern reading.
Carolyn has picked yarn in the shop that will work with the pattern.

Please call 973-377-5648 or email info@thebluepurl.com to sign-up.
Mitered Crosses Blanket
Skill Level - Intermediate
Class Dates - 3 Tuesdays, May 3, 10 and June 14
Class Time - 5- 6:30pm
Cost - $65+ Supplies from The Blue Purl
Instructor - Keri Samuels
Purchase pattern on Ravelry by Kay Gardiner

This dramatic blanket is made in individual squares (great for warm weather knitting :) which are then connected with simple seams. You’ll use self-striping yarn to make the center of the blocks and a plain color for the borders. 

The techniques you’ll learn include mitred squares, picking up stitches and either a 3-needle bind-off or a simple seam to assemble the blocks. Beautiful and fun to make, this will become a treasured keepsake or a spectacular gift!

Please call 973-377-5648 or email info@thebluepurl.com to sign-up.
Openings: Fab Workshop & Zoom Brioche
There are just 2 spots open in both....

Designer, Kimberly McAlindin's FAB FINISHING - Evening session

When: March 7 from 6p-8:30p
Where: In-Person at the shop
Cost: $75

How do I put pieces together, how do I weave my ends in so that they won’t come undone and is there a way to fix something in my knitting that I don’t like?
This class will go over the following techniques:
-binding off
-weaving in ends -seaming (both mattress stitch and garter stitch)
-3-needle bind off

Skill Level - Intermediate
When: 4 Tuesdays March 8, 15, 22 & April 5 from 7- 8:30 PM
Where: ZOOM
Cost: $90+ Supplies from The Blue Purl
Teacher: Carolyn Hanson

Back by popular demand on ZOOM - everyone raved about the close-up hand instruction available by using zoom. Brioche! This is an introduction to brioche knitting. Brioche is a squishy fabric that uses yo and sl sts to make simple and complicated designs in 1 and 2 colors. We will explore brioche in rows in both a single color and 2 colors using 2 different projects. You will learn the technique, and how to read a pattern to start you off on your brioche adventure. Intermediate knitters.

Please call 973-377-5648 or email info@thebluepurl.com to sign-up.
NEW Spring Shibui Tweed Silk Cloud Wrap Kit
New Spring Shibui Tweed Silk Cloud colors have arrived and they are bright and beautiful! We've put together a Spring Color Wrap kit version of our Tweed Silk Cloud Wrap in: Bone, Crete, Trellis, Lotus, White, Canary, and Pacific. What a stylish harbinger of warmer days ahead!
Rios & Rasta
Just out of the box... Rios & Rasta. Drop by or shop online. Finish Feb Fast??
PomPom No. 40 Magazine - Dreamscape
Purchase yours today in shop! Please call 973-377-5648 or email info@thebluepurl.com.
TBP's Inaugural March Color Championship
Introducing our very own color: The Blue Purl by Marianated Yarns in fingering weight Scrumptious HT just in time for NJ Woolwalk! Read on because it's in our game mix ...

TBP's Selection Committee welcomes our very first:

March Madness Color Championship
PLAY TO WIN - or just have fun

Let your vote be counted in-person or electronically. Our webmaster, W has created a tab dubbed 'March Madness' on our webpage to tabulate your votes. In the style of old timey Chicago politics, we welcome you to vote early AND often.) Are we kidding? Absolutely not... votes cast on Wednesdays and Knit Night count twice!

Stay tuned to our Instagram, newsletters or in-shop bracket board beginning today with the Sweet 16 followed by your votes to take us to the Elite 8, Final 4 and finally the National Championship. Word is there's a prize at the end of all these machinations.

The shop's top Sweet 16 contenders, in alpha order are:

The colors go head to head to vie for your votes!

Jump into the bracketology convos (aka conversations). Will there be a wildcard upset? Who knows? Talk amongst ya'selfs. Purpose: Looking to generate some fun. Stay tuned for weekly updates on the count. Remember to vote, vote and vote some more!

The March Color Champion will be crowned on March 31st!
FINISH Feb Fast - Results are in!
In keeping with campaign promises, here are: W sporting her adorable Kabine in lux Woolfolk Flette Bulky & Y wearing her super soft Carbeth Cardigan by Kate Davies in Malabrigo Worsted held with Shibui Silk Cloud.

Remember you have until the end of March to finish your project. You can do it!

And please share. We would all love to see what you've made.
TBP's Bargain Bench
Patty's in full on springtime-Marie-Kondo mode. Come see these gorgeous yarns at hard to resist marked-down pricing. Remember all of these gems are FINAL SALE. Treasures abound in Shibui (!!!), Adrafil and more!
Our Wonderful Community
Lotus Sweater Class - WIPs
Wonderful progress on Lotus sweater. Great work all... keep it up!
Mindy's Austice
Mindy stopped in to share her Austice, pattern by Samantha Guerin in MadelineTosh DK's Cardigan (a Sweet 16 color.) ❤️ the coordinating mask and royal blue top. What delicate lace, texture and fine execution! We see your smiling eyes, Miss.)
Y's Halfpipe Hat
In the spirit of Finish Feb Fast, Y knit up this quick but amazingly soft, smooshy, and warm Halfpipe Hat, Heather Walpole's free pattern with a skein each of Berroco Vintage Chunky and Sandnes Garn Tynn Silk Mohair, a strand of each held together on US 9s. Lots of yarn leftover for a good sized pompom too. Nice way to try out companion knitting with fab results.
Shadia's Vellichor
Shadia made this luxurious Vellichor vest, pattern by Andrea Mowry in Woolfolk Tynd for her lucky daughter. The colors play perfectly with the texture in the fabric. Lovely work, Shadia!
First Cables Hat
Bonnie brought in this pretty First Cables Hat, pattern by Jared Flood, knit up in Brooklyn Tweed's Arbor. There are many variations in this pattern. The stitch definition and the rich colorway show off the cables nicely. Well done!
Felted Clogs - WIPs
The felted clog class is half way to a pair of slippers. Who doesn't love a pattern loaded with tons of short rows? Hubba, Hubba. Felting is magic. You'll see.)
If you like this section, check out our Before & ...After on Instagram - here are a few!
Consider following us @thebluepurl
Allison's Gone Fishing
BEFORE & AFTER… When Allison’s friend in Alaska sent her a picture of a big halibut he caught, well, she had to make him a sweater. Perfect- right!!!? Beautiful in Blue Sky Woolstok. Caitlin Hunter’s Halibut pattern is also available as a cowl and hat. The unisex sweater is top down turtle 🐢 mock turtle or crew neck. Awesome, Allison!
Missed this one during the TP crisis of 2020
.... still funny
❤️ The Blue Purl Team